i don't think that earth is flat and i think that is is silly to think like that, because science proves that earth isn't flat
What science? And what irrefutable proofs have you been given that make you believe the earth is round? And if you were shown those things which you thought to be true may not be true would you believe it? Would you then dig deeper into the topic? So the challenge to you is prove it. Prove the earth is round. Flat earthers have been doing just that. So if the earth is round you will have to prove it and it isn't going to be easy! LOL
Ignore him kazary, in the same way he'll ignore you if you say anything against his belief that the Earth is flat.
Here's a quick list of things that show the Earth to be a sphere from simple observation:
- Sunrises and sunsets - not just the appearance or disappearance of the Sun itself, but also the light banding in the sky.
- Lunar eclipses.
- Comets and meteors.
- Auroras.
- Sunlight hours for both the Arctic and Antarctic regions during summer and winter.
Flat Earthers will come up with many inventive ways to disprove this list, or they will simply dismiss them to suit their agenda.
I hope you wont mind Ill reply to you as you were not directing the post towards me.
The things you have mentioned are not so without problems itself in the globe earth model.
A very few people know this little phenomen. If you look at the sunset thru the telescope the sun disapears above the ground. You dont believe me? Check it yourself. In the Cell earth the light bends upwards hence illusion that sun is going down if its going away from us. The sun is just moving apart from the earth and then hide behind the ball of the sky.
Lunar eclipses seems ok. Its the moon that is problematic. a) you only see one side of it. b) it looks refracted like you would be looking at it thru the glass. c) craters (or whatever that is) casts no shadow. The last one is little lame but thats the first thing coming to my mind.
Those one burn out at the Karmans line. Lets say its problematic at least that atmosphere that is not dense at all create as official science says - a wind shield. The explosion against the thick layer of glass and ice is more appropriate. All of the stuff thats coming thru the Karmans lline(the finaments of heavens) is covered with ice and burned glass not because the universe is mostly made of glass and water but because the glass and water is above our heads.
Official science has less scientifical explanation than the ionized particles hitting the electricly charged finraments of heaven, by moving the air upwards as if blowing the air from the holes on each poles. I know its just a description not an explanation. But its more defined description.
- Sunlight hours for both the Arctic and Antarctic regions during summer and winter.
It makes little sense that a Sun being astronomicly far has more then astronomicly low impact on the temperature away from it in an axis north/south.
Other stupid shit is that they say that wenus has astronomicly high temperature because its not rotating fast enough. Guess what during polar day sun is af not rotating above the poles. Is it hot out there than? No. They will say its because of the ice. Lets say its extremely problematic because you can use the same argument agaisnt it. [/list]