I noticed that you said it can use about 19 hours of 20 cc2.8xlarge servers, and seems your tutorial is for only one server, so we should do the same for all other servers, right?
Hi All,
I just tried this yesterday and it worked:
http://aws.amazon.com/big-data/powerof60/You will get an e-mail within 5 minutes with the Redemption code for Amazon ews
$100 credits.
You can use it for example for about 19 hours of 20 cc2.8xlarge servers mining Photoshares (PTS)
Current Spot Price in Oregon for cc2.8xlarge which is a 32 core box is
@ 0.253 / hourSpot Price in Virginia for cc2.8xlarge is
@ 0.27/hourHere's how to quickly mine some photoshares:
1. Create a Spot Request for
Amazon Linux AMI (HVM) 2013.09.1, select Compute Optimized
cc2.8xlarge instance.
Put in your maximum price of 0.253. (Don't put in more than the current spot price, as you will automatically raise the price for the next time you want to
create a spot request/ or someone else
I like to check the Persistent Request box so that it will try again periodically if it's not able to fullfill your request.
2. After you request get's fullfilled( usually within 5 minutes) connect to your server:
3. Now, let's set up Photoshares with yPool:
You have to get the latest linux miner from yvg1900 from
You should get core2 version: jhprotominer-yvg1900-M7ff-linux64-core2.tgz
I uploaded it to my dropbox and copied it from there, but if you are paranoid, you can do it yourself
Next, we need to extract it:
tar zxvf jhprotominer-yvg1900-M7ff-linux64-core2.tgz
Now, let's cd into (cc2.x8large box has 60 GB of ram, with 32 cores, enough for 1GB of ram per mining thread...
cd jhprotominer-yvg1900-M7ff-linux64-core2
cd linux64-core2-1024M
You can then run the miner:
./jhprotominer -O ypool.net -u username.worker -p password -t 32
4. Make miner start after reboot...
sudo crontab -e
Add the following line to crontab:
@reboot /PATH_to_JHProtominer/jhprotominer -O ypool.net -u username.worker -p password -t 32
Save the file with ":x" and you are set.
5. Now the easy part: create an image of your running instance: select instance -> Actions -> Create Image
6. After AMI is created, you can pick it when you make Spot Requests.
7. Spawn 19 more instances and watch your yPool shares go nuts...
8. Turn off your servers in about 19 hours...
Hope this works for you.
If it does, please drop me some BTC @
1GU6NwUU5tS8doqfwgEfZR4mfTU7fqo4XFPTS @
PiFDaxqxysKrxKeFbj2HEeGQ8ifvigmfcoPlease also donate to yvg1900 for his awesome miner:
XPM: AW2388DEWNEfMH4rP9kcj9yKcMq1QywYT4
DTC: D6PmUogMigWvXurgFTqm5VLxQeVpXdYQj3
LTC: Lby4YjhcAxhmbsdHFb4nYydrwGoiJezZt1
BTC: 1FxekeK5La7AuF3oxiLzPKnjXyLMrux6VT