
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 15. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul rally Orem, UT

Great crowd! I think Rand's stump speech could use a makeover though. Fewer quotes -- needs less "Madison said" and more "I say". And more importantly, listening to this stump speech I didn't get a clear picture of what the theme of Rand's campaign is. He goes through a number of different issues, with some common sense solutions, but I didn't really get "Defeat the Washington Machine" from his speech. Rand needs to own more of these issues. You want to talk about how the collapse of the separation of powers is the worst thing Obama has done? Don't just list off a couple examples and move on to the next thing. Freaking slam Obama on it, and slam Bush and the entire establishment. Leave a wound. You want to talk about protecting the entire Bill of Rights? Richard Jewell and Guantanamo Bay are nice little professorial examples, but go harder! Go bold or go home. I don't think America is in the mood for nuance.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Secret weapon in the mix-
Kelley Paul heading to Iowa to speak to Republican women

I sure am glad that Rand's campaign is finally utilizing his wife, the secret weapon, to boost his numbers in IA which have been faltering since Trump has ran the media up in a storm and the conservative drones have been led down to the guillotine at this point.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New Des Moines (IA) Register Caucus Poll

Trump 23
Carson 18
Cruz 8
Walker 8
Bush 6
Rubio 6
Fiorina 5
Paul 4
Huckabee 4
Kasich 2
Christie 2
Jindal 2
Perry 1
Santorum 1
Graham 0
Unsure/Not committed 10
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul poses in front of NSA data center that he pledges to shut down

On Saturday, presidential hopeful and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) made an unusual campaign stop. Wearing his usual shades and messy curls, Paul posed with arms crossed in front of a controversial Utah data center belonging to the NSA. Alongside the photo, posted on Facebook, Paul made a bold campaign pledge: to essentially tear that data center down.

"I'm on my way to the airport, but we decided to stop by the NSA facility in Utah," the caption on Paul's Facebook page says. "When I become president, we'll convert it into a Constitutional Center to study the Fourth Amendment! Bulk data collection must end!"

Senator Paul already succeeded in pushing to end bulk collection of telephone data — a practice that was famously revealed in 2013 by Edward Snowden, who remains in exile. While the remedy to that program came in a legislative reform bill, it was attacked from several angles; one of the lawsuits challenging it was launched by Paul, who called it a "clear and continuing violation of the Fourth Amendment." His Republican competition, including Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, have openly said they want to expand NSA spying.

So if you're looking for a hero to end the surveillance state in the current crop of presidential candidates, your options are very limited. In fact, the only ardent critic among more than 19 Democratic and Republican hopefuls is Senator Paul. Paul is well-known for cheesy bumper sticker lines and public stunts, like his impressive 12-hour drone filibuster, but when it comes to fighting mass government surveillance he's actually one of the only people who has put earnest work into reform. But it's unclear what Paul brings to the table beyond fighting the now-defeated phone records program, which he still rails against on his campaign website as if it were the chief ongoing threat from the NSA.

Paul says that as president he will "immediately end the NSA's illegal bulk data collection and domestic spying programs and protect the Fourth Amendment rights of all Americans." Unfortunately, that could be a loophole depending on Paul's own interpretation of what's legal; last week, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia overturned a ruling that said the NSA's bulk phone spying program was unconstitutional.

Completely shutting down a huge NSA data center seems like just another silly campaign promise bordering on a stunt, unless Paul believes that all of the NSA's other bulk collection programs — and there are many of those — are just as illegal as the phone records program. Even though he may be the only vociferous candidate when it comes to surveillance reform, Paul will need to start talking about more than phone records if he wants his reformer credentials to remain convincing.


The pic is pretty crap and doesn't add to the purpose but the story is real and legit.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul can’t believe he’s losing to this guy: ‘This whole thing with Trump is insane’

A recent Rand Paul rally in Seattle was a lot like a Rush concert: almost entirely white, mostly male and at least a little bit libertarian.

About 500 supporters, including up to a dozen people of color, turned out Wednesday to “stand with Rand” at the city’s Town Hall, reported The Stranger.

““Here’s your crowd recap: There’s no waiting in the ladies’ room, and a line out the door for the men’s,” one attendee told the newspaper.

The crowd was smaller than those typically drawn by his father, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who ran for president in each of the last two presidential elections.

“Washington is horribly broken and you ask yourself whose fault is it. Well let’s see, Republicans, Democrats — let’s just say everybody in Washington ought to come home and we ought to start over,” said the junior senator for Kentucky, who is running his first presidential campaign.

Paul portrayed rivals in both parties as warmongers.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
CNN: Rand Paul vows to continue eye surgery if president

People underestimate Rand's surgery for poor people in terms of how they view his candidacy and it hasn't really stuck to his name yet in electoral politics, but will eventually. The Trump novelty will wear off and the real anti-establishment medical background will take hold when the time is right and he will peak at the right time later on in the winter. If you followed him running for the US Senate seat from KY or his dad's runs for Congress early, you have no idea how much fight a Paul can put forth and how much his backers will do to see him/them through. When they trot out Ron himself, the emotional and passionate libertarian base will come back in legions especially if they feel Rand is the underdog that isn't getting a fair shake and this will propel Rand at the right time. Ron came about 4% from winning Iowa outright so Rand can build upon that but in the mean time, there's too much fluff right now being orchestrated by the media over Trump and his numbers can only go down and filter out to other candidates as time goes by. Cheers!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
He has no chance. He is nowhere in the surveys.

It is still early, so he does "have a chance" even though the road is difficult and he made some mistakes. The contest is not over, yet.
Back in '08 when his dad ran the first time for the GOP nomination, former NYC Mayor Giuliani was way ahead of the pack in the 20%tile and then faded to nothing yet Sen. McCain was polling in low single digits and became the nominee. Rand was the front-runner a year ago and has been campaigning as a nominee to attract independents all this last year but has slipped in the red meat that gets the base fired up. He's been attracting black voters that typically go democrat by staking his claim to criminal justice reform and focusing alot of his Senate time by standing for civil liberties which are often overlooked or not taken seriously by red meaters. He outpolls Hillary in 5 states won by Obama and no other republican does that in full. I agree that his campaign has stumbled at times in their messaging but that will all be worked out as time goes by. It's still way early on and conservatives have yet to realize how un-conservative Trump is on most issues, they're just blinded by tough talk about immigration atm. Things will change and Rand has yet to spend much money on promoting his message other than retail campaigning. Wink
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
He has no chance. He is nowhere in the surveys.

It is still early, so he does "have a chance" even though the road is difficult and he made some mistakes. The contest is not over, yet.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
He has no chance. He is nowhere in the surveys.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s sneak attack strategy

SPOKANE, Wa. – Rand Paul was 2,487 miles away from the Beltway journalists who had written off his campaign, and he was loving it.

A riverfront hotel ballroom had filled early, latecomers grabbing chairs from the hallway to add more rows. Seven hundred people stood for a prayer, then the Pledge of Allegiance, then the Star-Spangled Banner, then for two amen-filled endorsements from local legislators, then a video message from the senator’s wife Kelley — and then, finally, for Rand Paul.

“Looks like the liberty movement is alive and well and packing itself into the room!” said Paul.

He wore a dress shirt and tie atop jeans and cowboy boots, his uniform for the week. He delivered a 34-minute speech, touching on everything from the Middle East to land rights to racial sentencing disparities to a rival with “orange hair” – Donald Trump – who benefited from eminent domain. “If I’m president, there’ll be no incident of anyone having their private property taken and given to another owner,” said Paul. Only one line drew louder applause: The one about defunding Planned Parenthood.

Paul’s five-day run was taking him through Western states far from the key battlefields of 2016, drawing him out on issues that don’t resonate in Iowa and New Hampshire. That played to Paul’s strengths. He was far more comfortable whaling on the feds for owning so much Idaho land than he was gabbing about Iowa ethanol. His stump speech, peppered with stories of lives ruined by bureaucrats, was tailor-made for people who wore hunting gear downtown or kept legal marijuana prescriptions in their hemp wallets.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul kicks off western swing in Alaska-to some extent

Glad to see conservatives bringing the message to Alaska! Republicans are lucky to have a great group of candidates to pick from - and one of them is bringing his bold message and plan to "Defeat the Washington Machine" right to Anchorage! So many of us in Alaska share a libertarian streak, and Rand is sure to talk about that! I was proud to support Dr. Rand Paul in his first election to the U.S. Senate and would be there to welcome him to Alaska, but I'm in San Diego guest hosting "On Point" for One America News this week. Find out more about how you can hear directly from Rand while he's in Alaska here:

Rand, hope you get some time for some moose chili or eskimo ice cream while you are in town!
- Sarah Palin
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Election 2016: Rand Paul Black Lives Matter Criticism Under Fire For 'Randsplaining'

Presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul came under fire Monday after he criticized aspects of the Black Lives Matter movement in an interview with a Seattle television station. The Republican candidate has been accused of “randsplaining” before, or talking down to a minority group, and critics revived the term via a Twitter hashtag.

"Do I think it's a good idea for people to jump up and commandeer the microphone? No, and I wouldn't let them take my microphone,” Paul said in the interview with NBC affiliate KING-TV, referencing the Aug. 8 Seattle incident in which Black Lives Matter activists interrupted a rally for Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders, taking his microphone.

“You know things cost money, and they need to learn that things cost money, and really all lives matter,” Paul said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Reportedly Said He Would Debate Bernie Sanders “Anytime, Anyplace”

At last Saturday’s Republican Party of Kentucky meeting, where GOP leaders approved a proposal changing the state’s primary to a caucus system thus allowing U.S. Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul to run for the U.S. Senate and the presidency at the same time, Paul reportedly told long-time libertarian activist Donald Meinshausen that he would be willing to debate Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders “anytime, anyplace.”

Demand for a presidential debate between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul appears to be rising online, as a Facebook page and petition have been created calling for the two to face off in a Lincoln-Douglas style debate tour. Quora and Reddit online communities have also floated the idea of calling for a Sanders-Paul debate.

This could have dramatic long-term effects if they actually have a two person debate when the field is still so crowded (because others will also do it in the future), or...
Perhaps not, if no major TV stations decide to carry it?
Rand is trying to attract some of those that Sanders bring to the table based upon Hillary's downfall. Lord knows his numbers have been falling since Trump has taken the wind out of the entire GOP candidates sails and it's tough to get back in the fight atm. Going after Sanders can get a few points back towards Rand's way. However, we should all be happy and find it healthy that there's a fight on the left considering Obama has been a unitary wart upon us. Rand's problem is that he back McConnell for certain reasons and conservatives aren't feeling that now and I can't blame them - hence his low polling numbers lately.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Rand Paul Reportedly Said He Would Debate Bernie Sanders “Anytime, Anyplace”

At last Saturday’s Republican Party of Kentucky meeting, where GOP leaders approved a proposal changing the state’s primary to a caucus system thus allowing U.S. Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul to run for the U.S. Senate and the presidency at the same time, Paul reportedly told long-time libertarian activist Donald Meinshausen that he would be willing to debate Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders “anytime, anyplace.”

Demand for a presidential debate between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul appears to be rising online, as a Facebook page and petition have been created calling for the two to face off in a Lincoln-Douglas style debate tour. Quora and Reddit online communities have also floated the idea of calling for a Sanders-Paul debate.

This could have dramatic long-term effects if they actually have a two person debate when the field is still so crowded (because others will also do it in the future), or...
Perhaps not, if no major TV stations decide to carry it?
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul sits down with King 5 News, Seattle

Kentucky's junior Senator Rand Paul is bringing his presidential campaign to the Pacific Northwest this week. Monday night, he's fundraising at a private event in Bellevue. He heads to Alaska Tuesday, before returning to Washington on Wednesday for public events in Seattle and Spokane.

He sat down with KING 5 for a one-on-one interview Monday afternoon to talk about his campaign strategy and what he believes could be his appeal in Washington state.

"The last time I was here was in 1987, when my dad was running as the Libertarian candidate, and I was here for the Libertarian National Convention, which was in Seattle," Sen. Paul said.

His father, Ron Paul, drew large crowds in Washington the last time he ran for president in 2012. Although he failed to win the Republican nomination in the state, he came in second. Years later, Senator Rand Paul hopes to build upon his father's base of support and grow it.

"What we have to do to get bigger is to combine both the liberty movement and some of those who are from just the traditional conservative movement, and maybe convince some of those in the traditional conservative camp that, you know what, many of the other people may not be as conservative as they appear on the surface," Senator Paul told KING 5.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Reportedly Said He Would Debate Bernie Sanders “Anytime, Anyplace”

At last Saturday’s Republican Party of Kentucky meeting, where GOP leaders approved a proposal changing the state’s primary to a caucus system thus allowing U.S. Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul to run for the U.S. Senate and the presidency at the same time, Paul reportedly told long-time libertarian activist Donald Meinshausen that he would be willing to debate Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders “anytime, anyplace.”

Demand for a presidential debate between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul appears to be rising online, as a Facebook page and petition have been created calling for the two to face off in a Lincoln-Douglas style debate tour. Quora and Reddit online communities have also floated the idea of calling for a Sanders-Paul debate.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

I remember having a conversation with a local city official in Kentucky when the Kelo Supreme Court decision came down. Conservatives, myself included, were outraged that the Supreme Court had wrongly allowed using eminent domain to take private property from one private property owner and give it to another private owner.

Conservatives in my community came together with a local resolution to prevent this from happening. I’ll never forget the response from the local official, who told me: “But you know me, I would never use eminent domain that way.” I responded: “The law isn’t about you—it’s about when we get bad representatives and must have the law to restrain them.”

This is what we believe as conservatives—that the law must supersede personalities and intentions. As conservatives, we seek to bind government using the rule of law to prevent the abuse of power.

The law is necessary because, as Madison put it, men will not always be angels. The ordinance preventing the government from taking private property and transferring it to another private property owner passed three to two.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Stand with Rand Friday Aug. 28 in Cheyenne, Wyoming

We have some exciting news to share -- Senator Paul will be in Cheyenne next Friday!

Come learn more about his 'Fair and Flat Tax' Plan – a plan that's simple, fair and cuts taxes for every single American.

Here are the event details: (General admission is free)

Stand with Rand in Cheyenne
Friday, August 28
9:30 AM
Little America Hotel (Wyoming Room)
2800 W. Lincolnway
Cheyenne, WY 82009

We hope to see you there.

- Team Rand
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Kentucky caucus will award delegates proportionately

"Most committee members said their vote was motivated not by Paul’s candidacy, but by a desire to make Kentucky a player in presidential politics. That’s why Republicans crafted the caucus to appeal to as many of the 17 declared Republican candidates as possible. The plan calls for Kentucky’s delegates to be split proportionally rather than “winner takes all,” and candidates only need to get 5 percent of the vote to qualify for delegates."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul kicks off western swing in Alaska

Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul will attempt to steal some thunder from President Barack Obama before his visit to Alaska next week. Paul's planning two campaign appearances Tuesday in Anchorage and Fairbanks.

Paul's Alaska visit kicks off a western states tour that will also include rallies in Washington, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah.

Before his Anchorage rally, the Kentucky senator told reporters he wants to visit with "like-minded people" who don't want government intruding into their lives.

His campaign staff says the western swing also sends the message that Paul is ready to compete in all states and isn't conceding anything to front-runners in the big pack of Republican contenders.
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