
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 5. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul will Filibuster the Debt Ceiling | Fox News

Also on CNN

Says this is the biggest news story of our time right now, domestically of course.

There's a test vote to invoke cloture at 1 am but I doubt most of the old farts will be awake at that point. Rand spoke briefly this afternoon but is likely coming back tonight and going for broke.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Is Right: The Fed Is Increasing Inequality With Its Low Rates

Last night’s Republican debate was supposed to be about economic policy, but instead it was, once again, more about moderators asking gotcha questions. A few candidates managed to get in mentions for their tax plans, entitlement reform or over-regulation, but for the most part we learned little because the questions didn’t seem designed to educate the viewers about the candidate’s ideas for moving the country forward. There was, however, a great moment of economic clarity, thanks to Rand Paul, on the surprisingly overlooked role the Fed has played in increasing economic inequality.

Virtually all economists agree that the Fed’s low interest rates have been responsible for inflating stock market values. By reducing the returns to savings accounts, certificates of deposit and bonds, the Fed has intentionally driven ordinary investors to increase their investment allocation to the stock market, thereby boosting stock returns. Because people with more wealth tend to own more stock, those higher stock prices have led the rich to gain much more than the poor and middle class.

Low interest rates have meant low borrowing costs for large corporations with direct access to capital markets. This low-cost borrowing has boosted corporate profits which also flow mostly to the wealthy.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul press conference in Boulder

Talks about his "cut, cap and balance" amendment that he's unveiling again to hedge this debt ceiling raise which is pending and also how the establishment republicans are pretty much in lock step w/ the left in terms of more, unlimited spending - which is what this debt ceiling hike does this time which is a first ever.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul to Donald Trump: ‘Get out of the race’

BOULDER, Colo. -- Taking full advantage of a restive and swollen debate press corps, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) held a brief roundtable with supporters at the University of Colorado, then indulged a media question about Donald Trump's sagging poll numbers.

"I think maybe he should get out of the race," Paul said.

The students, organized by the Ron Paul-founded Young Americans for Liberty, had no horse race questions. Rand Paul, accompanied by his wife, Kelley, sat between a dozen or so libertarians, a wall of cameras, and a few more students listening intently. (Not everyone in the dining yard was so interested; one student could be told telling a reporter that his name was "Hunter S. Thompson.")

The senator, who has trumpeted that his organization on campuses -- Students for Rand -- has passed 300 chapters, stuck mostly to his familiar patter about the need to reform the Republican Party and roll back the state.

He harked back to a back-and-forth in an earlier debate, when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a GOP presidential rival, said he'd end Colorado's experiment with legal marijuana. "I'm not an advocate for drugs, I'm an advocate for freedom," Paul said of legal marijuana. "This has been my beef with Jeb Bush. I don't fault him for smoking pot in high school. What I do fault him is being for laws that will put kids in jail."

When he faced the media's cameras, Paul said that he would return to Washington on Thursday and "commence the filibuster" against the debt limit deal handed to House Republicans on Tuesday.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: RandPaul: 'The Monopoly on Media Has Somewhat Been Broken Up by the Internet'

Pre-debate interview from and independent outlet as you might imagine.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Full interview with Sen. Rand Paul | Alaska Dispatch News

He discusses the long nomination process (delegate accumulation and stuff) while also saying that Alaska's independent libertarian streak bodes well for him.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Post-debate at CU - John Ferrugia interviews Sen. Rand Paul

Pretty good 2 minute clip about his flat tax and his making sure the drug warriors don't come into Colorado over the cannabis issue.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
All of Rand's responses in the CNBC Debate

Rand was great given the time he had.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
A message from Ron [$1M moneybomb]

Check this video out and consider donating to Rand if you're a US citizen or expat.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul For President Announces Don Huffines As Texas State Chairman

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Rand Paul for President today announces State Senator Don Huffines as its Texas State Chairman. Sen. Huffines will join a growing list of congressional representatives, such as Reps. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), Raúl Labrador (R- ID), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Justin Amash (R-MI) and Thomas Massie (R-KY), and local business leaders and elected officials in support of Senator Rand Paul for President of the United States in 2016.

Don Huffines was born in Dallas Texas and is a fifth generation Texan. Don's grandfather founded Huffines Auto Group in 1924 in the Dallas area which is still family owned and operated. In 1985, Don and his twin brother Phillip started Huffines Communities, one of the largest real estate land development companies in DFW.

Don is serving his first term during the 84th legislative session. A lifelong true conservative Republican, he has served as a delegate to several Republican state conventions and as a delegate to the 2008 and 2012 Republican National Conventions. Don graduated from UT Austin with a Finance Degree in 1981. He and his wife, Mary Catherine, of 26 years have raised four sons and one daughter, active in Boy Scouts of America and all outdoor activities. His trust in Jesus Christ and the love of his family provide Don his daily compass.

The Huffines and Paul families have been friends for decades and have supported each other through many years. Senator Huffines looks forward to working with Senator Paul throughout this election to become the next President of the United States.

"Strong conservative leadership runs in Senator Rand Paul's veins," said Senator Don Huffines. "He is a true constitutional conservative who speaks his mind, and Americans trust him and value his principled, direct leadership. Senator Paul knows that Americans needs limited government, the freedom to pursue happiness, and liberty without oppression, and he is the best candidate to deliver America to even greater glory. He is providing a vision for all Americans of a free natio....n, with less government, and more liberty. He is unapologetically principled in his beliefs about limiting government and advancing freedom and liberty for Americans, and I am proud to help him become our next President."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul slams Paul Ryan over sequestration

Sen. Rand Paul slammed Speaker-in-waiting Paul Ryan over his role in a 2013 budget deal and called into question whether Ryan would stand firm on budget caps during negotiations over the debt ceiling.

“Paul Ryan was instrumental in getting rid of the sequester,” Paul, a Kentucky Republican and presidential candidate, said Monday on "The Glenn Beck Program" on The Blaze Radio Network.

“My question now: Do we really believe that he’s going to use the debt ceiling to get reforms?”

Paul criticized Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, for joining with Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) in 2013 for a compromise that raised spending levels set by sequestration, the across-the-board budget caps implemented two years earlier when Congress failed to agree on a deficit-reduction plan. Ryan and Murray agreed to raise the caps for military and some domestic spending.

“At the time, I didn’t think it was even enough, but do you know who abandoned it? Paul Ryan,” Paul said of the sequester.

“The people on the right said, ‘We’ve got to have more money for the military,’ and the people on the left said, “We’ve got to have more money for welfare.’ So what did they do? They got together and did the secret handshake, and we got more money for both.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Bernie Sanders is wrong Socialism leads to extermination

Rand Paul On Bernie Sanders: His Socialism Will ‘Exterminate You’ Tomorrow
Photo of Steve Guest
Media Reporter
5:53 PM 10/26/2015

Rand Paul says the democratic socialism advocated by Bernie Sanders  could lead to a government that will “exterminate” people who do not follow the state’s directive.

Appearing on “The Glenn Beck Program” Monday, Paul argued that socialism is the “most anti-choice economic system.”

“If you don’t pay the fine, they imprison you,” argued Paul. “If you will not listen, ultimately, what has happened in history, people get mad when I say this, but they exterminate you. That’s what happened under Stalin.”

Paul said there is “nothing sexy” about socialism. Paul argued that none of our rights should be “subject to a majority” because rights come from your creator and no majority should be able to take them away from you.

Read more:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Glenn Beck Blitz: Senator Rand Paul joins Glenn! (Audio)

Great interview by Mr. Beck that yall should listen to.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Plots a Comeback: Fair article from US News

The second is organization – the foundation that will only matter if Paul whips up renewed interest in himself somehow. On this point, the Paul campaign tells U.S. News it is in the process of deploying six or seven staffers from its national headquarters to Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire.

It is particularly focused on students in Iowa, who will be on campus and able to participate in the caucuses on Feb. 1, unlike in previous cycles when the gatherings were held over winter break. Paul has a student coordinator on every campus in the state that's home to at least 1,000 students, and motivating thousands of these young people to caucus will be crucial to his comeback formula.

Paul has 15 staffers in Iowa, compared with Jeb Bush's 10. In New Hampshire, he has 10 compared with Bush's 12. The point: There's parity, even against a much better funded campaign.

As for paying for these endeavors, campaign manager Chip Englander says Paul just completed a retreat with his top donors in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and 30 bundlers doubled-down on commitments going forward. A four-day "money bomb" that followed reeled in $200,000.

"We treat our campaign dollars as preciously as Rand treats taxpayers' money," Englander says. "Jeb's budget-slashing would save more than $1 million per month. We spend less than a million dollars a month already."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul and co at his new Las Vegas campaign office is shown here and is quite good on video.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Resolution for Senate Review on Upcoming Climate Agreement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul introduced Senate Resolution 290, a resolution calling for the U.S. Senate to reassert its constitutional role in treaty review. Specifically, the resolution highlights the need for any agreement reached at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, France, to follow the past precedent for congressional review, established by the Senate’s call to review the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP’s Rand Paul to open Vegas campaign office, visit Pahrump

LAS VEGAS (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul is headed to Nevada to open up a campaign office in Las Vegas and meet voters in Pahrump.

The Kentucky senator is scheduled to visit on Monday and Tuesday, before heading to Boulder, Colorado to participate in the third Republican presidential debate on Wednesday.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] Rand Paul on Cashin' In w/ Eric Bolling 10/24/15

Eric Bolling said Rand Paul would be on his Saturday morning show - Cashin' In. Good appearance by Rand in this vid.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New Book by Rand Paul: Our Presidents & Their Prayers

What is the single most important common thread that unites all American Presidents - such a small number of extraordinary people from different centuries, parties, backgrounds and experiences - as they shoulder the overwhelming responsibilities of the office of President of the United States? There is only one possible answer: their faith.

As a respected national leader and a man of deep faith himself, Senator Rand Paul has written OUR PRESIDENTS & THEIR PRAYERS in collaboration with James Randall Robison to remind us all that in a country founded by religious people, that abiding and rock-solid belief in God has been the key to each and every president's strength.
Senator Paul's inspiring look into the heart-felt sentiments and personal prayers of leaders past and present becomes a powerful testament to our incredible accomplishments: winning the Revolution, writing the Constitution, and leading the world as the most exceptional and longest-lasting democracy in history.

It's nothing short of a miracle, then and now.

Every man who has answered the people's call to become President has looked for and found answers in his faith as he faced the nation's problems, and each president has frequently described his reliance on the Creator in his public speeches, official proclamations and private prayers.
Join Senator Paul in applauding the important role faith has played in our country through over 225 years of triumphs and struggles, justice and injustice, accomplishments and setbacks, war and peace.

In OUR PRESIDENTS & THEIR PRAYERS, Senator Paul stands up to the doubters in this most timely and important affirmation of how faith and prayer have always guided us, and why they must continue to do so as we face major decisions for the future of our country.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Free tuition? What about free cars, free makeup?

The first stop during my weekend in New Hampshire with Rand Paul was Spare Time Manchester, a bowling alley that had been papered in “DEFEAT THE WASHINGTON MACHINE. UNLEASH THE AMERICAN DREAM” posters in anticipation of the senator’s visit. Between frames, I asked Paul about something that I’d heard come up time and again while talking to young voters: college debt.

According to data from the Institute for College Access and Success, seven in 10 graduates left school with an average of $29,000 in debt in 2014. That’s a 25% increase from 2008 when the average debt burden was $23,450. While most people in college are feeling this strain, a four-year education is increasingly out of reach for low-income students.

When I asked him about this, Paul came out swinging on Bernie Sanders’ proposal to make in-state four-year tuition free.

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