
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 16. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
How To Fix A Broken Eye With Republican Presidential Candidate Rand Paul

CAP-HAITIEN, HAITI — August is a historically a month for Presidential candidates to do daring things, whether that’s eating pork on a stick, frying butter or giving helicopter rides to children.

But Kentucky Senator and presidential hopeful Rand Paul has changed the August game. While the rest of the field flipped pork chops in Iowa this week, Rand Paul could be found 2,000 miles away, flipping cataracts out of eyeballs.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul coming to Seattle

Stand with Rand - Seattle, WA
Rand Paul for President
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 8:30 AM (PDT)
Seattle, WA
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand's team is having a contest for the best 2 designs for new bumper stickers

Winners get free bumper stickers and their stickers featured in the store.

You guys got any ideas???
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul leaves the campaign trail for eye surgeries in Haiti

This weekend, while the political world descends on Iowa's state fairgrounds, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will be fixing cataracts 2000 miles away. As he's done every summer recess since joining the Senate, Paul's performing pro bono eye surgery. This year's mission, run and sponsored by the Moran Eye Center from the University of Utah, will take Paul to Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.

"We kind of suggested it," said Paul in an interview. "There was talk about Haiti being in great need, and it's fairly close to the United States. Haiti, unfortunately, is famous for a long history of problems."

In 2014, Paul joined the Moran center on a similar trip to Guatemala, where he reunited with old patients and broke out his rusty, Texas-tutored Spanish. He has no similar connection to Haiti.

"You want to go where the need is greatest," Paul said. "In our country, when you have cataracts, they're relatively easy to fix. The people we will treat in Haiti -- many of them will be completely blind. There's less medical access there. It's closer to the equator. There's more sun, people are outside more, fewer people even have sunglasses. So there's a lot you can do."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Is Trump creating an anti-war window for Paul?

Lost in the nonstop spectacle that is Donald Trump is the fact that he is firmly on the record as being against the Iraq war. He brought his opposition to the war up in the recent debate and here he is (8 years ago) opposing the war and correctly predicting the chaos we see today. Now, of course, Trump is all over the place on other foreign policy issues, but this one issue is a perfect window for Rand Paul to grab the ball in the next debate and talk about blowback when it comes to arming Syrian rebels and foreign aid. Picture Senator Paul saying something like this in the upcoming debate,

Now, Mr. Trump, there is an issue that we agree on. It was a grave mistake for conservatives to support the invasion of Iraq. Destabilizing that region has led to the rise of ISIS and Christians fleeing the region–did you know that Saddam, bad as he was, allowed Christians in his government? And now we have folks on this stage who supported Obama’s effort to arm Syrian rebels. And guess what? Now many of those weapons are predictably in the hands of ISIS…(Fireworks ensue…)
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
By Rand Paul, Why I Want More Thorough Fed Audits

According to Deloitte & Touche, which conducts a conventional audit of the Fed's financial statements, the Fed spent $6.1 billion for operating expenses in 2013 and an additional $5.2 billion in interest paid to banks. The audit I would like to see would assess whether those payments are reasonable and necessary or whether they raise conflicts of interest between the Fed's role in monetary policy and its role as a bank regulator.

The Constitution is explicit in assigning responsibility for money to Congress, and it is particularly blunt when it says: "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law." None of the payments made by the Fed are pursuant to appropriations, but the Fed's actions facilitate the continued growth of the national debt, which is putting our economic future at risk.

The Fed crows that it earns interest and has made great profits on its portfolio. But that's just one part of government lending to another part. There's no value creation. It's like charging interest to your spouse and counting it as family income.

The assets are bought not with real capital but with "computer-entry" fictions. The danger is that, at some point, the market will become aware that quantitative easing is an illusion and that the Fed can't cause growth or maintain calm, zero-interest markets with more computer-entry purchases.

Danger exists also in a market in which the most universal of prices, the price of money, is so manipulated as to lose its essential feedback mechanism. Danger exists in a market that is deprived of the information that freely floating interest rates provide.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Explains Why Birthright Citizenship Isn't So Great in the Modern Era

In his ongoing war with Donald Trump, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has portrayed the tycoon-cum-candidate as a chameleon, a late-comer to conservative policies that Tea Party activists (like Paul) advocated for years. Among those policies: Changing interpretation of the 14th Amendment to prevent "birthright citizenship." In 2011, just days into his Senate career, Paul joined Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) on a resolution which would have clarified "that under the 14th Amendment a person born in the United States to illegal aliens does not automatically gain citizenship." Just three months into his Senate career, Vitter, Paul, and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) wrote new legislative language on this.

That went nowhere, but Paul has not changed his mind. During an interview in Haiti this week, he said that the current reading of the 14th Amendment was problematic as long as it inspired undocumented immigrants to come to the United States and give birth.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Backers Still Believe He Can Stand Out

Ed Crane, co-founder and retired longtime chieftain of the Cato Institute, runs the Paul-supporting PurplePAC. With his libertarian movement background, he sees the best chances for Paul lie in being more consistently libertarian, and he says others in the campaign’s orbit are getting the same feeling. “The very fact that he was going after the NSA, skeptical of being the world’s policeman, that made him unique,” Crane says, and explains why he started off polling double digits.

Paul should have used the first GOP candidate debate, Crane says, and all his earned media, to hit home that he is “the candidate who is pro free market, anti-crony capitalism and is skeptical of the efficacy of the U.S. being the world’s policemen, and is also concerned about civil liberties” unlike his opponents who all want “boots on the ground” in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.
Matt Kibbe, formerly of FreedomWorks, is now working with a Paul SuperPAC called Concerned American Voters, focusing on get out the vote ground game in Iowa. He’s trying to keep his eye on the prize through the chaos of bad polling and waves of media trying to bury the Paul campaign prematurely.

“Rand should stick to his strengths,” Kibbe says, “one of which is ground game and the second of which is being the substantive, disruptive policy guy who has actually proposed radical tax reform, led on criminal justice reform and stands out from crowd on foreign policy and civil liberties, own the libertarian aspects of who he is.”

If he can do that and “stays long enough to cull the herd and get focused,” things could still work out fine when actual votes are cast, Kibbe believes.
Bruce Fein, a former Reagan administration Justice Department lawyer and former Ron Paul advisor who helped craft a Rand Paul lawsuit against the NSA, says he is in negotiations for a big role in PurplePAC moving forward. He hopes ultimately he can help them “articulate more forcefully what Rand ought to be doing and is not doing, giving him downfield blocking” for a more radically anti-intervention and pro-civil liberties campaign.

Despite being best known as a conservative movement legal scholar, Fein was most passionate talking about foreign policy: he stressed that “where Rand should be distinguishing himself head and shoulders above all the others is that we don’t go abroad in search of monsters to destroy, you cannot take states whose political culture is in the Pleistocene age and make them democracies, and that defense should be focused on protecting the U.S. from attack, deterrence” and not “wasting money and lives needlessly. We do the equivalent of sticking a bayonet into a hornets' nest and wonder why the hornets come back.”

Someone with as impeccable a history of being tough on America’s enemies as President Eisenhower, Fein says, warned us about the military industrial complex who “pursue needless gratuitous wars for profit” and he thinks Paul can successfully call on that tradition in the GOP now.
All agree that Trump is stealing some of the “outsider” vibe that should have been Paul’s to claim, despite being a sitting senator. Darling sees value in Trump’s radically anti-establishment position against the notion of “political families akin to royalty” like the Clintons and Bushes. Trump also shows, Darling says, that many Republican voters are very eager to oppose current Republican political leadership, an area that Paul is also well equipped to grab, standing alone on issues like NSA spying.

Fein thinks Trump’s brashness is something Paul might want to emulate, “don’t be recessive, be dominant,” don’t be afraid to use adjectives--“you can reasonably describe our foreign policy as utter idiocy, costing trillions and killing needlessly, and it has to be said that way” not disguised under such “Georgetown seminar” terms as “’conservative realism.’ Permanent war and limited government are antonyms” and Paul needs to sharply make that case.

“The upside to Trump,” says Kibbe, "is that he demonstrates the complete distrust and disgust that voters have with the standard two party duopoly and that dynamic should be Rand’s playing field. People are genuinely eager to throw everyone out, and if he’s good enough Rand can turn that into a libertarian policy mandate.”
All see no reason to believe the Paul campaign is over; all agreed aspects of both the campaign and polling and fundraising were frustrating, especially considering the vital stakes for libertarian ideas at stake. Darling, who worked for Paul, is sure that Paul is “not the kind of guy to walk away from a fight. He stood up at the debates nose to nose with the two bullies, Christie and Trump, and anyone who thinks he will pull out, no way, they don’t know the guy. He’s not a quitter.”
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: 'How Do You Out-Trump the Irrational?'

CAP-HAITIEN, HAITI — Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul says it's only a matter of time until the country wakes up to Donald Trump's insincere message, but he's worried that some Americans are blinded by his "celebrity."

In a series of interviews between performing pro-bono eye surgeries in Haiti with the University of Utah's Moran Eye Center, the Kentucky senator was relaxed in scrubs, dismissive of Trump and critical of the media's role in Trump's rise.

"How do you out-Trump the irrational?" he asked.

It's a question he and the other Republican candidates are puzzling over. Paul said the reason "people have gone gaga" over the billionaire real estate mogul is that he's tapped into anti-establishment conservative anger.

In many ways, it's not dissimilar from the anti-Washington sentiment that helped Paul rise to his own political fame. But in the case of Trump, Paul believes there's no substance at all behind the frustration.

"I've likened it to 'The emperor has no clothes.' He's saying things that are completely vapid, things that are completely vulgar and completely a non sequitur."

And Paul is confident that the Trump show can't last.

"There's no way the voters in the country will nominate him. Absolutely not," Paul said.
In the interview with NBC News, Paul took particular aim at Trump's recently released immigration proposal, which he said made "no sense" and is "bizarre."

"Even the people who think they might like him, when they hear what his bone-headed plan is, you think they might have second thoughts," he said.

Still, one element of Trump's immigration plan that Paul won't push back on is his proposal to end birthright citizenship.

Back in 2011, Paul co-sponsored a constitutional amendment to put an end to the right that allows everybody born on U.S. soil to be a citizen. He told NBC News that today's circumstances still warrant that move.

"What I would say is, if you have an open border you can't have birthright citizenship," he said.

He also said his preference is to fix the border, adding that "no Republican or Democrat president" since 1986 has properly enforced America's immigration laws.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: a humanitarian in Haiti, a pit bull in 2016

CAP-HAITIEN, Haiti (AP) — Even while fighting blindness in the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere this week, Republican presidential contender Rand Paul intensified political attacks against rivals in both parties, vowing to continue pressing billionaire businessman Donald Trump in particular as the Kentucky senator embraces the role as the GOP's leading pit bull.

An ophthalmologist by training, Paul left Haiti on Wednesday afternoon after spending four days on a humanitarian mission to the island nation. From a small urban clinic guarded by a team of armed police, Paul joined six eye surgeons who restored vision to dozens of impoverished Haitians, many living for years in blindness because of ailments such as cataracts that are easily treated in the United States.

The trip offered the tea party firebrand a brief respite from a presidential campaign in which his standing has slipped substantially in recent weeks. Yet the 2016 election — especially Trump — was a regular topic of conversation when Paul wasn't in the operating room.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Stand with Rand Meet and Greet with Thomas Massie - Dubuque, IA

Congressman Thomas Massie, a conservative leader in the US House of Representatives, is supporting Rand Paul. Join us in Dubuque on Saturday, August 22, and hear why he is standing with Rand.

"Rand Paul is the most principled conservative in the Senate and is a fierce advocate for personal liberty, economic freedom, and fiscal responsibility. The United States needs a President who will first and foremost defend the Constitution, and Rand is the only candidate that has proven time and again that he will do just that. - Thomas Massie"
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Donald Trump, a few months ago: "Rand Paul is making headway on the air w/ Jesse Ventura"
Donald Trump, a few months ago: "Rand Paul is making headway"
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul vows to foot bill for switch to caucus in Ky
The change would allow the GOP senator to be on the ballot for Senate and president at once.

Rand Paul, trying to head off a rebellion back home, promised Monday to fully pay for changes to his state’s presidential nominating process that would allow him to seek two different offices in 2016.

The Kentucky GOP freshman is trying to convince his state’s central GOP committee to change Kentucky’s presidential primary to a caucus system instead. By holding a caucus, in which voters organize by local precinct and choose their preferred candidate, Paul believes he can circumvent the state’s prohibition that candidates cannot appear on the ballot for two offices at the same time. The senator is running for reelection to his Senate seat in 2016, as well.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The Rand camp and volunteers/donors are feeling down atm but I would hope many of them would rise to the next occasion and be ready for the next fight. There is so much left to come our way that we should all be powerful happy about what he's attempting so stay happy and ready to him go up in the polls from this early on.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Fox News Poll: Rand at 3%

Trump: 25
Carson: 12

Cruz: 10

Bush: 9
Walker: 6
Huckabee: 6
Fiorina: 5
Kasich: 4
Rubio: 4
Paul: 3
Christie: 3
Perry: 1
Santorum: 1
Jindal: 1
Pataki: 1

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The Young Turks Predict Rand to Win the Nomination

They're lefties but this is an interesting take on the situation.

Heh, I need more drinking buddies like Cenk.  We (mostly) agree on the goals, but can have lots of fun bickering about the best means to accomplish them.   Cool
Funny you should mention that as I was at my cousin's wedding last night and his dad is firmly on the Bernie train but I did mention Cenk and The Young Turks and their recent video of speculating that Rand will win the GOP nomination and he was totally liking me bringing up the TYT folks but had nothing else to say as a school teacher here in MI. Thanks for your input.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
The Young Turks Predict Rand to Win the Nomination

They're lefties but this is an interesting take on the situation.

Heh, I need more drinking buddies like Cenk.  We (mostly) agree on the goals, but can have lots of fun bickering about the best means to accomplish them.   Cool
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand will be in the Sept. 16 CNN debate - Received invitation from Nancy Reagan

All the candidates in the top 10 in polling before last week’s event who participated in the prime-time debate have qualified thus far and have gotten invitations: businessman Donald Trump, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Additionally, candidates outside the top 10 of polling for the first debate who have been invited are former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former New York Gov. George Pataki and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The Young Turks Predict Rand to Win the Nomination

They're lefties but this is an interesting take on the situation.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Seems like a Highlight Reel

Donald Trump mocks Rand Paul, calls on him to quit presidential race

Donald Trump couldn't set the intellectual conservative agenda of anything, not even the tiniest rooms, never mind a country. He is devoid of ideas other than he likes the idea of power and getting attention for foolish statements and bluster.
On one hand I think Trump is in this thing to throw the ball to Hillary and let her run the show but on the other, it seems awful strange for a front-runner to engage and give words to and towards Rand who is seemingly down in the polls atm. Rand and Trump have golfed together before (which could mean nothing) and he's donated money toward Rand's last trip to Guatemala in last summer's bout of pro bono eye surgeries so perhaps this fiasco of words could lead to Rand rising. We'll see.
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