
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 7. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
More good news for Rand, the establishment is committed to taking down Trump

Panicked establishment gets ready for war against Trump

This weekend was an inflection point in the Republican presidential race — a moment in which some significant part of the GOP establishment came out of denial and realized Donald Trump might well become their party's nominee.

"The Republican establishment, for the first time, is saying, off the record, this guy can win," noted Joe Scarborough on MSNBC Monday morning. "I've heard that from everybody. I don't hear anybody saying he can't win the nomination anymore."

That doesn't mean Republicans have made their peace with a Trump victory. On the contrary — some are preparing to do whatever it takes to bring him down. Which could lead to an extraordinary scenario in which GOP stalwarts go to war to destroy their own party's likely nominee.

Over the weekend I talked to a leading conservative who opposes Trump. I asked what would happen if January comes and Trump is still dominating the race. Would he and other conservatives make their peace with Trump's candidacy, or would there be massive resistance?

"Massive resistance," was the answer. "He's not a conservative."

Insiders have watched as Trump defied what many believed were immutable laws of the political universe. First they thought Trump wouldn't run. Then they thought voters wouldn't take a reality-TV star seriously. Then they thought gaffes would kill Trump as they had other candidates. None of that turned out as expected.

But there is one belief Trump has not yet tested, and that is the political insiders' unshakeable faith that negative ads work.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: "over 3,000 students that have agreed to caucus with us in Iowa."

"It shows we’re heading in the right direction," Paul told The Washington Post. "Ever since the last debate, it shows we've been building up support. I think we’re actually under-represented even in that recent CNN poll, because the youth vote is under-reported. There aren’t as many young people who answer these polling calls, but we have over 3,000 students that have agreed to caucus with us in Iowa."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Iowa TV and Radio Ad Blitz - Ticker up

"I'm going to be point blank.

The Washington Machine, the national media, and fat-cat lobbyists want nothing more than to drown out my message of liberty and limited government.

And without your immediate support, that'll become a reality.

That's why my campaign has launched a bold and aggressive TV and Radio Ad Blitz in Iowa during and after the next Republican presidential debate.

I'm confident this TV and Radio Ad Blitz is just what we need to build on my first place showing in the three biggest straw polls of the primary season.

So my campaign needs an emergency influx of funds.

But the deadline is less than 48 hours away and I need your immediate support.

Can I count on you to chip in right now?

With my decisive victory at one of the biggest straw polls in New Hampshire, the Establishment is doubling-down in their efforts to stamp out my campaign and silence my message.

After all, I'm not their handpicked candidate.

My campaign is based on grassroots muscle that's built to last for the long haul.

Your support will give my campaign the vital resources to continue the momentum and flood the airwaves in the key state of Iowa.

With your help, I plan to break through their wall of silence and get my message directly to voters.

So please let me know you're still with me in this fight by chipping in a contribution today.

My campaign and I are really counting on your support..."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The Federalist: Why We Still Need Rand Paul

Rand Paul may not be impressing pollsters, but Republicans would be making a massive mistake to write him off so early. The Kentucky senator stands apart from the rest of the primary field in one crucial way: He actually understands the complicated dynamics of monetary policy. And judging from what we’re starting to see happen around the world, this will be an invaluable skill set in 2016.

Indeed, by this time next year, the world could very well be in the midst of a major financial panic.

Look at China, where the People’s Bank of China recently announced they’re dropping the renminbi’s dollar link. To make the dollar peg work, China effectively imported America’s monetary policy, constantly weakening their currency. As global demand for Chinese exports dried up over the last few years, China is trying to bolster domestic demand, which it’s doing by strengthening the renminbi.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul blasts Rubio: 'We're lucky he wasn't president during the Cold War'

In his response Monday to Marco Rubio's support for the use of force against Russian aircraft in Syria, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Americans are "really lucky" his Republican rival wasn't president during the Cold War.

The libertarian-leaning presidential hopeful, who splits from most of the GOP field on foreign policy, told CNBC that a no-fly zone in Syria and military conflict with Russian forces is a "terrible idea" and antithetical to former President Ronald Reagan's "peace through strength" doctrine.

"We are really lucky [Rubio] was never president during the Cold War," Paul told CNBC's John Harwood. "[Reagan] avoided a Cold War by, one, not setting red lines like that, continuing to have open communication with the Russians, having a strong enough defense to repel attack and to worry the Russians."

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
Jeff, Vote for Hillary Clinton, OK? Or some other career pol. You've got Rand Paul all wrong but I cannot imagine there is anything I could say that would change your little mind
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul kicks off 3-day trip in New Hampshire

Contoocook, N.H. —Sen. Rand Paul (R, Kentucky) is back in the Granite State for a three-day trip.

The Republican presidential candidate stopped at Tucker's Restaurant in Hooksett for a meet-and-greet Saturday morning. Paul also visited Contoocook for a house party and Ashland for a town hall meeting.

With 15 candidates in the Republican field, Paul said what sets him apart from the rest of the pack are his commitment to limited government, conservative values, and budget plan.

In the latest CNN/WMUR 2016 presidential poll, about 3 percent of likely Republican voters said they would support Paul in the New Hampshire primary.

“I consider myself the one true fiscally conservative candidate in the race because I’m not willing to waste money anywhere in the budget and I think there's some who want unlimited military spending and really aren't conservative,” Paul said.

Paul arrived in New Hampshire on Friday, when he held a “Bowling for Liberty” event at Sparetime Lanes in Manchester.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Banks on College Students to Win Iowa

Presidential hopeful Rand Paul spent part of last week back in college, touring universities throughout Iowa as part of his campaign’s strategy to win the state by banking on attracting young voters.

At a stop at the University of Northern Iowa, while the senator was live-streaming his day, Paul told ABC News that he felt a little bit like he was on a reality television show.

"I guess you can call it fun," Paul said. "I’m sure I've said four or five things probably that you know shouldn't say on TV."

Paul made those remarks shortly after he answered a question on his live stream about whether he is still running for president.

"I wouldn't be doing this dumb-ass live streaming if I weren't," he said. The campaign later turned the candid remark into a tee shirt.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
10 Questions for Rand Paul: Excellent interview by CNBC

Just like Jeb Bush, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is a legacy candidate for president. He has hoped to hold the libertarian political base of his father, former Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, and expand its appeal within the Republican Party and with the broader electorate.

In the wake of Mitt Romney's 2012 defeat, Paul initially garnered considerable attention in the Senate. In the name of privacy, he battled the Obama administration over national security surveillance practices. In the name of fairness, he reached out to African-Americans and criticized "big government" police practices in poor communities.

Yet Paul has struggled for traction on the 2016 campaign trail. He has drawn fire from some libertarians for seeming to grow more hawkish as the threat from the Islamic State group in the Middle East loomed larger. While he vows to shake up Washington and junk the IRS code in favor of a 14.5 percent flat tax, he has watched iconoclastic candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson, neither of whom has held elective office, seize headlines and top positions in Republican polls.

Paul sat down to discuss the campaign with me at a Washington restaurant. What follows is a condensed, edited transcript of our conversation.

HARWOOD: I was talking to one of your colleagues, who said you've gotten yourself into a no-man's land between the libertarian movement and your party. The climate changed, and you got a little more hawkish, and so people thought you weren't following the nonintervention line. And unlike Ted Cruz, you're not willing to burn down the Capitol.

PAUL: I don't think that's actually true. I think if you look at my performance and strength in a general election, we're actually stronger than any other candidate, and stronger than we've ever been. You've got to get through a primary to get to a general election. But I think I attract people who are independent more so than any other candidate. In fact, when they polled me against Hillary Clinton in five battleground states won by President Obama, I'm actually able to beat her in all of these battleground states.

I don't think anyone questions that I'm the least likely of all the candidates to take us to war. I also have been the biggest critic of our foreign policy, in the sense that, both under President Obama and under the previous president, we've done things, interventions, that have led to untoward results. For example, why are we bombing anything in Afghanistan? What is the mission and why are we there? The right, the neo-cons, complain, "Well, President Obama's not doing enough." And my complaint is, "Why are we still there at all? Why are we involved with a war in Afghanistan when we've put more money into Afghanistan than the entire Marshall Plan?"

I think the difference between (Cruz) and I is not necessarily in resolve towards opposing either leadership or what goes on. Because I've opposed every spending bill. There is a difference, somewhat, in attitude and how I treat others. I don't think that it's appropriate to use the Senate floor to call someone a liar. And while I've had my disagreements, I try to keep it on a more gentlemanly exchange of ideas.

Right now, neither him or myself have been able to win victories. What we've been able to do is to try to point out, and I think the public is siding with those of us who want Congress to control the power of the purse — not to give up our power of the purse and just say, "Oh, well. We can't do anything."

video and more...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
There will always be a Bush or Clinton that will take us back into Iraq–I will not

How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is

To have a thankless… ally.

No one questions that today Iraq owes their very existence to a U.S. led war in which 4,493 Americans died. In fact, American taxpayers are still paying the nearly 817 billion dollar bill.

Now the conglomeration of tribes we refer to as Iraq shows its gratitude by inviting Russia into the mix.

How fitting to heap insult upon tragedy.

We now read in the daily papers that Iraq’s leaders are welcoming Russia.

First, Iraq granted Russia fly over privileges to bring Russian troops and military equipment into Syria. Next Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi chimed in that he will “consider” and “welcome” Russian airstrikes. An Iraqi defense official went further, saying Russia should have a “bigger role” than the United States in fighting ISIS.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Marxist Bill Maher Deceptively Spins News About Rand Paul - like a true psychotic liberal nutfuck

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand with Martha MacCallum on Fox News: blasts 'false narrative' that campaign is over

View it and see what the narrative against Rand has and will be as time goes on. This is the MSM in your face but Rand cleans up quite nicely.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul Announces Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul today announced plans to introduce the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2015 once the U.S. Senate is back in session next week. Building off of the Cut-Cap-Balance effort in 2011, this legislation would cut the 2016 deficit in half, cap spending going forward on a path to balance by 2021, and require Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution before raising the nation’s debt limit.

"Bold action is needed to address our nation’s debt crisis – our national debt currently stands at $18.4 trillion. We cannot keep piling debt on top of debt forever," Sen. Paul said.

Sen. Paul also plans next week to introduce the Default Prevention Act, which prevents a default whenever the United States has reached the national debt limit and prioritizes spending as revenue comes in.

Background information and top-line points can be found below.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Judge Napolitano and Rand Paul Spread Liberty and Freedom Together | Fox Business

Rand sounds like his old man alot on this issue via the privacy issue and the Patriot Act plus The Judge is right there with Rand against the statist/surveillance statist British interviewer.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand tells the TRUTH about Trump on NewsMax Tv which is viewed by many down to earth conservatives as an alternative to the corporate media and/or Fox.

Calls Trump the worst thing that conservatives could fall for. Check it out, it's new.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Photos continued on the recent swing thru Iowa colleges by Rand:

Loras College:

Upper Iowa University:

Wartburg College:

University of Northern Iowa:

Morningside College:

Buena Vista University:

Drake University:

And just to recap, Rand and team have been building up a passel of college teams/students in the early states and these won't likely be polled by the media as most folks under forty don't have landlines and thus don't show up in polls, thus underscoring his numbers and not to even mention, his organizational strengths in the early states. Rand has a long game and will blow the simpletons that view the mainstream/corporate media away when the votes are counted. Get with it or deal with it later.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
PHOTOS: Rand Paul's "The Iowa 10,000 College Tour!"

"I spent the last week travelling all across Iowa, helping to cover Rand Paul's "The Iowa 10,000 College Tour!" I attended events at the University of Iowa, St. Ambrose University, Loras College, Upper Iowa University, Wartburg College, University of Northern Iowa, Morningside College, Buena Vista University and Drake University. Unfortunately 2 of the planned stops had to be cancelled on the first day because Rand missed his flight in Chicago due to cancellations and delays."

University of Iowa:

St. Ambrose University:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Is Right: Say No to a Syrian No-Fly Zone


That decision — let’s be perfectly clear — would move a great-power conflict from “possible” to “probable.” I don’t say this often on foreign-policy matters, but Rand Paul is fundamentally right. A no-fly zone is an unacceptable risk. Putin clearly views Assad’s survival as vital to Russia’s national interests. Even now, a Syrian, Hezbollah, Iranian, and Russian coalition is massing for a significant ground offensive. Would Putin let that offensive flounder simply because Americans told him not to support his troops and his allies?

Or would he instead put American will to the test, resulting in direct aerial combat, lost lives, and a geopolitical incident that would not be easy to confine or control? And for what strategic purpose? There is simply no allied force on the ground that can defeat Assad and ISIS and al-Qaeda. Our best allies, the Kurds, are geographically confined to the north, and there is no prospect that they could or would spearhead an offensive south to Damascus. The Kurds don’t want to run Syria. They want to protect their homeland.

Read more at:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Releases Memo Explaining why he won't drop out - 10/15

CC: Rand Paul for President Team
FROM: Doug Stafford, Chief Strategist
Chip Englander, Campaign Manager
RE: Summary of Campaign Standing
DATE: October 15, 2015

There are some in the media who are pushing a false narrative that Senator Rand Paul (SRP) is on the ropes.

Here are the facts and why SRP is here to stay.


Ground game and political organization have a disproportionate impact in primaries and especially caucuses — and SRP has the best organization in America.

Three times, SRP has competed against the other contenders in presidential straw polls – and every time he has won. He won at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the same straw poll Reagan won that helped launch his 1980 candidacy. He won at the Republican Leadership Conference, the largest straw poll in America. And he won this past weekend at the largest New Hampshire straw poll. At all of these straw polls, other contenders competed, paid for supporters, and went in to win it. Each time they failed.

In New Hampshire, where SRP won over the weekend, our organization has a statewide Leadership Team of over 300 members-nearly triple the size of our closest rival. This well-respected team of veteran grassroots organizers were the catalyst of this weekend’s win and will be vital to future victories.

SRP’s strength in New Hampshire comes from his continued legwork in the state. He’s been there more than most of the candidates. He was there last weekend, he will be there next weekend, and he will be there a third time at the end of this month. Like John McCain in 2008, Senator Paul’s campaign isn’t showing up in October polling, but will be there when it counts-on Election Day.

Our campaign is similarly well-positioned in Iowa. SRP has already announced co-chairs in each of Iowa’s 99 counties and has 600 precinct captains that are actively recruiting supporters and volunteers. This team has been able to call over 100,000 voters in the past few weeks alone.

Like New Hampshire, our Iowa team provides the backbone of the ground force needed to win a trench warfare campaign. As demonstrated in both parties’ campaigns for President, to win in Iowa, a strong ground force, not money, is the true game changer. In 2012, Rick Santorum was vastly outspent by Mitt Romney, yet he won Iowa. In 2008, Mike Huckabee was vastly outspent and won Iowa. In 2004, Democrat Howard Dean had all the money and resources, but John Kerry’s in-state volunteer force propelled him to the top. That’s how Iowa campaigns are won-through the hard work of motivated, well-organized, and passionate grassroots supporters.

SRP is also making a historic effort to build a Students for Rand organization that will play heavily in Iowa and change the way Republicans treat the youth vote. Nationally, the organization established over 350 chapters since its launch. Students make the calls and walk the doors. They also give the campaign the ability to organize cheaply in later states.

And in Iowa, Students for Rand will have a huge impact.

In 2012, 121,000 Iowans participated in their Republican caucus. In 2008, 119,000 Iowans participated in their Republican caucus. Although Iowa is not one of the most populous states in the country, large schools such as the University of Iowa and Iowa State University are part of a student population of over 120,000.

Yet this sizable student population factored little in the last two Iowa caucuses because they occurred during winter break on January 3. Due to a change in RNC rules, the 2016 caucuses will occur on February 1, when school is in session. With 120,000 voters and over 120,000 students, students are set to dominate the caucuses in an unprecedented way and we are set to dominate this demographic.

While the media fixates on ad buys and fundraising, we are the only campaign organizing on campuses. For example, when the University of Iowa kicked off back-to-school week, we were the only campaign tabling and signing people up. There are twenty Students for Rand chapters across Iowa. Every campus event sees hundreds, if not thousands, of excited students ready to stand with Rand. Just this week, SRP crisscrossed Iowa as part of an 11-campus barnstorm, hitting schools in every corner of the state, signing up hundreds of caucus attendees and volunteers at every stop.

You will not see this student advantage show-up in polls, but you will see it show-up in elections-just like the straw polls we keep winning.


The media can be forgiven for not grasping the significance of the ground organization we are building because it is not highly visible except on the few occasions we mobilize (and win). Some reporters have covered the fact that SRP always comes in first when people are actually voting, although most have ignored it altogether.

What makes less sense, though, is that the media plays up any drop in the polls SRP experiences, while ignoring his momentum and the precipitous decline of other candidates.

Since the last debate, SRP has moved up three spots in the polls. The two most recent polls determining who makes the next debate-conducted by CBS and Fox-had SRP outpolling Christie and Kasich. SRP is well within the criteria for the next debate-no question, he will be on the stage. Moreover, earlier this month Reuters-which independent analysts called the most accurate pollster of the last presidential election-had SRP in fifth place ahead of Rubio, Cruz, and others.

Although the criteria to make the cut for the next debate requires a 2.5% average in the polls, you never read anything about Christie, who currently sits at 1.9% in the RCP average of polls. The media is fixated on insisting that SRP should get out of the race even though he continues to win every time votes are counted and the polls show him on the rise.

The timing of the next two debates gives SRP an advantage because viewers will be able to decide the narrative for themselves. While each of the first three debates experienced 5-6 week breaks between them, the next two debates are separated by only 13 days – a significant opportunity for SRP to have some repetition before voters for the first time.

This gives SRP the opportunity to further build on his recent momentum following the Reagan Library debate. Two of the three straw polls SRP has won have come since the debate, and SRP raised nearly a million dollars in the final twelve days after the last debate.

SRP currently has over $2 million cash-on-hand and is running a lean campaign heavy on organization and light on expensive advertising. SRP has the financial resources to continue indefinitely and will keep racking up wins once the voting begins.

If you were SRP – with $2 million, little overhead, the best organization in America, always on the debate stage, and you were winning 100% of the time votes were counted – would you bet you were closer to dropping out or that you were nearing a breakthrough? We bet on breakthrough-and the continued passion and dedication of our team to fight for Senator Paul’s vision of liberty, opportunity and justice for all Americans is what will bring us success when it actually counts – on Election Day .

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul aide Chris LaCivita curses out CNBC

Top aides to Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul also insisted that the debate feature opening and closing statements, with Paul aide Chris LaCivita saying at one point that CNBC could "go f--- themselves" if they weren't willing to agree to those terms, according to two sources on the call.

The demand for opening and closing statements reflects the candidates' interest in getting their messages out unchallenged. The demand for a two-hour debate comes in the wake of CNN's decision to extend the previous GOP debate to three hours, leaving some of the candidates visibly exhausted.

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