I am sure most of you have played videogames of one short or another and many have noticed that may offer gambling in-game options - I am thinking mostly of Role Games and MMPORGs - like implementing a casino or some short of fortune game. As an old example, Fallout New Vegas has an in-built game called Caravans, but you can play blackjack, roulette, etc... Newer games that are free to play or cheap to play offer lotteries that award prices such as unique or rare in-game items...
There is currently quite an effort on using these techniques in games that should not be about gambling or chances playing and some people may find undesirable. Is this going too far? What type of effect may this game on underaged players?
children should stay away from anything that allows them to earn money playing because the chances of them becoming addicted, prostituting, stealing, killing for money is too high. most people, because of lack of attention when they were children, have become adults with inappropriate behaviors. I am in favor of restricting games of chance to children as much as possible, we don't want to have more addicted people out there, the disaster that addiction brings is something most of the time irreversible
And the age limit is there for every game but I bet no one is going to follow it, if there is a pop up which are are you over 18? then everyone is going to click 'yes'.
worse is that there are many 18 year olds who still need to mature and have responsibilities and when they are exposed to things like gambling they lose in the world of addiction