
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 6. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul discusses the Hillary Clinton Benghazi committee hearing.

Really nice comparison with Bill Clinton & Somalia where he owns the Hillary shill at the end and makes her look like shit in an "eat it bitch" sort of way. Priceless!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
 Rand Paul on FOX's After the Bell 10-23

Lots of talk about Rand's campaign and Hillary's Benghazi situation.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul discusses the Hillary Clinton Benghazi committee hearing.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul protest CISA as it advances in Senate
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's last, best chance is to run against Hillary the hawk

When Rand Paul speaks on college campuses, he has a simple message: "I'm not here to send you to war."

Slumping in the polls and struggling to raise money, that's increasingly the raison d'etre of Paul's presidential campaign. In media interviews, he rails against a U.S.-enforced no-fly zone over Syria that has been proposed by both Hillary Clinton and Republican candidates like Chris Christie, arguing that it would repeat the blunder of Iraq and even risk a World War III involving a nuclear-armed Russia.

"I think it's the world's dumbest idea and a recipe for disaster, a recipe for war," Paul told the conservative Washington Times. And that's why, in spite of everything, he's still running.

"If I'm not in the race," Paul added, "that voice doesn't get heard. A lot of Americans are with me and think we need a more prudent foreign policy."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: 'We can save an extraordinary amount of money not putting people in jail'

Last weekend, I spent the better part of 36 hours following Rand Paul around New Hampshire. The three-day stretch was very activities-focused: I asked Paul about the rising cost of college tuition while he bowled in Manchester, talked about his support for fetal rights after he emptied the chamber of a Magnum .357 revolver in Dalton, and watched as he gave slightly modified versions of the same stump speech in towns from Contoocook to Ashland.

Over the course of the weekend, we talked about Americans’ mounting student debt burdens, his role in the recent push for criminal justice reform, and his departure from libertarian ethos—small government, pro-privacy—on the issue of reproductive health and abortion rights.

We’ll share more from those conversations, but here’s where we started: criminal justice reform and why the young conservatives who I spoke to—people who otherwise said they wanted nothing to do with the modern Republican party—like him.

In a gross dereliction of my reporterly duties, I failed to note Paul’s final bowling score. I can tell you that he did manage to throw at least one strike, though.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Key Ron and Rand Paul advisor [Jesse Benton] acquitted in Iowa corruption trial

An Iowa jury has acquitted Jesse Benton, a longtime aide to both former congressman Ron Paul and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), on charges of lying to the FBI. That decision effectively clears two key Paul family aides who had been under an ethical cloud since a December 2011 decision to pay a state senator for his endorsement.
"I am happy that justice has been served," Rand Paul said in a statement to The Post.

The legal situation was more complicated for Dimitri Kesari, Ron Paul's 2012 deputy campaign manager, and by all accounts the engineer of the Sorenson endorsement scheme. He entered the trial facing five separate counts; he was found not guilty of obstruction of justice and guilty of creating false records. The jury remained deadlocked on three other counts, giving federal prosecutors 10 days to determine whether to seek a new trial.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand's amendment to protect privacy from CISA fails 32-65
Senate shoots down Paul's contested cyber amendment

The Senate on Thursday struck down Sen. Rand Paul's controversial amendment to a major cybersecurity item that the bill's backers said could have killed the whole measure.

The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) would shield companies from legal liability when sharing cyber-threat data with the government, in an effort to boost the public-private exchange of information on hackers.

The amendment from the Kentucky Republican, who is running for president, would have stripped this liability immunity from any company found breaking a user or privacy agreement with its customers. The offering received 32 votes, short of the simple majority needed to pass.

CISA has split traditional industries like finance and retail, which argue they need the legal assurance, and privacy groups, which say CISA will give private companies too much leeway to share Americans’ personal data with the government.

Paul, who has made a name for himself and his 2016 campaign by siding with privacy and civil liberties groups on issues such as government surveillance, has taken a strong stance against CISA. On his campaign website, he said the bill “would transform websites into government spies.”

On Thursday, he took the floor to argue that his amendment would implement much-needed privacy protections into CISA.

“This bill says that if a company violates [the privacy agreement] in sharing your information, that there will be legal immunity for that company,” Paul said. “I think that weakens privacy.”

“It makes your privacy agreement not really worth the paper it’s written on,” he added.

In the hours leading up to the vote on Paul’s proposal, industry groups banded together to strongly oppose the Kentucky Republican’s efforts.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul on Alan Colmes

Thursday on “The Alan Colmes Show,” Alan spoke with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who is running for the Republican nomination for President of The United States. Sen. Paul, who has written a new book called Our Presidents and Their Prayers, talked to Alan about military action in Afghanistan, Vice President Joe Biden not running for President, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) views on democratic socialism, and the problems of the underclass in America:

COLMES: Is there a perception that in terms of your presidential race, that as a non-interventionist, you don’t differ enough from the current President, President Obama who’s perceived as a non-interventionist, where all the other republican candidates seem to be more militaristic than you are.

SEN. RAND PAUL: I think the interesting thing is that I actually differ from President Obama in ways that are very, very specific and very, very distinct. For example, I don’t think we should be bombing anybody in Afghanistan. You know we bombed a hospital the other day and I do blame the policymakers that are still dropping bombs in Afghanistan.


COLMES: Is it good or bad for republicans that Biden is not running?

SEN. RAND PAUL: Well, I tweeted out a snarky tweet, and my snarky tweet was with Biden out I guess we have a choice between socialism and corruption. And it’s a little bit how I feel. I think Bernie is an interesting guy but I think socialism is a really, really bad system.

COLMES: So you’re calling Hillary Clinton corrupt?

SEN. RAND PAUL: Yeah, I think the whole Clinton Foundation thing really, really bothers me. The fact that Bill was getting money from entities that were in the process of selling a uranium company that had to be approved by Hillary Clinton.


COLMES: Everybody’s not wealthy we have a growing 1 percent and a not growing underclass in this country.

SEN. RAND PAUL: I guess but compare, and nobody says it easy for those who are in poverty so I’m not trying to downplay it. But poverty in our country compared to poverty anywhere in the world, if you compare them and economically say what happens to people in poverty. Do people in poverty have a television set? Do people in poverty have an air conditioner? A refrigerator? Compared to anywhere else in the world, to their poverty to their lowest 1 or 2 or 3 percent in their society, capitalism has brought everyone along.

COLMES: Are you saying that if you have a television set you’re not really poor?

SEN. RAND PAUL: No what I’m saying is, that if you compare it to the Sudan or Afghanistan or any of the other controlled societies that the poorest people in our society are probably doing better than the poorest people in societies where the government controls the economy.


SEN. RAND PAUL: I will say I think the whole slate of republicans are better than what we have on the other side. And I think where is a philosophical difference. Socialism does have a home in the Democratic party.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New Iowa Quinnipiac Poll - Rand at 6%

Carson - 28%
Trump - 20%
Rubio - 13%
Cruz - 10%
#5-Paul - 6%
Bush - 5%
Fiorina -5%
Jindal - 3%
Kasich - 3%
Huckabee - 2%
Santorum - 1%
Christie - 1%
Gilmore - 0%
Graham - 0%
Pataki - 0%

Don't care/Undecided: 3%
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)58%
 says he’ll take the job as House Speaker only if particular groups — including the important House Freedom Caucus — concede to a list of significant demands. Ryan is demanding support across the Republican conference and says he wants to be “that unifying candidate.”

However, polling data reveals that a Ryan Speakership would do anything but unite the party.

On two of the issues of immense importance to GOP voters — trade and immigration — polling from the Pew Research Center shows that most GOP voters oppose some of the key ideological stances to which Ryan is devoted. The issues of trade and immigration also take on an especial importance as the Ryan-Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

immigration agenda led to the unseating of former Majority Leader Eric Cantor- which began the leadership shuffle – and the recent Ryan-led Obamatrade push helped bring the base’s criticism of the Boehner leadership team to a fever pitch.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Iowa TV and Radio Ad Blitz - Ticker up

"I'm going to be point blank.

The Washington Machine, the national media, and fat-cat lobbyists want nothing more than to drown out my message of liberty and limited government.

And without your immediate support, that'll become a reality.

That's why my campaign has launched a bold and aggressive TV and Radio Ad Blitz in Iowa during and after the next Republican presidential debate.

I'm confident this TV and Radio Ad Blitz is just what we need to build on my first place showing in the three biggest straw polls of the primary season.

So my campaign needs an emergency influx of funds.

But the deadline is less than 48 hours away and I need your immediate support.

Can I count on you to chip in right now?

With my decisive victory at one of the biggest straw polls in New Hampshire, the Establishment is doubling-down in their efforts to stamp out my campaign and silence my message.

After all, I'm not their handpicked candidate.

My campaign is based on grassroots muscle that's built to last for the long haul.

Your support will give my campaign the vital resources to continue the momentum and flood the airwaves in the key state of Iowa.

With your help, I plan to break through their wall of silence and get my message directly to voters.

So please let me know you're still with me in this fight by chipping in a contribution today.

My campaign and I are really counting on your support..."

.... - If you're a US citizen you can donate.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
100 days to victory!.. Huge initiative from Oct. 24th to November 2nd from Campaign.

Link to details and video from Rand explaining huge grassroots initiative starting Saturday which marks 100 days until caucus night. Let's get going guys! If you aren't signed up to make calls, this is the facebook page you can go to to get started! It's really easy and yesterday I got my first volunteer shirt! They are coordinating door knocking efforts as well on the main site! Post what you are doing here, facebook, twitter, etc. This is the moment that we begin the major pushes until caucus night!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
University of Colorado Denver Students for Rand rally on October 27th

Spread the word!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul to be Staged on Outside Right Podium for CNBC Debate

ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., October 21, 2015—CNBC, First in Business Worldwide, today announced the lineup for the network's Republican debate, "The Republican Presidential Debate: Your Money, Your Vote," on Wednesday, October 28th. Moderated by CNBC's Carl Quintanilla, co-anchor of "Squawk on the Street" and "Squawk Alley," Becky Quick, co-anchor of "Squawk Box" and Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood, the debate will focus on the key issues that matter to all voters—job growth, taxes, technology, retirement and the health of our national economy. The RNC sanctioned debate will be held at the Coors Events Center at the University of Colorado Boulder and broadcast live on CNBC.

Today marks the close of the five-week window for determining eligibility based on national polls. The results were based on methodically sound and recognized national polls conducted by NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, CNN and Bloomberg. The debate will be divided into two parts. The candidates with an average of three percent in this specified group of national polls will take the stage shortly after 8PM ET for a two-hour debate. The candidates who met the minimum threshold of one percent in any one of the specified group of national polls will take the stage at 6PM ET. The full criteria may be found here.

The following 10 candidates will take the stage shortly after 8PM ET:

Donald Trump: 25.22
Ben Carson: 19.78
Marco Rubio: 9.67
Jeb Bush: 8.11
Carly Fiorina: 8.11
Ted Cruz: 6.89
Mike Huckabee: 3.56
Chris Christie: 3.00
John Kasich: 3.00
Rand Paul: 3.00

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Makes the Next Debate

CNBC, the network hosting the next GOP presidential primary debate, released the list of candidates who made the cut for the main and undercard debate stages.

The debate, which will be at the Coors Events Center at the University of Boulder in Boulder, Colorado, will have the following candidates on the main stage: Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). The main stage debate will begin October 28 at 8 p.m. ET.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Greater Palestinian Freedom Could Ease Violence

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Monday that it is within Israel’s power to lessen Palestinian violence by gradually granting Palestinians more freedom.

The Republican presidential candidate said in a Monday appearance on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper” that a trip to Israel in 2013 had convinced him that there is “no easy answer” to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He said he does not believe a comprehensive agreement brokered by the United States -- a “grand sort of bargain” -- would bring a lasting end to the violence.

“But I do think that part of the answer is maybe incremental change,” Paul said. “And I think Israel holds a lot of the cards.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: "over 3,000 students that have agreed to caucus with us in Iowa."

"It shows we’re heading in the right direction," Paul told The Washington Post. "Ever since the last debate, it shows we've been building up support. I think we’re actually under-represented even in that recent CNN poll, because the youth vote is under-reported. There aren’t as many young people who answer these polling calls, but we have over 3,000 students that have agreed to caucus with us in Iowa."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Franklin Pierce/Boston Herald

WILLIAMSBURG, Iowa — Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul often tells people that he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010 because he was so frustrated with American politics.

“Why go from being a physician to a not-so-well respected profession in Washington, D.C.? I got tired of throwing things at the TV,” he tells a crowd.

He tells another crowd in Waukee, Iowa, that “The more honest answer is that I was disappointed. Disappointed in Republicans who had doubled the debt when we were in charge.” Now he is running for president because of his continuing frustration with the path of his party and a “horribly broken” government in Washington.

“We need to be clear what we stand for, not just Democrat-lite.” Paul said. “We need to be more boldly for what we’re boldly for, which is: tax cuts, balanced budgets, and smaller government.”

Those are fairly standard Republican mantras, but Paul differs from many of his opponents by advocating for less government not only in economic matters but also in citizens’ personal lives.

The ophthalmologist from Kentucky says that if the GOP could reposition itself as the “party of justice” and compassion for all Americans, it would be able to expand its appeal.

“You gotta run somebody who says, you know what, not only are we the party of the Second Amendment, we’re going to be the party of the Fourth Amendment,” he said. “We’re going to be the party that respects your right to privacy.

“We need to be the party of the entire Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights isn’t so much for the prom queen. The Bill of Rights isn’t so much for the high school quarterback. The Bill of Rights is for the least popular among us. We need to protect the rights of the minority.”
When Paul was in Waterloo, Iowa, he argued that President Barack Obama has expanded executive branch power too much.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Favorability Trends in Paul's Favor

Franklin Pierce/Boston Herald- Favorability
Carson 69/14 (+55) [+42]
Fiorina 60/18 (+42) [+43]
Rubio 59/19 (+40) [+41]
Kasich 46/22 (+24) [+34]
Bush 57/37 (+20) [+31]
Cruz 49/25 (+16) [+18]
Trump 55/42 (+13)
Paul 48/36 (+12) [-1]
Christie 46/39 (+7) [+8]
Jindal 27/28 (-1) [+12]
Huckabee 34/48 (-14) [+12]
Santorum 27/43 (-16) [+6]

PPP- Favorability (New Hampshire Republicans)
Carson 60/26 (+34) [+45]
Rubio 55/25 (+30) [+23]
Fiorina 53/25 (+28) [+39]
Kasich 45/29 (+16) [+27]
Jindal 39/25 (+14) [+20]
Bush 45/38 (+7) [-3]
Christie 45/39 (+6) [-11]
Trump 48/42 (+6) [+24]
Cruz 39/38 (+1) [+14]
Paul 41/40 (+1) [-15]
Gilmore 6/12 (-6) [-9]
Santorum 32/38 (-6) [+1]
Graham 29/38 (-9) [-23]
Huckabee 37/45 (-12) [-7]
Pataki 20/34 (-14) [-5]
Graham 27/46 (-19) [-21]
Pataki 14/46 (-32) [-21]
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