I have ignored all those accusations countless times, there is no need to keep posting it. While you and the other kids were at summer camp wetsuit gave me much greater responsibilities at freebitco.in which means I'll be doing all the day to day running of the site. Sadly that also means I'll no longer have time to make fun of your stupidity. I'm going to follow wetsuit's lead and put you on my ignore list now.
Thats a good plan, now you wont know to spam reply my posts off the screen. I like that idea. I wont have to edit them as much to stop you from doing that anymore lol. The point is you've constantly dodged very valid points about these supposed "top wagerers" as having actually won more than they've deposited (which you keep eluding to but refuse to prove) which would be of interest to many others considering playing the 94.06% odd but will not because they are absolutely convinced (for all the right reasons) that it would still be a losing effort. Now if the house edge was lower which would allow for a higher odds percent, it may be worth a shot. But it's not, so it isnt worth even trying. I am 100% confident that every single account listed in the top 10 wagerers is massively in the hole due to the house edge being so high. The statistics also support that because if that were not the case, the previous top players would STILL be in the top 10 (as was seen in the lottery before bots were somewhat thwarted but I still see them showing up in the lottery anyway) in the following months. And thats NOT the case. Therefore COMMON SENSE dictates that every one of them LOST more than they won. The point is, if something is worth playing, the same players will continue to return. If it's NOT worth playing, the players will ALWAYS be different and that is exactly what you are seeing with this 30K contest crap that isnt really a contest at all. It's just a donation to wetsuit.
Well, I just took a look at the last contest vs the current contest and I've uncovered possible evidence that the top wagerers are indeed LOSING as I've said would happen all along.
Contest Round 2 WAGERER ID: 712628 wagered 67.30000000 (about, since its not exact, wetsuit decided to round down so he could skim more off the top, this account actually wagered slightly more)
Contest Round 2 REFERER ID: 654092 always exactly matched 712628's wagering and therefore they are obviously the same person (as seen below in a previous post).
Magnificent how a whale can change your life, if you have one as a referral. The User 712628 is one of User 654092's referrals, because the wager amount is exactly the same. So if this was the same user with 2 accounts that are linked by the referral system, then he/she is winning both the competition prizes. $10 000 for the Wagering Contest and $5000 for the Referral Contest.
Funny thing is, he or she still get the 0.40% referral commission from the referral system too.
on that amount.
Contest Round 3 WAGERER ID: 654092 can be seen in the top 10 wagerers but 712628 is no where to be found. It clearly has no referral account connected to it because no referrer has this amount in the contest atm. The only possible referrer with 38BTC would be 2846681 but it's not because 2846681 and 3035118 pretty much match identically minus a few sats which means he has 1 or 2 other legit referrals that wager next to nothing.
Therefore, it's obvious that 654092 is 712628's last hope and they are in for a REALLY bad month since they will eventually lose it all........... AGAIN. So it's safe to assume that 712628 lost everything and they now only have the referral account balance to work with and are stupidly trying to win it all back. There could be other accounts doing this as well, but the point is moot. This actually confirms everything I've been saying and the bullshit that TheQuack has been spewing about these people actually winning and "cashing out" insinuating that they won anything at all is utter non-sense. These clowns didnt "win" anything. They are LOSING and wetsuit is laughing all the way to the lambo dealership.
An extra kicker to show how stupid these people are.... who in their right mind would wager that much and NOT have themselves as their own referral. Duuuuuuuuuuh. Like, wtf lmfao. These clowns have absolutely no common sense at all.
If there were ever a better definition of unscrupulous, this service (or better put, this DIS-service) would be it and it's sickening to see people like yourself attempt to defend it.