ma znam da mogu, jedino što ne kontam ja baš je li to dovoljno da onda footbattle prepozna metamask kao novi login? Fakat se ja ne kontam puno u ove tehničke stvari, je li fortmatic wallet koristi kao login i onda kad ja prebacim ključ na metamask on to automatski prepoznaje kao moj footbattle account?
Doduše, dok se ne uspijem lgovati u fortmatic, ne mogu prebacit svakako, jer ne mogu d ključa doći.
brijem da ti u fortmaticu ne mozes izvuci "samo tako" prive key
i tu lezi prvi problem
ali pozabavi se s ovim: a user signs up, a public-and-private key-pair is generated on the client-side for the user inside an iframe, inaccessible by the integrated app. Keys are generated with cryptographically secure pseudo-random 256-bit of entropy. Once generated, the key is then encrypted by the delegated key management solution, where Fortmatic never sees the raw private keys at any part of the flow. After encryption of the keys with the HSM, the encrypted key is then stored on the client-side iframe as well as uploaded to the Fortmatic relayer for redundancy, in case the encrypted key on the client-side is wiped out. When users authenticate again, the encrypted private key will be downloaded to the client. Users then can decrypt the encrypted private key directly with AWS, and all Web 3 primitives are done on the client-side bypassing Fortmatic backend. Fortmatic does not know the content of the raw private key, nor does it know how to construct scoped credentials to access the users’ dedicated master keys stored in the HSM.