
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 9. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on The Kelly File 9:00 ET - FOXnews channel

Great interview with the Kelly sitin host. It's short but worth viewing so I hope everyone checks it out. It's time for the bitcoin folk to stop watching and start the big picture.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Unholy Alliance Between Right & Left To Increase Spending

SEN. RAND PAUL: I just had a vote today where I was the lone Republican to vote against the defense spending and this extra war funding on top of that.

The problem with our deficit is, if you are truly a conservative, you have to look at both the military and domestic welfare. Instead we have the opposite.

An unholy alliance between right and left up here. The right wants more military spending. The left wants more domestic. What happens? They come together and spend more on everything, that is why we are in $18 tillion in debt.

That is why I am the only conservative runnning on either side, because I am the only one willing to cut both...

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Laura Ingraham Show

Rand Paul sounded great on her show earlier yesertday and had a lot of great points to make, especially on foriegn policy which Laura totally agreed with him on. Please watch and factor your opinion accordingly.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Chris LaCivita reverted to Senate campaign.

Paul's team insists the candidate can run successfully for both offices at the same time. Just last month, Paul demonstrated his commitment to running simultaneously for both by ponying up $250,000 to pay for the Kentucky GOP to hold a presidential caucus instead of a primary — circumventing a Kentucky law that prevents a candidate from being on the ballot for two offices. About three-quarters of executive committee members signed on to Paul's plan.

Meanwhile, his Senate campaign is staffing up, bringing on Chris LaCivita, the strategist who helped turn around Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts' faltering reelection bid last year, as a senior adviser. Longtime Paul hand Doug Stafford is also advising the Senate bid.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: ‘It Would Be Terrible’ if Hillary Were ‘In Charge’ of NSA

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that he would not trust Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to have authority over the National Surveillance Agency.

In a phone interview with TheBlaze, Paul reacted to a recent comment made by Matt Drudge. The Internet-news mogul said he would trade places with Edward Snowden if Clinton came to power, contending the Democrat would use her authority over the NSA to crush dissent.

Paul agreed that Clinton would not be an ideal person to oversee the agency, but added he is skeptical of everyone.

“I think it would be terrible if Hillary Clinton were in charge of that data given her personal inconsistencies with where she keeps her own,” Paul told TheBlaze. “But I think either Republican or Democrat, we ought to check them.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul "Cut their Card"

Sen. Rand Paul is putting his own mark on the debate over raising the nation’s debt limit, starting a new campaign geared towards getting the federal government to cut what he considers wasteful spending.

Called “Cut Their Card,” the new push coincides with the approaching deadline for Congress to raise the debt ceiling, which limits the amount of money the federal government can borrow. The U.S. Treasury has said the current deadline is November 5th.

The Paul campaign is releasing a series of web-only videos that decry federal overspending – the first two note that the government spends $180,000 a year studying the effect of cocaine on the sexual habits of Japanese quail (which the fact-checking site Politifact notes is actually part of a study on human sexuality).

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul Appears on Fox's The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson - October 8, 2015

Great interview today and they discussed Rand supporting a real conservative to be the next Speaker of the House and to use the power of the purse more effectively against runaway big government spending.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Backs Effort To ‘Get A Conservative In The Speakership’

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, running for president as a Republican, says he is supportive of the effort by some of the more conservative House members to use their leverage “to get a conservative in the speakership.”

In a Wednesday interview with The Daily Caller, Paul made it clear he would like to see House Republicans support someone other than House majority leader Kevin McCarthy.

“They need new blood outside of leadership,” Paul said. “And I think it would be great if they nominate somebody that’s just been elected three times or less. Because I think really the longer people are part of the system, the less likely they are to really change the system. I think the system really needs to be shaken up.”

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Alex Jones Endorses Rand Paul: ‘America Needs Real Change’

In late September, Rand Paul announced that he had been endorsed by eight people: Fox News’s John Stossel; his own father, former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul; Reps. Mick Mulvaney, Justin Amash, Thomas Massie, Cynthia Lummis, and Raul Labrador; and Ultimate Fighting Championship Hall of Famer Pat Miletich.

Paul can now add one more name to that impressive list: professional conspiracy theorist and iodine salesman Alex Jones, host of the Alex Jones Show and founder of

On Tuesday, the reclusive right-wing blogger Matt Drudge ( made a surprise appearance in Jones’s studio while the radio host was on the air. Jones could hardly contain his excitement, and the pair proceeded to have an in-depth conversation about the media and politics, with Drudge warning several times that the United States is in danger of ending up with “Hillary’s brain in the Oval Office in a jar.”

I texted Jones on Wednesday while I watched the interview to ask him if he agreed with Drudge’s assertion that Clinton is, besides being unfit for the presidency ideologically, too old and unwell to serve. “She is too corrupt and evil!” Jones replied. “America needs real change.”

When I asked if there were any candidates he thinks are not corrupt and evil, he said, “Rand Paul for sure.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Puts Clinton Book Up for Auction

Hillary Clinton sent Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul a signed copy of her book this week, and now he’s putting it up for auction.

The Republican presidential hopeful inscribed Clinton’s book “Hard Choices” with an attack on her leadership at the State Department, which is now listed on eBay for auction, along with a signed copy of Paul’s own book, “Taking a Stand.”

“Your refusal to provide security to our mission in Benghazi should forever preclude you from higher office!” Paul wrote, next to his signature.

“Senator Rand Paul is a big fan of fiction,” Paul spokesman Sergio Gor said in a statement. “Hard Choices is a great example of revisionist history. We encourage everyone to bid and get their own copy now!”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Fox News Special Report 10/7/15

This is one of the premiere neocon shows on Fox and Rand held his own very well in this extended interview.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Hopes Targeting These Voters in Iowa Will Lead Him to Victory — and He’s Launching a Big Tour to Court Them

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will embark on an extensive college tour in Iowa Monday, visiting 11 college campus in three days with the goal of recruiting 10,000 students to caucus for him in February.

In 2012, Ron Paul came in third in the Iowa Caucus, losing by 3800 votes. This time around, colleges and universities will be in session during the caucus, a key factor the Paul campaign hopes to take advantage of with its “Iowa 10,000″ college tour.

Speaking to TheBlaze by phone, the Kentucky senator said his message resonates particularly well with young people.

“We think we have a strength with the younger voters and most of the polling data has shown we probably do better than anybody else with younger and more independent voters,” Paul said. ”I think the reason for that is that I’ve been one who has stood up on the right to privacy, the right to be left alone, the right not to have the government collect all your phone records.”

“And I think young people naturally gravitate to that position because young people their life is sort of ordered around and goes through their phone. They are not to excited about the government collecting their phone records,” he added.

Paul also touted his efforts to reform the criminal justice system as something that appeals to a younger audience.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul reaches 300 NH endorsements

MANCHESTER — Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul reaches a campaign milestone today: 300 endorsements in New Hampshire.

The Kentucky senator will be announcing another 25 supporters, with his leadership team in the Granite State now including 26 state representatives, two state senators, and numerous GOP and liberty activists.

“It shows the strength of our candidate and his message,” said Mike Biundo, senior adviser to Paul. “I feel extremely good about where we stand.”

Paul was one of the first presidential candidates to open a campaign office in New Hampshire, and he flew in for his first campaign stop, in Milford, a day after he announced in Kentucky in early April.

The grassroots effort continues as Paul works to break out of the crowded GOP field. He’s built his operation in New Hampshire, a state with an independent streak as notorious as its “Live Free or Die” motto, as a kind of firewall.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Koch Brothers' Short List

Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the Koch brothers’ umbrella group, which includes a sprawling network of conservative donors, confirmed to ABC News that Fiorina is one of the five candidates on the donor network’s watch list.

"Governor Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina and Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are leading a thoughtful and substantive discussion on the issues and we look forward to hearing more about their vision for the country,” Freedom Partners spokesman James Davis told ABC News.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul launches Iowa college tour

Waterloo, Iowa (CNN)Facing sagging poll numbers and questions about whether he may soon drop out of the race, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says he is standing firm, in it to win it and planning to launch an extensive college tour in the key early voting state of Iowa next week.

The 11-stop, three-day swing starts Monday. The goal is to fire up young voters the campaign believes will be drawn to the senator's emphasis on issues like curtailing government surveillance, criminal justice reform and questioning continued U.S. involvement in wars overseas.

"I think that many of these kids are ready to come our way," Paul told CNN in a brief telephone interview. "Our goal is to turn 10,000 students out -- that could be enough to win the Iowa caucus. We think it's an achievable goal for us."

The swing will take the senator to Cedar Rapids, Mount, Vernon, Iowa City, Davenport, Dubuque, Fayette, Waverly, Cedar Falls, Sioux City, Storm Lake and Des Moines. It builds on an initiative the campaign launched in August aimed at encouraging college students to launch chapters for Paul supporters on 300 college campuses over 30 days. The campaign beat that goal, with 340 chapters set up on campuses nationwide in that time period and has added several more since, 15 of them in Iowa.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul: 'Man, are we lucky' Fiorina wasn’t a Cold War president

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) said on Tuesday that fellow GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina lacks the skills for dealing with Russia in the past, present or future.

“Man, are we lucky she wasn’t president during the Cold War,” he told host Wolf Blitzer on CNN’s “The Situation Room.”

“Carly Fiorina says she doesn’t want to talk to Putin and is ready to use force on Russia,” Paul said.
Paul, who has faced accusations of isolationism in his past, said he's "for diplomatic engagement," unlike the former HP CEO.

“People like Carly Fiorina want to diplomatically isolate us and not have discussions with Putin. I think that is very much a mistake.”

Paul argued on Tuesday that Russia’s increasing involvement in the Middle East makes it too volatile for silence between Washington and Moscow.

“We are in very close proximity over there and the last thing we need is an accident where we shoot down one of the Russians or vice-versa,” he said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
I don't understand the hype about trump. He doesn't seem like a person that will reform america's financial problems.
From what I can tell about the average white conservative at the moment is that they're fed up w/ the Obama regimes escalation of immigrants from down south and the via this refugee situation brewing out of Syria.

Furthermore, the lax policy of dealing w/ illegals that should've been deported but instead were just released and then committed more crimes. We can't have open borders in a welfare state, I agree, but I don't trust Trump to really support liberty for the people but rather some authoritarian at a time that the world is crumbling. So, the last thing we need is some hard-liner behind the nuclear controls.

Lastly, Trump hasn't said anything about the Federal Reserve nor the easy credit policies that have put us in the financial fix we're in. He talks about being for smaller government but that doesn't really mean much these days. Only libertarian types are actually for way smaller government as I've learned throughout my years in the GOP.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
I don't understand the hype about trump. He doesn't seem like a person that will reform america's financial problems.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Leads 34 Senators Requesting HHS Inspector General Investigation of Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) sent a letter, signed by 34 of his colleagues, to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson calling for a full audit of all fetal research supported by HHS to determine whether there have been violations of the law and how the agency verifies compliance. Originally stemming from videos showcasing the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s potential violations of federal law, the audit would specifically examine the Department’s oversight of contractor and grantee compliance with laws governing fetal tissue research.

In July 2015, Sen. Paul joined 49 of his Senate colleagues in sending a bipartisan letter to HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell immediately following the release of footage from the Center for Medical Progress depicting Planned Parenthood executives discussing - in graphic detail - the organization’s involvement in the harvesting and sale of the organs of aborted babies. In the letter, the Senators asked HHS to conduct an internal review of the compliance of both HHS and their grantee, Planned Parenthood, with all applicable federal laws, including those prohibiting the sale of fetal tissue for profit. The response received from Sec. Burwell in August was unacceptable and makes clear that a thorough internal investigation of compliance was not conducted.

Co-signers of the letter to HHS Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson include the following: Senators Mike Rounds (R-SD), James Lankford (R-OK), Thad Cochran (R-MS), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Rob Portman (R-OH), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Tom Cotton (R-AR), John Thune (R-SD), David Perdue (R-GA), Tim Scott (R-SC), John Boozman (R-AR), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), John Barrasso (R-WY), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Mike Lee (R-UT), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Richard Burr (R-NC), Ted Cruz (R-TX), David Vitter (R-LA), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), John Cornyn (R-TX), Roger Wicker (R-MS), James Risch (R-ID), Dan Coats (R-IN), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Steve Daines (R-MT), and Ben Sasse (R-NE).

The full text of the Senators’ letter can be found HERE or below.


The Honorable Daniel R. Levinson
Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
330 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Dear Inspector General Levinson:

We request that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) conduct an audit of all fetal tissue research supported by HHS, specifically examining the Department’s oversight of contractor and grantee compliance with the laws governing fetal tissue research.

Research involving human fetal tissue is primarily regulated by the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 (NIH Act), the Health Research Extension Act, and the National Organ Transplant Act, 42 USC Sec. 289g-2. Federal laws make it unlawful to knowingly acquire, receive, or accept a donation of human fetal tissue for valuable consideration.

The Planned Parenthood videos recently released by the Center for Medical Progress raise serious concerns about potential violations of federal law prohibiting the transfer of fetal tissue for valuable consideration. The videos not only raise questions about Planned Parenthood’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations, but also highlight potentially significant problems with HHS’s oversight of practices in this market in general.

Our request to you follows receipt of an unacceptable response from the Department on August 14, 2015, which failed to address many of the substantive questions raised in the July 22, 2015 inquiry to HHS (both letters attached). The Department does not appear to have conducted any internal investigation of their own research practices or any audits or other oversight of their contractors, suppliers, and grantees with regard to their compliance with fetal tissue research laws and instead relied on assertions of compliance.

We request your assistance in answering questions that the Department did not answer, within the limits of your jurisdiction, including:

1. The attached letter from HHS dated August 14, 2015 states that NIH and FDA currently conduct and fund research involving fetal tissue samples. According to the letter, NIH and FDA obtain tissue samples from “non-profit organizations that have provided assurances to [HHS] that they are in compliance with all applicable legal requirements,” and the third parties conducting research funded by FDA and NIH have certified to HHS that they are in compliance with all legal requirements, including the ban on receiving valuable consideration for fetal tissue.

a. Please conduct an audit to determine, for fetal tissue used in connection with projects funded or conducted by HHS, what these third party entities have paid for fetal tissue, how prices are set, and how they determine whether they are in compliance with 42 USC Sec. 289g-2.

b. How does HHS verify third-party entities’ certifications and/or assurances regarding compliance with 42 USC Sec. 289g-2? What kind of certifications and assurances do NIH and FDA obtain (i.e. who signs them, how often they are received, are they in writing, etc.)?

c. HHS’ August 14, 2015, letter states that it also requires these third-party funding recipients to “be able to demonstrate their compliance with applicable legal requirements.” With respect to compliance with 42 USC Sec. 289g-2, what does HHS require to demonstrate compliance? How often (if ever) has HHS invoked this requirement and asked a funding recipient to demonstrate compliance? Has HHS ever terminated an award based on noncompliance with 42 USC Sec. 289g-2?

d. Do NIH and FDA require any documentation to demonstrate compliance with 42 USC Sec. 289g-2, and if so, what documentation?

2. HHS’ August 14, 2015, letter states that HHS has not funded or conducted research on the transplantation of human fetal tissue “in recent years” and currently knows “of no violation of [42 USC Sec. 289g-1] in connection with research done at our agencies.” However, the letter does not clearly say whether HHS knows of any violations of 42 USC Sec. 289g-1 by third parties that conducted research with HHS funding.

a. Does HHS have knowledge of any violations of 42 USC Sec. 289g-1 in connection with research conducted by third parties but funded by HHS?

b. What has HHS done for past fetal tissue transplant research (if anything) to ensure third parties conducting HHS-funded research complied with 42 USC Sec. 289g-1, including verification of grantee/contractor certifications of compliance?

c. When HHS conducted its own tissue transplant research in the past, what steps did it take to ensure compliance with 42 USC Sec. 289g-1, including verification of any third-party suppliers legal assurances or certifications?

3. Please review and respond to the remaining unanswered questions in the attached July 22, 2015, letter to Secretary Burwell and conduct any other investigation of the issues raised about Planned Parenthood, fetal tissue transplant research, or fetal tissue research of whatever scope is possible within HHS OIG’s jurisdiction.

HHS OIG has a reputation for fulfilling its mission through thorough, nonpartisan audits and investigations. We look forward to working with your office to shed light on the many serious and alarming questions raised about fetal tissue research in recent months.


Sen. Rand Paul
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Why are we still in Afghanistan?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, said Tuesday the U.S. military strike that hit a hospital in Afghanistan raises questions over the U.S.'s continued involvement in that country, 14 years after the U.S. first deployed troops there.

Paul argued the U.S. should no longer be fighting the war in Afghanistan and that "the Afghans need to step it up and defend themselves."

"I think this goes to a bigger question and this is the question President Obama should have to answer: Why are we still at war in Afghanistan? What is the U.S. objective, what's the U.S. mission and why are we bombing anybody in Afghanistan?" Paul, a GOP presidential candidate, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Paul argued that while the U.S. "had a clear cut mission" in Afghanistan following the attacks of September 11, 2001, "that's been long gone for many years now."

Paul, whose non-interventionist foreign policy views are largely out of step with his party's hawkish majority, said the U.S. should avoid a "perpetual war" in Afghanistan and said Afghans "should be able to defend themselves" as the U.S. has poured billions of dollars in aid into Afghanistan.

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