
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 10. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on 2016: Why the GOP candidate says he's not going anywhere

It’s been a tough week for Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

The Republican presidential candidate has spent the week explaining why his campaign still even exists, appearing on outlet after outlet to defend himself from speculation that weakening poll numbers and a cash-strapped campaign would – or should – lead him to drop out.

This week, fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump mocked Sen. Paul on Twitter, writing, “Rand Paul has been driven out of the race by my statements about him – he will announce soon.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Takes An Indirect Shot At Fellow GOP Presidential Contender Donald Trump

Rand Paul, Kentucky’s junior senator, didn’t bring up the subject of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination when he spoke to the Florence Rotary Club Monday, but he had plenty to say about it to reporters afterwards.

Paul, who is mired in the single digits in national polls, took a back-handed swipe at the Republican candidate who is leading most national polls, business mogul Donald Trump – and he did it without mentioning him by name.

“I think the celebrity skew of this race is about to turn,’’ Paul said after the lunch at the Turfway Hilton. “I think you’re going to see that once the celebrity nature of this race sort of fades a little bit; I think you’re going to see it’s going to be a jumble again, a mixture of 10 candidates."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand tied for 5th in New Reuters Poll

511 Responses

Businessman Donald Trump


Surgeon and author Ben Carson


Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush


Former Sen. candidate and business executive Carly Fiorina


Wouldn’t vote


Tex. Sen. Ted Cruz


Ken. Sen. Rand Paul


Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee


Fla. Sen. Marco Rubio


NJ Gov. Chris Christie


Former Penn. Sen. Rick Santorum


La. Gov. Bobby Jindal


Ohio Gov. John Kasich

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Economist Art Laffer (Reagan's Guy) Loves Rand Paul's Tax Plan | Fox News Neil Cavuto

I've never liked Art but he makes some great points about Rand's tax policy and it's too bad that it has been relinquished to Fox Business rather than the main Fox channel so the rest of the so-called conservative base sees it once and for all. However, Fox News the main is now known as the shell game media that it has become since they've elevated frauds like Fiorina yet never mention Rand in a decent light up til now. Go figure...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Interview: Polls are Misleading

Since millennials don't have landline services.. or does anyone know a bunch of mills that have landlines to make the polling legit?

Point blank: (via I'm 30 years old and don't have a landline. Furthermore, I don't answer my cell phone for numbers I don't know. I would say this goes for many of my friends my age or younger. If we don't recognize the number we don't pick up. It is not an effective method to poll millennials via phone because as mentioned earlier we really don't use them for voice anymore. If a pollster wanted an accurate and effective method of polling those 40 and under they might consider conducting their polls via text message.

I'm 33 and don't have a landline yet I'm a delegate in the GOP of my state including the local area, so this polling doesn't shade over anyone I do business with, nor most of my customers at this point. However, I know a decent group of former Ron Paul folk that are entertaining Trump and Carson at this point. This speaks to Rand's strategy up to this point, which hasn't gone so good and we're hoping he's rebranding himself at this point in a large way.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul raises $2.5 million in second quarter

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will report around $2.5 million in donations to his presidential campaign, a dip from his first quarter, though his campaign is emphasizing that more money started to roll in recently.

"Not only are we in for the long haul but we’ve seen an uptick in crowds and support," said Paul's spokesman Sergio Gor. "Since the last debate we’ve raised $750,000."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul seeks scope of waste in agencies’ year-end spending sprees

Some federal agencies do rush to spend all of their money at the end of the fiscal year, leading to wasteful expenses, economists told Congress on Wednesday — but they disagreed over how big the problem is.

“It’s in some ways anecdotal, but also now empirical to the point where we were spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year that could be wasteful. The question now is, what is wasteful?” said Jason Fichtner, a senior research fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center.


A former State Department employee, Dean Sinclair, told the committee that a facility manager for a U.S. ambassador once had to order a truckload of plastic flower pots even though they only needed four, just because it was a way to spend the money.

“When they showed up, they took four of them out and put them around the embassy where they were needed, and the rest were put behind a building and left just to rot in the sun,” Mr. Sinclair said. “Because you can’t let them go, you can’t give them away because of the rules, you can’t sell them, you just have to keep them.”

That kind of spending leaves taxpayers fuming, Mr. Fichtner said.

“We can’t go out and say we have effective government, we can’t go out and ask the taxpayers for more funding for programs when they don’t believe we’re spending wisely the money we have today,” he said.

Philip Joyce, senior associate dean of the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy, said Congress creates an atmosphere of uncertainty in departments and agencies when lawmakers have a tough time passing spending bills on time.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul has 275 endorsements in New Hampshire

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul's presidential campaign remains very much alive in the New Hampshire grassroots.

We’ve obtained from the Paul campaign a preview of the 25 newest members of his New Hampshire leadership team, which now numbers 275 activists.

The list is headed by state Rep. J.R. Hoell of Dunbarton, who was a 2012 Republican National Convention delegate for former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul. Other former Ron Paul supporters on board with his son are Ron and Kate Peik of Hollis, Linda Siwik of Amherst and Kenneth Moak of Northwood.

Also backing Paul are Brinck Slattery of Manchester, who was the state director for former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson’s New Hampshire presidential campaign in 2012; Gerard Svetly, Richard Lamontagne, David Martinez and Leon Dufresne of Manchester; Tim Bauman of Penacook, Jacob Olson of Mason, Andy Begosh of Webster, Beth Ashton of Hudson, Caleb Baker of Greenfield, Elise Ronan of Belmont, Eric Gregoire of Sutton, Jeffrey Farwell of Northfield, Steven and Roxanne Provencher of New Ipswich, Joe and Teresa Connelly of Amherst, Casey Cotton of North Conway, and Matthew Gosselin of Nashua.

“Rand Paul stands as the beacon of liberty that continues to draw primary voters to his campaign from across New Hampshire,” campaign senior adviser Mike Biundo said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Holds Hearing to Mitigate Wasteful, End of the Year Federal Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), chairman of the Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management for the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee held a hearing entitled, “Prudent Planning or Wasteful Binge? A Look at End of the Year Spending.” Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Joni Ernst (R-IA), and James Lankford (R-OK) also participated in the hearing.

During the hearing, Sen. Paul explored the phenomena of end of year federal government spending – the practice of trying to obligate all remaining funds in an agency budget before they expire at the end of the year – as well as identified possible solutions to mitigate this problem, including legislation introduced by Sen. Paul, known as the Bonus for Cost-Cutters Act.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
What do you want me to do, set myself on fire?

"It's going to sort itself over time. I mean, we're in it for the long haul," Paul said.

"That's not a confidence-boosting answer," Montgomery interjected.

"What do you want me to do, set myself on fire? I mean, we are doing what we have to do to get the message out," Paul replied, touting his support among younger voters who he said are being undercounted in the polls. "We think that the numbers are actually much higher than represented."

Paul actually has set things on fire to grab attention in the past. In July, he literally destroyed thousands of pages of paper that represented US tax code using a chainsaw, a wood chipper, and fire, in order to highlight his tax-reform proposal.

He also said on"Kennedy" Wednesday that he's seeing a surge of support on the campaign trail despite what's reflected in polls.
"We haven't seen the movement in the polls but we can feel it everywhere we go," he said. "If I didn't turn my computer on and look at the stories that aren't always so favorable, I would have no idea from traveling on the road that we aren't doing great."

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Wisconsin poll: Rand tied for 6th along with Cruz

Trump 20%
Carson 16%
Rubio 14%
Fiorina 11%
Bush 7%
Paul 5%
Cruz 5%
Kasich 3%
Huckabee 3%
Christie 3%
Jindal 1%
Santorum 1%
Pataki <1%
Gilmore <1%
Graham 0%
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul rolls out caucus state endorsements

Sen. Rand Paul's 2016 presidential campaign is rolling out a set of endorsements from state legislators in caucus states on Thursday, POLITICO has learned.

The move underscores Paul's effort to turnaruond lackluster polling and stay competitive in the presidential race by focusing more on caucus states. The hope is that Paul's push to win over delegates now will open a pathway that other campaigns ignore as they tear each other apart jockeying for placement in the earliest primary states. So over the past month or so, Paul has made a concerted push to campaign harder in caucus states like Maine, Washington, Wyoming, and Utah.

As part of that push, Paul has secured the endorsements of a number of state lawmakers in those states. The announcement on Thursday includes endorsements in Nevada, Minnesota, Kansas, and Utah. In Nevada, Assemblywoman Shelly Shelton, Assemblyman John Moore are backing Paul. In Minnesota, it's state Sen. Roger Chamberlain, state Sen. Brendan Peterson, Minnesota Republican Liberty Caucus Chairman Neil Lynch. In Kansas, it's state Rep. Brett Hildabrand. And in Utah, state Sen. Mark Madsen, state Rep. Jacob Anderegg, and Utah County Commissioner Bill Lee are all backing Paul.

Paul's campaign advisers say they're particularly optimistic about picking up more endorsements in Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, and Nevada. More endorsements in Utah and Wyoming are also in the pipeline, a Paul aide said. The campaign also hopes that its efforts to organize Paul chapters on college campuses will pay off in caucus states.

The endorsements come a day after CNBC announced its criteria for the next Republican presidential debate on Oct. 28 — which look like trouble for Paul. Under the network's criteria, Paul, who is currently polling at 2.3 percent in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls, could well fall short of making the debate stage.

"We feel really confident that we're going to make the next debate," Michael Biundo, the Paul campaign's chief strategist for New England, said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul Jumps Cruz+Rubio In New Reuters Poll

Judging by the latest polling numbers from Reuters, rumors of the death of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s 2016 GOP Presidential campaign have been greatly exaggerated. According to the Reuters poll, Paul has jumped ahead of Senate colleagues Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas. Paul garners 5.6 % while Rubio is at 5.3% and Cruz at 5.1%Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, and former HP CEO Carly Fiorina continue to lead the field.

While the first nominating contests are still four months away, the poll is an immensely positive sign for Paul after a recent slump. His performance at the Reagan Library debate where he schooled New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on the 10th Amendment and state’s rights could definitely be a factor in Paul’s bounce.

The Paul campaign is pleased with the poll, saying it matches private polling they’ve conducted and shows the campaign’s strategies are paying off.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Ted Cruz ‘Pretty Much Done For’ in Senate

Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday said fellow Republican presidential candidate Ted. Cruz is “done for” in the Senate.

“Ted has chosen to make this really personal and chosen to call people dishonest in leadership and call them names, which really goes against the decorum and also against the rules of the Senate, and as a consequence, he can’t get anything done legislatively,” Paul told Fox News Radio. “He is pretty much done for and stifled and it’s really because of personal relationships, or lack of personal relationships, and it is a problem.”

Paul and McConnell have to support each other. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)
Paul has supported McConnell despite their differences.  (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

Paul, a Kentucky Republican who has had the backing of his home-state senior senator, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, despite some tough policy differences, had been asked about Cruz’s inability to even muster the support of 11 senators to secure a roll call vote on a procedural motion designed to amend the continuing resolution to keep the government running.

The Senate’s set to vote on passage of that measure at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, the last day of the federal government’s 2015 fiscal year.

“I approach things a little different, I am still just as hardcore in saying what we are doing, I just chose not to call people liars on the Senate floor and it’s just a matter of different perspectives on how best to get to the end result,” Paul said in the interview.


If I were Rand, I wouldn't want to be alienating Cruz supporters at this point. Thoughts?
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul slams spending bill

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) slammed his Republican colleagues over backing a short-term spending bill, calling Congress a "withering shadow" of what it once was.
"Congress is a withering shadow," the Kentucky Republican said. "It's a shadow of what it once was. Congress has no power, exerts no power, and we walk and we live in the shadow of a presidency that is growing larger and larger and larger."

Paul's remarks come as the Senate is expected to pass a short-term spending bill that includes money for Planned Parenthood ahead of an end-of-the-month deadline to fund the government and avoid a shutdown.
The Kentucky Republican, who is running for president, was one of 19 Republicans who voted against moving forward with the short-term continuing resolution (CR) during a procedural vote on Monday.
He added on Tuesday that the legislation is a "steaming pile of the same old same old. ... A warmed over version of yesterday's failures."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Fox New's Hannity discusses Syrian refugees

Rand basically blames the Saudis but it seemed like Hannity rushed to bring the interview to a close as we can't have the libertarian Paul looking tough on this refugee situation in front of a conservative audience.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul is best of Republican field

There are a ton of Republicans running for president right now. And Rand Paul reminded us in the recent debate that "there are 14 candidates willing to go back to Iraq." That Rand Paul is the only one not in a hurry to spend American dollars and American lives revisiting the biggest mistake in the last 15 years gives me hope and despair.

It saddens me that he is the only one hesitant to get involved in more foreign conflicts, but I am grateful that at least he is there. I have always respected Dr. Paul's fight to uphold the Constitution, but until now I didn't understand that for him, the Constitution doesn't do any good for American sons and daughters that have already died fighting someone else's war. During the debate, I saw a man who wants to let the Constitution protect American citizens from their government, as it was intended, and that includes protecting the men and women in the military from unconstitutional wars.

With so many people running, it is sometimes hard to tell them apart. But the recent debate proved that Rand Paul is unique in his foreign policy. If you don't want to go back to Iraq, you really have just one option. It's a good thing his tax plan is pretty great, too.

State Rep. Shem Kellogg

Plaistow, NH
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio Vote for $400 Billion Spending Increase While Rand Paul Opposed It

Yesterday, the Senate voted on a “stop-gap” spending bill that would have temporarily funded the government for a few months.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio voted for the spending bill because it “defunds Planned Parenthood,” but that misses the point completely. While Cruz and Rubio talked the talk about defunding Planned Parenthood, Rand Paul personally drafted a bill to actually do it.

But now, Cruz and Rubio are using the stop-gap spending bill to drum up support for “defunding Planned Parenthood.” But they’re off-base.

Yes, the stop-gap spending bill did defund Planned Parenthood’s roughly $500 million in funding. But the bill also increased American debt by more than $400 billion. Rand Paul refused to support such huge increases in debt and spending:

Sen. Paul has led the charge against Planned Parenthood and introduced legislation to defund it. This Short-Term Continuing Resolution, however, does everything except resolve the problem– it is a canard. This ‘resolution’ will add $400 billion in new debt over the full year and a $10 billion increase over the budget caps.
Sen. Paul has never voted for a continuing resolution or omnibus spending bill. Since taking office in 2010, he has vowed to vote against more government spending. He will vote no and will do so every time the Washington Machine tries to implement a big-spending Continuing Resolution with zero scrutiny, zero cuts, zero accountability and more debt.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio use Planned Parenthood to drum up political support (but don’t actually propose any bills) and then vote for $400 billion in spending and debt increases.

Rand Paul is the opposite: he actually did propose a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, but strongly opposed $400 billion in spending and debt increases.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New CNN/WMUR New Hampshire Poll

Polled via land line and cell phone from 17-23 September. 820 adults polled, 344 said they plan to vote in the GOP Primary, results of the 344 who plan to vote in the GOP Primary:

# Name..................SEP Poll........JUN Poll......Change
1. Donald Trump........26%..............11%...........+15
2. Carly Fiorina ...........16%............. 6% ........ +10
3. Marco Rubio ........... 9% ..............6% ......... +3
4. Ben Carson ............. 8%.............. 5%......... +3
5. Jeb Bush ................ 7%.............. 16%........ -9
6. John Kasich ...............7%.............. 2%........ +5
7. Chris Christie.............. 5%.............. 5% ........ 0
8. Ted Cruz ................... 5% ...............3%...... +2
9. Rand Paul .................. 3% ............ 9%...... -6
10. Lindsey Graham............ 1%.............. 1%...... 0
11. Jim Gilmore................... 1%.............. 0% .... +1
12. Bobby Jindal.................. 0%.............. * ....... *
13. Mike Huckabee................*................ 2%..... -2
14. Rick Santorum .................*................0% ...... *
15. George Pataki ..................* ............... 1% ....-1
Not Sure...............................11%............ . 21%... -1
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Gets It Wrong on Pot (HuffPo Goes SoCon)

During last week's Republican presidential debate, several candidates commented on marijuana use and drug policy. And recently, Obama-appointed Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor also commented on legalization.
The GOP Candidates rightly expressed concern about the impact of arresting and imprisoning people solely for having or using small amounts of marijuana. Incarceration is not the solution for such cases, and often aggravates addictions. In fact, Senator Rand Paul's praise of drug courts and alternative approaches to law enforcement should be welcomed. SAM will soon be releasing a report card detailing the candidates' positions.

But the decision of Senator Paul to hold up Colorado's model of marijuana legalization as a solution is cause for concern. Colorado certainly is a model-but of failure, not success.
But one major leader did get it right -- Justice Sonia Sotomayor. In a discussion at Amherst College, she told students:
"I don't care what kind of thing you become passionate about, just not legalizing marijuana."

But Senator Paul doesn't appear to be listening. Stopping the incarceration of marijuana users and eliminating racial and income-driven disparities in the treatment of drug offenders does not mean we must legalize another addictive and dangerous drug alongside alcohol and tobacco, as Colorado has done.

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