La Havre is still a step away from relegation of which if they had won they would have still be in that position but with a better difference so I don't think it's a very vital game as you had seen it earlier tho the impact of the game is not over looked but then it's actually such that if they don't get they will actually still be fine this season so Nice actually ended up with the victory in their home just as expected and than they were even of a better team and had a bet form a d strength as well as depth as compared to that of la Havre so they had all the dominance but won with a slight margin.
La Havre is a team I had expected nice were going to get a. Wey brilliant victory over but then it's really funny how only a goal was all nice could get which I see as an indication to the fact that they are in their poor form and probably having just too many set back which actually isn't getting them to be able to get productive well enough to appear t he way they have always been as a top team in the Ligue 1.