
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 12. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul to The Fed: Stop Setting Interest Rates

September 16, 2015—Presidential candidate Rand Paul made it a point to introduce Audit the Fed legislation about as soon as he was elected to the US Senate in 2010. But this week he came closer to aligning himself with the “End the Fed” position in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.

Co-written with his economic, Mark Spitznagel, the editorial cited the heralds of Austrian economics’ brightest figures. From

“In their theory of business cycles, the Austrian economists Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek explained several decades ago that artificially cheap credit misleads entrepreneurs and investors into doing the wrong things—which in the current financial context includes making unsustainable, levered investments in risky assets, including companies loading up on debt to buy back and boost the price of their stock.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rubio aide punches Paul official at Mackinac Island

Mackinac Island — A top official for Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential campaign said Friday he was punched in the face by a man working for rival Sen. Marco Rubio at a bar on Mackinac Island, where Republicans are gathered this weekend for a leadership conference.

Grand Rapids consultant John Yob, who is Paul’s national political director, said early Friday he was assaulted in a Mackinac Island bar by a man he and a witness identified as working for Rubio.

“He literally physically assaulted me by punching me in the face,” Yob wrote in a Facebook post. “The state police are looking for him. I have it on video, from multiple angles. This will play out in the national media in the next few hours.”

The Michigan Republican Party is hosting Paul and five other presidential candidates at the Grand Hotel this weekend for its biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference. A record 2,180 Republican leaders, donors and activists have registered to attend the confab.

Rubio is not attending, but his campaign has sent surrogates, including pawn shop reality TV star Rick Harrison of the History Channel show “Pawn Stars.” A Rubio campaign spokesperson could not be immediately reached Friday morning for comment.

A Mackinac Island police officer declined comment early Friday morning about the incident and said it was unclear when the department would release any information.

Brandon Hall, a conservative blogger from Grand Haven, said Friday he witnessed Yob being punched at Horn’s Gaslight Bar, a popular Mackinac Island watering hole.

“As I was sitting at the bar talking to someone at Horn’s in Mackinac Island Thursday night, I witnessed (the man) suddenly, out of nowhere, approach one of Rand Paul’s advisers, John Yob — unprovoked — and try to hit him,” Hall wrote on his West Michigan Politics blog. “(He) missed a full on shot but still struck Yob’s in the face with a powerful blow near the jaw.”

Hall said the Rubio campaign official was at the bar trying to drum up votes for the Florida senator in the presidential straw poll The Detroit News and are conducting this weekend at the conference.

The Michigan Republican Party’s conference begins Friday afternoon with a reception on the Grand Hotel’s famous front porch followed by opening remarks by Gov. Rick Snyder at 4:45 p.m.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is the lone keynote speaker Friday night. The other five presidential candidates are speaking on Saturday, according to the conference schedule.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's another poll to vote in and I hope yall really go at this one. We need to go bulls on parade w/ these Fox fuckers that are trying to pimp out Fiorina as the next greatest thing for the viewers to fall for. The main takeaway that I got out of Fiorina during the recent debate a few nights ago was her willingness to start shit all over again in the middle east as well as spending hundreds of billions more for more carriers and other military hardware as if we didn't have enough already. That alone should get you to vote for Rand over there.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Why I'm Different

RENO & CARSON CITY, Nev. ( & KRNV) -- Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul hit the campaign trail hard in northern Nevada just one day after the second GOP Presidential Debate.

He made stops in Carson City and later spoke with students at the University of Nevada, Reno.

He spoke with News 4's Terri Hendry, who spent most of the day with the candidate. When asked on how he thought he did in the debate, he joked that Donald Trump seemed a bit upset with him, but he smiled and said he thought he did well because he was able to show how he is different.

That difference became clear regarding his position on additional military force in the Middle East. Paul said, "I'm not going back in to Iraq. Frankly, we've been there and done that. I'm not sending our young men and women back, and I hope that's something that's different but I hope that's something that will appeal."

Later that afternoon, he told students at the university, "When it comes to our involvement regarding ISIS and Iran," he added, "Iran and ISIS are fighting each other. Why do we need to get involved? Why not just pop some popcorn?"

He refers to himself as a Libertarian. He was also asked to explain the difference between a Libertarian and a Republican. He said, "You know there is overlap between Libertarians and Republicans. In fact, Ronald Reagan said the very heart and soul of conservatism is Libertarianism. Libertarians believe you have the right to do most things if you're not hurting someone else."

He gave the example of marijuana. He supports de-criminalizing it, particularly medical marijuana.

He supports limiting and shrinking the federal government. He also believes in giving more power back to individual states. Paul believes in government that strictly adheres to powers granted in the Constitution.  He said he is also a staunch supporter of protecting your rights.

Local video footage located here...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
300 students showed up to Rand's Rally in the university of Nevada

That is 10 percent of the 3k goal in Nevada! Rand is driving home the message from the debate. It is a message that resonates with young voters. I am very excited. The libertarian message came at a great time!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Yahoo News says says Rand has the best line of the night

and that's a surprise. they give a brief blurb on how all of the candidates did in the debate. For Rand they say:

Standing at far stage right, Paul had the best line of the night on the Iraq war and the fight against the Islamic State. "If you want boots on the ground, and you want them to be our sons and daughters, you got 14 other choices. There will always be a Bush or Clinton for you, if you want to go back to war in Iraq."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Via the Chicago Tribune

Kass: Rand Paul won the latest debate without flashiness, and Trump may be facing his twilight.

Donald Trump wanted to kick him off the debate stage. Fox News ignored him. CNN limited his time, then called him a loser.

But Rand Paul won the Republican presidential debate.

It wasn't even close.

Is he perfect, or some savior on a white horse? No. Yet the others on the debate stage talked like angry children determined to show the world how tough they'd be. They promised to rip up the Iran deal and either push Vladimir Putin around or ignore him completely.

But Paul, the senator from Kentucky, spoke like a thoughtful grown-up, overshadowing them all on foreign policy, explaining that intervening in Middle East civil wars is a recipe for disaster.
Issues, too: GOP candidates debate more than Trump this time

"If you want boots on the ground, and you want them to be our sons and daughters, you've got 14 other choices," Paul said during the debate. "There will always be a Bush or Clinton for you if you want to go back to war in Iraq."
Clearly the media don't like him. And Trump doesn't like him, singling Paul out for attack at the outset.

Trump is the front-runner. So why attack Paul, who's been so starved of media oxygen? Because New Hampshire approaches, and Trump will fade eventually, having demonstrated to Americans that he lacks the requisite depth for the job.

The GOP establishment can afford a Carly Fiorina, pretending to be an outsider, or even a Marco Rubio, thrilling a few of the TV talking heads by morphing into some Leonidas of Sparta from Miami, eager to kick those insolent Persian envoys down the well.

But what the Republican establishment cannot afford is Paul as their nominee. That would expose the neocons and the war party, and the security surveillance state.

And it might help remind Americans that conservatives once opposed foreign adventures, meaning wars, because wars by definition lead to the aggrandizement of federal power.

It is the universal law of political arithmetic that as the government gorges and muscles up, individual liberty fades.
Paul doesn't have buzz, but buzz is overrated, as is snark and hair.

Former President George W. Bush had buzz when he plunged foolishly into Iraq and that led to the terror of ISIS. President Barack Obama had buzz, just about the time he drew that "red line" in the sands of Syria, and before the dictator in Libya was toppled.

Obama began to lose buzz with the growth of ISIS, which he dismissed as some kind of terrorist junior varsity.
The flood of refugees from North Africa and Syria —the forerunners of a larger stampede threatening Europe — has both Bush and Obama's name on it.

But you won't hear that on CNN (the Democratic network) or Fox News (the Republican network), or from other establishment Democratic or Republican candidates.

"I've made my career as being an opponent of the Iraq War," Paul said. "I was opposed to the Syria war. I was opposed to arming people who are our enemies.

"Iran is now stronger because Hussein is gone (from Iraq). Hussein was the great bulwark and counterbalance to the Iranians. So when we complain about the Iranians, you need to remember that the Iraq War made it worse …
"We have to learn sometimes the interventions backfire. The Iraq War backfired and did not help us. We're still paying the repercussions of a bad decision."

Yet it was obvious from their flexing and posturing and saber rattling that the other Republicans insist on not learning a thing from Iraq.

And so, they'd love to face Hillary Clinton. She never met a war she didn't like.

If Hillary is in the finals with Jeb! or Rubio or even Fiorina — our new Joan of Arc who talked of building warships and recruiting brigades of U.S. Marines — the Republicans will be saved from having to confront their past.
Ted Cruz is a smart man, hated of course by liberal newspeople, and I've always thought he might best serve his nation on the Supreme Court.

But in the debate, Cruz was so ostentatiously fierce about shredding the Iran agreement that he might as well have worn some leopard skin costume, a circus strongman in a Fellini movie shredding the Palermo phone book in his bare hands.

Dr. Ben Carson was reasonable but inexperienced in foreign affairs and it showed. Mike Huckabee is a nincompoop. The others pandered like pros. And the talking heads said it was wisdom.

Paul took a different tack.

"Sometimes both sides of the civil war are evil, and sometimes intervention sometimes makes us less safe," Paul said. "This is real the debate we have to have in the Middle East.

"Every time we have toppled a secular dictator, we have gotten chaos, the rise of radical Islam, and we're more at risk. So I think we need to think before we act, and know most interventions, if not a lot of them in the Middle East, have actually backfired on us."

There is no buzz to such rhetoric, no bloody gusto, no King Leonidas abs of steel, no Joan of Arc with a sword.
It's just grown-up talk, and so, quite likely, not entertaining at all.

It's behind a paywall so I just posted the whole damn thing as this is probably the most widely circulated positive piece on Paul's debate performance and the bigger picture writ large in this GOP Primary. Read the whole thing, it's worth it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
If Only the Fed Would Get Out of the Way


The recent tumult in U.S. equity markets has prompted many analysts to urge the Fed to postpone any increase in interest rates. This advice assumes that rock-bottom interest rates are balm for a weak economy, with the only possible side effect being price inflation. Yet it is the Fed’s artificially low interest rates that set up the economy for the 2008 crisis, not to mention previous crises.

The “doves” are right to point out that higher interest rates will lead to a repricing of many securities, aka a crash. But years of near-zero interest rates have made this inevitable. Continuing on the current course will only allow structural distortions caused by these interest rates to fester and an inevitable reckoning that will be much worse than seven years ago.

The master fallacy underlying so much economic commentary is to imagine that a handful of experts in Washington should be setting the price of borrowing money. Instead, the Fed should set markets free.

In their theory of business cycles, the Austrian economists Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek explained several decades ago that artificially cheap credit misleads entrepreneurs and investors into doing the wrong things—which in the current financial context includes making unsustainable, levered investments in risky assets, including companies loading up on debt to buy back and boost the price of their stock. Low interest rates may create an illusion of robust markets, but eventually rates spike, assets are suddenly revealed to be too highly priced, and debt unpayable. Many firms have to cut back production or shut down, unemployment rises and the boom goes bust.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Fox News w/ Bill Hemmer 9/17

"Trump's pitiful shtick coming to an end"

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand's post debate appearance on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News

He predicts the poll numbers for all candidates will be reshuffled after last nights performance.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The Slate's take on Foreign Policy in the GOP debate

"It’s a strange debate where Sen. Rand Paul comes off as the most sensible contender on the stage.

The shockwaves sounded three times during the GOP debate’s testy phase on foreign policy Wednesday night. First, after Carly Fiorina said she wouldn’t so much as meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the evils he’s committed, Paul noted that Ronald Reagan—in whose library the candidates and their audience were gathered—talked with the Russians throughout the Cold War, to the world’s benefit.

Second, after hearing his rivals blast President Obama for not bombing Syria two years ago after pledging that he would if President Bashar al-Assad crossed the “red line” of using chemical weapons, Paul said, “If we’d bombed Syria, ISIS would be in Damascus today,” adding, “Sometimes intervention makes us less safe.” The specific claim is debatable (though no one debated it), but the broad point is indisputably true.

Third, contrary to almost all of his rivals (and his fellow Republicans on Capitol Hill), Paul said that he would not “tear up” the Iran nuclear deal upon entering the White House. “Let’s see if the Iranians comply with it,” he said, in a tone suggesting that he was making an obvious point—which, indeed, he was.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Unlike Trump, Rand Paul Actually Made Some Sensible Points During the Debate

The Kentucky senator cut through the “childish, silly back-and-forth” to present reasonable alternatives on foreign policy, drug reform, and mass incarceration.

Donald Trump does not like Rand Paul.

In the weirdest non sequitur of a often-incoherent second Republican presidential debate, the billionaire front-runner for the party nomination declared, “Rand Paul shouldn’t even be on this stage. He’s number 11. He’s got 1 percent in the polls. There’s too many people onstage already.”

As he has been on so many points, Trump was entirely wrong on this one.

Paul distinguished himself with coherent questioning of mass incarceration, calls for criminal-justice reform, and aggressive referencing of the injustices that extend from a failed drug war. The senator from Kentucky had one of the best moments of the debate when, during a back-and-forth over Jeb Bush’s youthful inhaling of marijuana, Paul put things into perspective for the former Florida governor: “Kids who have privilege like you do don’t go to jail. But the poor kids in the inner city still go to jail.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on the Glenn Beck radio show yesterday, which has millions of tea party type listeners. Earlier in the day before the debate. Discussing taxes and term limits.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
All of Rand's responses in last night's CNN debate from the Reagan library in California.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Post debate polls
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Constitution Day Moneybomb today

Rand is coming off of a great performance at the debate, now let's get him some dough to keep spreading the message of Liberty.

Rand showed up big tonight, let's show up big for him!

Bitcoin accepted of course.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
The odd doughnut (GMO or not) with Dad on special occasions is harmless.  Your "poison the kids" hyperbole is ridiculous.  He's an MD, FFS.

He goes there frequently (so the "poison" comment is not "ridiculous"), and I was surprised myself.
Please, check the actual speech if you do not believe me.

First you said "when he has spare time" and now it's "frequently."  As if doctors/Senators have loads of spare time...   Roll Eyes

And how exactly are doughnuts poison?  Are you one of those anti-sugar crusaders or what?   Cheesy

Doughnuts are fine as long as you burn the calories.  Any food is poison for couch potatoes.

Last I saw, Rand's kids are not even remotely pre-diabetic (even *if* Dr. Paul and Kelly let them get fat, grandpa would put the hammer down).

I get organic raised-yeast doughnuts most every weekend.  OMG they are so good!!!!

Still haven't been poisoned....not that I would care....   Grin

First you said "when he has spare time" and now it's "frequently."  As if doctors/Senators have loads of spare time
Yes, in 2012 he spoke as if it was a regular event (if my memory is correct), and now I would think his calendar is a bit over-loaded.

Doughnuts are fine as long as you burn the calories.
(re: "Standard", not "organic" junk food)
'Bleached' white flour with an overdose of processed white sugar? Sorry, but... You & Rand both seem to have a need to learn more about nutrition:
1) The max number of calories you can burn from exercise is very limited, especially when compared to the amount of empty calories you can quickly consume eating low-nutrient foods.  
2) When in doubt, refer to #1.   Grin

And how exactly are doughnuts poison?  Are you one of those anti-sugar crusaders or what?   Cheesy
My diet isn't always great, but it is vital to know about "nutrient density".
'Nasty tasting' foods like kale and romaine lettuce (& some great ones like fresh berries, mushrooms, onions, etc.) are rich in things your body needs.
If you eat mostly junk (like most Americans), then (in most cases) no amount of exercise can repair the damage.

Are you aware of the dramatic increase in (the % rates of) cancer, diabetes, and heart disease in America over the last 100 years?

Doughnuts are not the cause of the rise in the aliments you've listed.

A couple of fresh doughnuts isn't going to hurt a healthy person.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
The odd doughnut (GMO or not) with Dad on special occasions is harmless.  Your "poison the kids" hyperbole is ridiculous.  He's an MD, FFS.

He goes there frequently (so the "poison" comment is not "ridiculous"), and I was surprised myself.
Please, check the actual speech if you do not believe me.

First you said "when he has spare time" and now it's "frequently."  As if doctors/Senators have loads of spare time...   Roll Eyes

And how exactly are doughnuts poison?  Are you one of those anti-sugar crusaders or what?   Cheesy

Doughnuts are fine as long as you burn the calories.  Any food is poison for couch potatoes.

Last I saw, Rand's kids are not even remotely pre-diabetic (even *if* Dr. Paul and Kelly let them get fat, grandpa would put the hammer down).

I get organic raised-yeast doughnuts most every weekend.  OMG they are so good!!!!

Still haven't been poisoned....not that I would care....   Grin

First you said "when he has spare time" and now it's "frequently."  As if doctors/Senators have loads of spare time
Yes, in 2012 he spoke as if it was a regular event (if my memory is correct), and now I would think his calendar is a bit over-loaded.

Doughnuts are fine as long as you burn the calories.
(re: "Standard", not "organic" junk food)
'Bleached' white flour with an overdose of processed white sugar? Sorry, but... You & Rand both seem to have a need to learn more about nutrition:
1) The max number of calories you can burn from exercise is very limited, especially when compared to the amount of empty calories you can quickly consume eating low-nutrient foods.  
2) When in doubt, refer to #1.   Grin

And how exactly are doughnuts poison?  Are you one of those anti-sugar crusaders or what?   Cheesy
My diet isn't always great, but it is vital to know about "nutrient density".
'Nasty tasting' foods like kale and romaine lettuce (& some great ones like fresh berries, mushrooms, onions, etc.) are rich in things your body needs.
If you eat mostly junk (like too many Americans), then (in most cases) no amount of exercise can repair the damage.

Are you aware of the dramatic increase in (the % rates of) cancer, diabetes, and heart disease in America over the last 100 years?
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
The odd doughnut (GMO or not) with Dad on special occasions is harmless.  Your "poison the kids" hyperbole is ridiculous.  He's an MD, FFS.

He goes there frequently (so the "poison" comment is not "ridiculous"), and I was surprised myself.
Please, check the actual speech if you do not believe me.

First you said "when he has spare time" and now it's "frequently."  As if doctors/Senators have loads of spare time...   Roll Eyes

And how exactly are doughnuts poison?  Are you one of those anti-sugar crusaders or what?   Cheesy

Doughnuts are fine as long as you burn the calories.  Any food is poison for couch potatoes.

Last I saw, Rand's kids are not even remotely pre-diabetic (even *if* Dr. Paul and Kelly let them get fat, grandpa would put the hammer down).

I get organic raised-yeast doughnuts most every weekend.  OMG they are so good!!!!

Still haven't been poisoned....not that I would care....   Grin
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Rand Paul Slams Mandatory GMO Labeling As Attack On The Poor

Presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul slammed mandatory labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMO) on the campaign trail in Iowa, telling reporters GMO labeling will hit the poorest hardest.

Paul was on the road trying to drum up support for what is widely being seen as a lackluster campaign when he was asked about a bill that would prevent states from enacting mandatory labeling of GMOs.

The bi-partisan Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act has been a source of controversy in the agricultural sector, but has also received a strong backlash from a slew of anti-GMO celebrities.

“The labeling requirements are enormously expensive and just add to the cost of foods. Somebody who is poor can’t buy as much food because of requiring labels to be stuck on things,” Paul told Agri-Pulse.

Read more:

Truth in labeling is consistent with libertarian anti-fraud principles.

If I buy something sold to me as an "apple" I don't expect it will have fish genes or some other non-apple shit in it.

Selling a FrankenApple as a plain old apple is false advertising.  Ditto for FrankenBeef and FrankenMilk.

Rand should be more worried about why it took so fucking long for farmers/ranchers to be "allowed" to inform consumers their products are non-gmo.

Rand is wrong on this one; I bet Kelly feeds their kids organic stuff from Whole Foods and the farmer's market.

However, I think we'd agree these issues should be settled at the state or regional level, not by FedGov and WTO-type international law.

Whole Foods?  ...well maybe:
Actually, Rand takes the younger Paul's to his favorite doughnut shop to poison the kids when he has the spare time.
Source? == Check his 2012 convention speech, he is rather proud of the hard-working people who serve crap to his family.

I said I'd bet *KELLY* feeds their kids organic stuff from Whole Foods and the farmer's market.

The odd doughnut (GMO or not) with Dad on special occasions is harmless.  Your "poison the kids" hyperbole is ridiculous.  He's an MD, FFS.

He goes there frequently (so the "poison" comment is not "ridiculous"), and I was surprised myself.
Please, check the actual speech if you do not believe me.
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