
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 17. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ron Paul sends out a donor pitch for Rand

The headlines neatly tell the story. "Ron Paul’s Passive-Aggressive Campaign Against Rand Paul." Rand Paul Has a Daddy Issue." "Like Father, Like Son? Not Exactly." Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has endeavored so much to distinguish his "libertarian-ish" views from his father's "voluntarist" politics that any snark from the paterfamilias generates a story. He'll joke that he's still looking at who to endorse; it will be reported like Saturn devouring his offspring.

There will be no snark this weekend. As Rand Paul heads out of the country for a medical mission to Haiti, Ron Paul will make a print and e-mail pitch to donors. It is his first such email on Rand Paul's behalf since the April 7 start of his presidential bid.

"I know the media likes to play this little game where they pit us, or certain views, against each other," the elder Paul will write, according to excerpts provided by the younger Paul's campaign. "Don't fall for it. They're trying to manufacture story lines at liberty's expense. You've spent years seeing how the media treated me. They aren't my friends and they aren't yours."

In the e-mail, Ron Paul will say that the enemies of liberty "fear Rand more than any other candidate," and that "unlike other candidates, Rand isn't depending on Wall Street fat-cats and banksters who want more special treatment, bailouts and stimulus packages to bankroll his candidacy."

The "banksters" language is a mainstay of Ron Paul's own fundraising appeals, which roll out of his Campaign for Liberty as frequently as CDs used to roll out of Columbia House (R.I.P.). It can be read as a knock on, well, anyone else; the libertarian reader might think first of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), whose fundraising has lapped Paul's with the help of hedge funds.

Cruz's campaign has already been trying to pull support from Paul, taking advantage of a polling slump that some libertarians blame -- ironically -- on the candidate's attempts to broaden his appeal. Ron Paul's letter addresses this directly.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul Campaign Not Collapsing, But Pacing Itself for 2016 Victory

With the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary still months away, pundits are ready to declare U.S. Senator Rand Paul’s campaign for the presidency dead on arrival. Reality star Donald Trump currently dominates Republican presidential primary polling and has captured the interest of some Tea Party voters who are as-yet unaware of his recent support of far-left political positions and his close, personal relationship with the Clinton family.

In the eyes of the corporate media, the 2016 presidential race can only end with some combination of Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump on the general election ballot, with the Republican primary being the determinant of whether Trump runs under the GOP brand or goes third party and hands the race to Clinton. However, identical narratives were advanced at similar points in the 2008 presidential race, when pundits in 2007 were sure that voters would be choosing between Hillary Clinton and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the general election. In August of 2011, Michele Bachmann became the frontrunner in the 2012 Republican primary after winning Iowa’s Ames Straw Poll only to drop completely out of the race after placing sixth in the Iowa caucuses.

Meat and potatoes...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul leaves the campaign trail for eye surgeries in Haiti

This weekend, while the political world descends on Iowa's state fairgrounds, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will be fixing cataracts 2000 miles away. As he's done every summer recess since joining the Senate, Paul's performing pro bono eye surgery. This year's mission, run and sponsored by the Moran Eye Center from the University of Utah, will take Paul to Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.

"We kind of suggested it," said Paul in an interview. "There was talk about Haiti being in great need, and it's fairly close to the United States. Haiti, unfortunately, is famous for a long history of problems."

In 2014, Paul joined the Moran center on a similar trip to Guatemala, where he reunited with old patients and broke out his rusty, Texas-tutored Spanish. He has no similar connection to Haiti.

"You want to go where the need is greatest," Paul said. "In our country, when you have cataracts, they're relatively easy to fix. The people we will treat in Haiti -- many of them will be completely blind. There's less medical access there. It's closer to the equator. There's more sun, people are outside more, fewer people even have sunglasses. So there's a lot you can do."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Judge Nap: Chris Christie, Rand Paul and the Fourth Amendment

The dust-up between New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul over presidential fidelity to the Constitution -- particularly the Fourth Amendment -- was the most illuminating two minutes of the Republican debate last week.

It is a well-regarded historical truism that the Fourth Amendment was written by victims of government snooping, the 1770s version. The Framers wrote it to assure that the new federal government could never do to Americans what the king had done to the colonists.

What did the king do? He dispatched British agents and soldiers into the colonists’ homes and businesses ostensibly looking for proof of payment of the king’s taxes and armed with general warrants issued by a secret court in London.

A general warrant did not name the person or place that was the target of the warrant, nor did it require the government to show any suspicion or evidence in order to obtain it. The government merely told the secret court it needed the warrant -- the standard was “governmental need” -- and the court issued it. General warrants authorized the bearer to search wherever he wished and to seize whatever he found.

The Fourth Amendment requires the government to present to a judge evidence of wrongdoing on the part of a specific target of the warrant, and it requires that the warrant specifically describe the place to be searched or the person or thing to be seized. The whole purpose of the Fourth Amendment is to protect the right to be left alone -- privacy -- by preventing general warrants.

The evidence of wrongdoing that the government must present in order to persuade a judge to sign a warrant must constitute probable cause. Probable cause is a level of evidence sufficient to induce a neutral judge to conclude that it is more likely than not that the government will find what it is looking for in the place it wants to search, and that what it is looking for will be evidence of criminal behavior.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul tied for 2nd in Utah, Bush 18%, Paul 9%, Trump 9%, Walker 8%...

While no candidate enjoys majority support, Utahns seem to be edging toward Republican Jeb Bush and Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.
A new survey finds 18% of Utahns back Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush in the GOP race. That's more than double the support of his closest rivals in the Beehive State. Both businessman Donald Trump and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul get 9% in our survey. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker pulls 8% while Florida Senator Marco Rubio wins 7%. Both New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Texas Senator Ted Cruz sit at 6%. The number of Utahns, who expressed no preference, is 14%.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
In depth interview with Rand Paul in New Hampshire via the state's main news outlet - The Union Leader.
Hopefully, a good portion of this made the nightly news to give the live free or die folks a decent understanding of Rand.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Activity: 2884
Merit: 1115
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Seems like a Highlight Reel

Donald Trump mocks Rand Paul, calls on him to quit presidential race

Donald Trump couldn't set the intellectual conservative agenda of anything, not even the tiniest rooms, never mind a country. He is devoid of ideas other than he likes the idea of power and getting attention for foolish statements and bluster.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] Rand Paul at Politics & Eggs - Saint Anselm College, NH, 11 Aug 2015

Rand Paul held a short speech and a long Q&A yesterday in NH - here is the video! Have fun watching.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Pro-Rand Super Pac to spend $450k on tv ads

308 Media
2318 Mill Road
Suite 1100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Purpose of Expenditure: TV advertising
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Rand Paul
Office Sought: President
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 08/10/2015
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/14/2015
Person Completing Form: Elizabeth G Newberry
Date Signed = 08/12/2015
Amount Expended = $450000.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $450000.00

Can't find info as to where they will be playing, I assume early states like Iowa and NH. I also can't find which ad they will be playing. The ones that they have released so far (which have been met with negative - mixed reaction here) were online ads, would like to see what the TV ones are like.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul tied for 2nd in Utah, Bush 18%, Paul 9%, Trump 9%, Walker 8%...

While no candidate enjoys majority support, Utahns seem to be edging toward Republican Jeb Bush and Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.
A new survey finds 18% of Utahns back Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush in the GOP race. That's more than double the support of his closest rivals in the Beehive State. Both businessman Donald Trump and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul get 9% in our survey. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker pulls 8% while Florida Senator Marco Rubio wins 7%. Both New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Texas Senator Ted Cruz sit at 6%. The number of Utahns, who expressed no preference, is 14%.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
First on CNN: Rand Paul video shows Donald Trump praising Democrats

In the next round of Rand Paul vs. Donald Trump, the Republican senator from Kentucky is releasing his campaign's first digital ad against his presidential rival, hitting the frontrunner in a video for supporting Democrats in the past.

The video, which his campaign says will be aired in a "substantial" ad buy, launches Wednesday in New Hampshire and Iowa and runs through the weekend.

With ominous music behind it, the video opens with favorable statements that Trump has made about Democratic economic policies, Hillary Clinton, and universal health care. It also features a comment he made in 1999, in which he said, "I really believe the Republicans are just too crazy right."

At one point, text on the screen appears, asking if Trump is really "telling it like it is?"

Then it switches to the infamous clip of former President Bill Clinton answering: "It depends on what the meaning of the word is is."

The second half of the two-minute video features footage of Paul talking about his record and policies in major speeches that he's delivered in the past year, portraying him as a candidate eager to reform Washington and return the Republican Party to conservative principles.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rep. Thomas Massie heading to Iowa to campaign for Rand Paul
KY Rep. Thomas Massie will be making four stops in Iowa on August 22nd to campaign for Rand Paul. Event details as followed:

Stand with Rand Meet and Greet with Thomas Massie - Dubuque, IA
Tri-State Industries
1340 Synergy Court
Dubuque, IA 52002

Stand with Rand Meet and Greet with Thomas Massie - Davenport, IA
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch
3000 North Fairmount Street
Davenport, IA 52804

Stand with Rand Meet and Greet with Thomas Massie - Iowa City, IA
Iowa Memorial Union
125 North Madison Street
Minnesota Room 347
Iowa City, IA 52242

Stand with Rand BBQ with Thomas Massie - Des Moines, IA
Rand Paul Iowa Office
1901 Bell Avenue
Suite 21
Des Moines,, IA 50315
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Former NYPD commissioner during 9/11 attacks praises Rand Paul for defending 4th amendment

On the recent Fox News presidential debate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie lashed out at United States Sen. Rand Paul for not supporting the NSA's surveillance program, which came off to many watching as a bully mentality and myopic prosecutorial mindset that I’m sure animates Paul’s concerns in the first place.

Whether you agree with Paul’s decision to support the freedoms protected by our Bill of Rights — such as freedom of speech and the requirement of a search warrant, and to place some limits on the otherwise un-cabined and massive NSA surveillance program is one thing. However, Christie’s rage at a U.S. senator because that senator has serious concerns over our civil liberties and made a decision that he feels would protect the freedom and liberties of his constituents, evidences precisely the prosecutorial mentality that has caused countless injustices across the country and resulted in the incarceration of thousands of people — many of whom are innocent or wrongly convicted.


I’m sure Christie is well intended, but seems to ignore a reality that judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals and countless others have revealed over the past several years, and that is that there is a plethora of increasing evidence that overzealous and over-reaching prosecutors are violating laws themselves, and there is neither oversight nor existing remedy to appropriately hold them accountable.

I was there on 9/11, both during and in the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center. I spent 10 years of my life, living and working in the Middle East and know and understand the threats we face from radical Islamic terror far better than most Americans. I have personally witnessed death so barbaric that it would haunt most men, and I have nearly died for this country more times that I can count — all out of love for this country.

But, unfortunately, I have also witnessed firsthand that deprivation of liberty by overzealous and over-reaching prosecutors and the irreparable toll they take on people that they wrongfully target and prosecute, and the innocent families and children that they destroy, so I know exactly what Rand Paul is concerned with and for more reasons than I can count, I am no longer confident that Americans’ freedoms and liberties are adequately protected under the law.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
CNN poll: Rand at 5% in Iowa, tied with Bush and Rubio

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has a significant lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in the state this cycle.

Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism. He's most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson follows Trump in overall preference with 14%, bumping Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who had held the top spot in most recent public polling in Iowa, down to third place with 9%. Walker is nearly even with a slew of other candidates.

Previous public polls had found Carson with around 10% support, but most were released before last week's debate. A Suffolk University poll of Iowa Republicans released Tuesday found Carson's closing remarks to be the most memorable moment for those who watched the prime time debate.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz follows the top three at 8%, with businesswoman Carly Fiorina and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee both at 7%. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is tied at 5% with senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. The rest of the field stands at 3% or less.

Two-thirds of Iowa Republicans who are likely to attend the caucus say they're still trying to decide whom to support. Among the 34% who say they have made up their mind or are leading [sic] toward a candidate, Trump's lead grows, and the top of the field shifts. Among that group, 33% back Trump, 14% Carson, 11% Fiorina, and 9% each back Paul and Walker. Cruz follows at 7%, and all others have less than 5% support.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Trump says Rand weak on Israel, military, golf game. Rand campaign responds.

Rand Paul is doing so poorly in the polls he has to revert to old footage of me discussing positions I no longer hold. As a world-class businessman, who built one of the great companies with some of the most iconic real estate assets in the world, it was my obligation to my family, my company, my employees and myself to maintain a strong relationship with all politicians whether Republican or Democrat. I did that and I did that well.

Unless you are a piece of unyielding granite, over the years positions evolve as they have in my case. Ronald Reagan, as an example, was a Democrat with a liberal bent who became a conservative Republican.

Recently, Rand Paul called me and asked me to play golf. I easily beat him on the golf course and will even more easily beat him now, in the world in the politics.

Senator Paul does not mention that after trouncing him in golf I made a significant donation to the eye center with which he is affiliated.

I feel sorry for the great people of Kentucky who are being used as a back up to Senator Paul’s hopeless attempt to become President of the United States--- weak on the military, Israel, the Vets and many other issues. Senator Paul has no chance of wining the nomination and the people of Kentucky should not allow him the privilege of remaining their Senator. Rand should save his lobbyist’s and special interest money and just go quietly home.

Rand’s campaign is a total mess, and as a matter of fact, I didn’t know he had anybody left in his campaign to make commercials who are not currently under indictment!


Rand campaign (Doug Stafford):
Wow, that took a while to read.

First, Ronald Reagan spent 20 years as a conservative before running for President, not twenty minutes. He changed out of conviction. He campaigned for Goldwater in 1964 giving one of the great conservative speeches of all time, setting the intellectual agenda for a generation of conservatives.

Donald Trump couldn't set the intellectual conservative agenda of anything, not even the tiniest rooms, never mind a country. He is devoid of ideas other than he likes the idea of power and getting attention for foolish statements and bluster.

Rand Paul is the one following in the footsteps of Reagan, setting the intellectual agenda for a conservative movement of change. Rand stands for principle. He has detailed plans to end our debt by balancing the budget in 5 years. He has a detailed flat and fair tax that would be a huge tax cut for Americans while ending the corporate welfare gravy train for people like Donald Trump.

He has real plans to defeat the Washington machine like term limits and forcing Congress to read the bills.

While he appreciates Donald's golf skills, I will note that [the game] was on his home course that he plays often. And he does sincerely appreciate Donald's generosity to the eye clinic. In fact he has mentioned it often, including in his op-ed and speeches this weekend.

The fact is, Rand is running to fight the big business, big government establishment. Donald Trump already represents one end of that problem. Now he wants to represent the other. It won't work.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
This is what you'll get with Rand Paul and you should view it a couple of times or more. time for a rebound like none other.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] Rand Paul on The O'Reilly Factor w/ Eric Bolling 8/10/15

Good showing by Rand on another O'Reilly show w/ a sub host that likes him. Rand really gets at Trump so this is a must watch. The post a few posts back about Rand's standing in Iowa is crap because his dad's campaign allegedly paid a state senator for support and was orchestrated by his nephew whom many in the Paul camp has long been wanting the Paul's to get rid of.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul op-ed: Don't Fall For A Fake Conservative

I ran for office because I was tired of being misled by Republicans who promised conservative government and gave us bank bailouts and more debt. The Wall Street bankers got richer and the American taxpayer got poorer.

The Tea Party erupted over dissatisfaction with false conservatives. It amazes me that anyone in the Tea Party movement could possibly consider Clinton/Reid/Pelosi supporter Donald Trump for President.

I honestly have no idea what Mr. Trump’s real philosophy is. He was liberal before he was conservative, and has openly professed for decades that his views are those of a Democrat.

In 1990, he said if he ever ran for office, he’d do better as a Democrat. He became an independent briefly in 1999 before he switched back to registering as a Democrat. In 2004, he identified more of his beliefs as those of a Democrat, especially on economic policy, stating on CNN that“it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” He only registered as a Republican in 2009 before dropping the party again in 2011, only to re-register in 2012.

This is a guy who said in 1999 that he was a strong supporter of the United Nations. He was for partial birth abortion before he was against it. He lavished praise on the bank bailouts. He was for Obamacare before he was against it and has said he’s “liberal on health care.”

In the debate, I reminded Trump that conservatives in the GOP have spent decades opposing a single-payer system like the socialized medicine of Canada and England. He responded that I hadn’t heard his answer. The problem is, I had heard his answer and, like many of his answers, it made absolutely no sense. What I heard was that he was once for a single-payer system—today, he’s against Obamacare but still kind of likes the concept of single-payer and isn’t sure it works.

No conservative in America supports a single-payer government-run healthcare system, and yet around 25 percent of Republicans seem to favor Trump. How can this be possible? How can a quarter of the GOP support a guy who was a Republican, then an Independent, then a Democrat, and then a Republican again?

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand will be in the Sept. 16 CNN debate - Received invitation from Nancy Reagan

All the candidates in the top 10 in polling before last week’s event who participated in the prime-time debate have qualified thus far and have gotten invitations: businessman Donald Trump, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Additionally, candidates outside the top 10 of polling for the first debate who have been invited are former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former New York Gov. George Pataki and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
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