
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 19. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New Poll: Rand Paul holds Hillary Clinton to only 47% in Illinois

Clinton, versus Paul 47%
versus Bush 48%
versus Carson 49%
versus Rubio 49%
versus Christie 49%
versus Fiorina 49%
versus Walker 50%
versus Cruz 51%
versus Huckabee 51%
versus Trump 51%

So, Rand keeps Shillary to the lowest level  in this poll vs other GOP candidates n a major blue stage, a few percentage points mean everything.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
NSA whistleblower William Binney is advising Rand Paul

BILL: Yeah, we're passing advice to people who are working with him...

BILL: ... so that we can try to contribute to him that way.


Historic interview.  Bill Binney is a goddamn hero and sharper than broken glass.

I hope Robin Koerner and Rand find enough Blue Republicans to beat Hillary's identity-politics driven SJWs.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul leads GOP in another national poll

Rand runs 10% better than Trump
Rand runs 7% better than Fiorina
Rand runs 5% better than Cruz, Carson, Christie
Rand runs 3% better than Huckabee
Rand runs 2% better than Bush, Rubio, Walker

Clinton 50%, Trump 37%

Clinton 47%, Fiorina 37%

Clinton 48%, Cruz 40%

Clinton 47%, Carson 39%

Clinton 46%, Christie 38%

Clinton 46%, Huckabee 40%

Clinton 46%, Bush 41%

Clinton 46%, Rubio 41%

Clinton 46%, Walker 41%

Clinton 45%, Paul 42%

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
NSA whistleblower William Binney is advising Rand Paul

ROBIN: Yeah. Okay, I understand. Interestingly, earlier in the interview -you mentioned Rand Paul, and I want to just ask you a little bit about that because I know for a lot of folks who identify with the liberty movement, there's a certain hopelessness about the electoral process. They believe that any application of people-power to the electoral process is basically hopeless because that process is hopelessly corrupt. Now, is it fair to say that - given that you offered the name of Rand Paul - that you believe, that you apply effort to supporting candidates like him, to shining the light on candidates like him, and that you think it is worth turning out to support folks like Rand Paul - and that it is possible, at least in theory, that a Rand Paul presidency would not become corrupted in the same way that a George W. or a Barack Obama presidency did? Do you believe that?

BILL: Yes, I do because...actually I'm trying to help as much as I can. I mean, if he gets the right advisors and doesn't fall for the bamboozling of the intelligence community, then, he would have it right, and I believe that he will not fall for that. At least, so far, he's evidenced the fact that he wouldn't. He's made it pretty clear that all the existing laws that we had would function well as long as we abided by the constitution.


BILL: He's advocating for more intrusive investigation of people who are suspect or in a zone of suspicion around bad guys.

ROBIN: Yeah.

BILL: That's the disciplined, professional approach that really we need to succeed, and he's got that focus and he said that on the floor of the Senate in his filibuster basically for 11 hours down there.


BILL: He said that, and that's really pretty clear. I mean, that's really the way they have to do it. That's the way Anonymous did it; that's why they succeeded.

ROBIN: Yeah.

BILL: Our intelligence community is consistently failing on that. I mean, the FBI is really good at entrapping people, but, you know, those aren't the real threats. I mean the real threats that were coming - fundamentally, most of them succeeded. The ones that failed failed because their devices failed, you know, or some local policeman saw them and stopped them.

ROBIN: Yeah, that makes sense.

BILL: So that should be clear evidence that they're doing something wrong. I mean, after all, if you're running an organization that's not succeeding, you're doing something wrong. You've got to change. That's really pretty simple.

ROBIN: Now, the beginning of that answer, Bill, just to make sure that I was clear. Did I hear you say that you were advising Rand Paul or talking to him about these matters?

BILL: Yeah, we're passing advice to people who are working with him...

ROBIN: Okay.

BILL: ... so that we can try to contribute to him that way.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Really good article about Rand's campaign and the perception it is losing steam

Ron Paul Supporters

Many news sources have claimed that Rand Paul is losing his father’s supporters left and right. While it’s entirely true that some Ron Paul supporters won’t be helping his son, it’s not as many as you’ve been led to believe - and the large majority still support Rand.

For example, the media likes to cite Drew Ivers - Ron Paul’s 2012 Iowa Chairman - as leaving Rand Paul’s camp:

Yes, there are those who are “disillusioned by the younger Paul’s concessions to mainstream politics.” The most prominent example in the piece is Drew Ivers, who chaired Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign in Iowa.

Ivers complains that Rand is watering down the Ron Paul message, saying, “The strategy of sending a blended message is one that has risk.”

What they aren’t telling you, however, is that Ivers is not a libertarian like most of Ron Paul’s followers. He’s previously worked for very socially conservative candidates with a hawkish foreign policy:

Ivers is no libertarian hardliner. He previously worked for Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan. Robertson and Buchanan both finished second in the Iowa caucuses, Ron a strong third.
The most important point of them all is that, realistically speaking, Ron Paul supporters won’t be leaving Rand Paul’s camp for another candidate, because even if he isn’t the “perfect” libertarian, he’s the best they’ve got. If anything, they’ll just not vote - or they’ll come around to Rand:

Take a look at some of the other examples, however. Three liberty Republicans, including an Iowa state lawmaker, say they are endorsing Cruz. The poll of former Ron Paul delegates shows “high single digit” support for Cruz and Scott Walker.


Rand had over 108k donors last quarter and you can fit them all here:
UM stadium
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul readying Hill push for guns on military bases and in recruiting stations

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is working on legislation to allow soldiers to carry guns on military bases, and could introduce it as soon as this week. That could establish him as a leader among conservatives who say last week’s massacre at a Chattanooga, Tennessee recruiting station should change how the military looks at the issue.

“After Major [Nidal] Hasan did the shooting at Fort Hood, we did legislation on arming military on bases,” said Paul, in a roundtable with reporters at his Washington, D.C campaign office. “This was a recruiting station, right? Well, I would include recruiting stations. One of the weird things is that we have 15-20 states where you can open carry. So everybody can carry, except for the military? I think that’s crazy. The rules that apply to everybody should at least apply to the military.”

Paul, who was elected to the Senate a year after Hasan’s 2009 killing spree on the Texas military base, has long favored a policy shift that would allow guns on bases. His new bill may go even further than the versions that followed Fort Hood. In 2013, former Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Tex.) sponsored a Safe Military Bases Act, written to allow guns. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), one of Paul’s rivals for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, has used his perch on the Armed Services Committee to ask for hearings on the gun policy.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Libertarians shouldn’t automatically trust how the media portrays Rand Paul–on immigration or anything else

When Sen. Rand Paul made comments about U.S. immigration policy in the wake of the Chattanooga shooting tragedy recently, a headline at Breitbart read “Rand Paul: Restrict Immigration from Muslim Nations.”

This sounds horrible, right?

It does. It’s also not what Rand Paul said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

HOUSTON, Texas — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, again decided to break from the norm of the rest of the field this weekend. While most candidates were in Iowa for the Family Leadership Summit, Paul attended a rally here with hundreds of conservatives just an hour outside his hometown in Lake Jackson, Texas.

“I grew up in Texas, I went to Brazoswood High School about an hour from here and I went to Baylor which is up in Waco—and actually one of the interviews I did on the radio on the way down here was with a guy I was part of Young Conservatives of Texas with, which a group that Steve Munisteri [the former Texas GOP chairman who’s working for Paul’s campaign now] founded and it was a break off of Young Americans for Freedom back in the 1970s,” Paul said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News right before he took the stage.

“It’s good to be here to reconnect with people and also spend a lot of time with my family as well. Being in Texas is great—a lot of Republicans down here, a very red state—but to have 800 people for a rally is pretty good considering there’s some other Texans in the race as well.”

Paul, a U.S. Senator from Kentucky, grew up here in Texas and is one of many Texans in the 2016 GOP presidential primary. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is also running as is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was born and raised in Texas too.

Paul, a grassroots conservative candidate, took the stage inside downtown Houston’s Hyatt Regency while local band “The Guzzlers” played hits like “Brown Eyed Girl,” “Sweet Home Alabama,” and other songs before introducing Paul as the “next president of the United States.”

“Anyone here from the leave me alone coalition?” Paul asked the crowd as he took the stage, to shouts of “YEAH!”


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

HOUSTON, Texas — The filibuster against the National Security Agency (NSA) bulk data collection program that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
led in the U.S. Senate earlier this year was “fantastic,” his father, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), tells Breitbart News exclusively.

“I think it was fantastic because it called attention to a very, very important issue,” Ron Paul said in an interview at a fundraiser in Houston for his son’s presidential campaign that many members of the Paul family—whose home is just an hour from here in Lake Jackson, Texas—attended. “It hit a chord because it helped wake up the American people. I think it was great and that kind of stuff goes a long way.”

The senator’s mother, Carol Paul, told Breitbart News that her son’s leadership reminded her of what her husband used to do before he retired.

“I’ve seen that before, so I’m pretty much attuned to that,” Carol Paul said when asked about the filibuster.


Paul’s father, Ron—a three-time presidential candidate once as a Libertarian Party member and twice as a GOP member—said Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)93%
is the candidate Republicans should pick as their nominee for president because he’s the only one who understands the issues most important to the nation.

“His philosophy is close to my philosophy,” Ron Paul told Breitbart News of Rand Paul. “It’s for less government, for liberty, and nobody else even has the vaguest understanding if you compare what his understanding is for free markets and Austrian economics. Nobody else even comes close.”


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Fox News w/ Bill Hemmer Morning Show at 9:40 am ET

You'll have to scroll down a few and there you'll find the appropriate commentary. If you have the Fox News channel and are gonna be up at this time tomorrow, you can watch it for yourself. Otherwise, I'll post the youtube version later on for your viewing pleasure. For those that aren't familiar, this show on Fox typically has well over a million viewers that happen to be GOP primary voters and hopefully they see Rand at his best depending on what they talk about.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Monmouth Iowa Poll 7/16-7/19 Walker-22,Trump-13, ..., Rand-5%

When Iowa Republicans are asked who they would support in their local caucus, Scott Walker is
the first choice of 22% followed by Donald Trump at 13%. The next group of candidates includes Ben
Carson (8%), Jeb Bush (7%), Ted Cruz (7%), the 2008 Iowa winner Mike Huckabee (6%), Marco Rubio
(5%), Rand Paul (5%), and Bobby Jindal (4%). Rick Santorum (3%)
– who won the Iowa caucuses in
2012 – Rick Perry (3%), and Carly Fiorina (3%) are tied for 10th place. The rest of the field garners no
more than 2% of the vote as a first choice, including John Kasich (2%), Chris Christie (1%), George
Pataki (<1%), Lindsey Graham (0%), and Jim Gilmore (0%). Another 11% of likely caucusgoers are


Not looking too good at the moment but he'll be attending the state more often in the near term plus the it's up in the air about how much this poll means at this point. Trump won't last considering his latest statements about Mexicans and Sen. McCain. Walker has to come back down to earth soon as well.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul traveling to Haiti to perform pro bono eye surgeries

In just a few weeks, Paul—along with most of the rest of the GOP field—will appear at their first debate in Cleveland. Shortly thereafter, Paul—along with a massive contingent of doctors and media—will travel to Haiti to perform pro bono surgeries on people with eye conditions like cataracts. Paul, in addition to being a U.S. Senator now, has for the last several decades been an ophthalmologist in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and this will mark his second trip to an impoverished nation to perform pro bono surgeries as a doctor since his election to the U.S. Senate. Last August, Paul traveled to Salama, Guatemala, to perform such surgeries on hundreds of patients there.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
West Michigan local news coverage last night about Rand's visit to the area this last weekend.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
John Stossel, who has a show on Fox Business occasionally does a weekend show on Fox News, endorses Rand Paul for President in this recent clip.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Will Vote Against Iran Nuclear Deal

The proposed agreement with Iran is unacceptable for the following reasons:
1) sanctions relief precedes evidence of compliance
2) Iran is left with significant nuclear capacity
3) it lifts the ban on selling advanced weapons to Iran..

I will, therefore, vote against the agreement.
While I continue to believe that negotiations are preferable to war, I would prefer to keep the interim agreement in place instead of accepting a bad deal. Please help share this news.

Per his FB page...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
I'm so pumped with the grassroots support that Rand has versus any other candidate. He's got over 108k unique donations in the last quarter totaling up to $7 million dollars and 96% of them/me average a donation of 85$ or less. So, he's got plenty more people to donate lot's more over time as we go forward.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul, Don’t Swallow The Bait

Sen. Rand Paul has walked straight into a bait and switch trap set by big-government proponents like Cass Sunstein. In a recent Time magazine commentary, Paul reacted to the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage by pitching the idea of abolishing state recognition of marriage.

Paul noted that since the ruling may soon lead the state’s police power to intrude into churches and other religious institutions, “perhaps the time has come to examine whether or not governmental recognition of marriage is a good idea for either party.” He suggests that people draw up contracts instead of obtaining state-issued licenses.

Watch your step, Rand! That plan would not at all limit government. It’s central planning in disguise. I know this seems counter-intuitive. After all, libertarians have an old mantra that goes: “Let’s just get the government out of the marriage business!” But that’s an empty slogan. It blindly assumes that government will leave you alone once it no longer has to recognize you and your spouse and potential offspring as bound together as a family unit. These days, nothing can be further from the truth, as I’ll explain below.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Less than a month after holding a fundraiser on the sidelines of a Colorado marijuana conference, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is joining the fight to give America’s growing legal marijuana industry access to banking services.

Paul, the first major-party presidential candidate to publicly seek support from legal marijuana industry, is among the bipartisan co-sponsors of the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act of 2015, introduced Thursday in the Senate.

Similar legislation has already been re-introduced in the House after a previous effort to ease access to banking for marijuana companies failed.

The Senate bill would prohibit banking regulators from penalizing or discouraging banks from providing financial services to marijuana businesses operating in areas of the U.S. where marijuana has been legalized.

It also would ban regulators from terminating federal deposit insurance at banks providing services to state-sanctioned marijuana businesses and would create a safe harbor from criminal prosecution, liability and asset forfeiture for financial institutions who provide services to marijuana businesses operating legally.

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