According to this articles[1][2][3] gambling if done in moderation can give us the following benefits.
Makes you Happier - this is no doubt a known effect of gambling and is backed by studies. It was said that the happiness of individuals rose when they are engaged in gambling activities.
The study showed that the level of happiness in individuals rose while they were engaged in gambling activities. When compared with those who used the television as a source of entertainment, the individuals who gambled were happier. Engaging in gambling as a hobby is a surefire way to improve your life and happiness.
Stress reduction - stress factor is one of the major reason why many people become depressed and possible mental degradation and retardation. Gambling as an entertainment help to minimize this stress. Gambling in moderation is also known for its stress-relieving effect.
For example, when playing Blackjack, you need to take the money winning aspect as a bonus and enjoy the fun of the game.
Stress is reduced by the fun and amusement created by sports betting and playing casino games. Blackjack is an effective stress reliever.
Relaxation and Comfort - relaxation and comfort help the brain to erase any traces of or form of worries from the mind. It also safeguard our mental health.
That's actually rather interesting to know, however it might be more of a comparison between possible lifestyles than anything more meaningful. People who are rather unengaged and just watching mindless stuff on TV might generally gravitate to being less happy compared to someone who is spicing up their day while engaging in a small hobby. I think it does pose a genuine challenge and it is very possible to beat the bookie, or at least have fun trying to do so. However I'm only ever willing to risk rather tiny amounts just to test the waters, although I can see (at least through utilizing special offers) that there is lots of potential money that could be made on a more regular basis with the right strategies.