That sounds an awful lot like the "love of money" instead of money as a useful tool. Controlling the direction of Bitcoin for its own sake would be futile because it depends on so much for its existence.
Any form of money facilitates commerce, trade, projects, etc. I view becoming a "Bitcoin Billionaire" as a means to furthering other avenues of progress in science, engineering, and medicine - not necessarily the Bitcoin system.
If you were suggesting that these are all things within the Bitcoin economy, great
I suggest, as you have, that like most economies the Bitcoin economy is highly complex. Someone who would wish to manipulate it's direction could have that desire for all kinds of reasons. I have at least fooled myself into thinking that the direction(s) I would like to see it go are generally advantageous to 'the 99%' (for lack of a better description.) I believe I would trade a total personal loss of my position if it meant that these dreams are facilitated, but I would never know unless I had to make the choice and it is very unlikely that I ever will.
On a totally different tangent, you might remember our discussions about the legal ramifications of the MF Global debacle. Somewhere else in at least one of my 1000 posts I mentioned hearing that in the case of a bankruptcy, derivatives positions take priority over all other creditors. (I believe I heard that from Denninger at who has an uncanny ability to find interesting tidbits of info early...and can apparently set up a DNS server to boot.)
You may be interested in this recent Lyster show, particularly at around the 15 or 16 minute mark: