
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 20. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP field knocks Clinton on sharing economy

Republican presidential candidates are knocking Hillary Clinton after she delivered a speech claiming the so-called sharing economy, made up of companies such as Uber and Lyft faced "hard questions."

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul came out with the sharpest barb, saying the country “shouldn’t take advice on the sharing economy from someone who has been driven around in a limo for 30 years,” referring to Clinton’s revelation last year that she hadn’t driven a car since 1996.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP Senators look to crack down on Sanctuary Cities

“Reasonable people can and do differ on issues of border security, interior enforcement and the status of illegal immigrants present in our nation," said Cotton. "We should not disagree about the importance of the rule of law.”

Other Republicans, including Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), another 2016 contender, are also rolling out legislation in the wake of the shooting.

Paul is expected to introduce a measure requiring state and local agencies to tell U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when they’ve arrested an illegal agreement. The agencies would also have to hold someone if ICE requests.

Punishing cities who flout immigration law by fiddling with education funding is a tricky business. You want to avoid hurting schools while making it clear that policies must change. Senator Paul's bill is probably more to the point. It attacks the basis for sanctuary by taking the decision of whether to deport someone out of local authorities hands. This won't guarantee deportation, but it will make it difficult for a city to release a dangerous criminal.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Presidential candidate Rand Paul talks tax reform, criminal justice on first Michigan stop

HIGHLAND PARK, MI - A small crowd gathered on the front lawn of a home in Highland Park to hear from presidential hopeful and U.S. Senator Rand Paul Friday afternoon.

Appearing with a handful of local elected officials, including Democratic Highland Park Mayor DeAndre Windom, and business leaders, Paul delivered a short outline of his political strategy during his "Unleash the American Dream" event.

The Republican candidate said Friday that one of the problems with Washington, D.C., is that Republicans and Democrats are always fighting.

"We never get the solutions, because we don't have conversation," Paul said. "I came here, really, not to tell the mayor how to do his job, but to learn more about your city. ... The thing I think we all have to acknowledge is we face a lot of problems in our country ... so we need to figure out what works and what doesn't work."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul hits urban issues in Democratic stronghold

Highland Park — Rand Paul has made Detroit a regular stop in the past two years, but he returned to the area Friday as a Republican presidential candidate. He used the first of several appearances around the state Friday and Saturday to try to set himself apart from the other 14 GOP hopefuls.

The Kentucky senator toured the Democratic stronghold of Highland Park with city, business and faith leaders Friday afternoon. Given the chance to make his case in front of several dozen local residents and campaign supporters, he laid out three areas where his policies stand out.

“I’m probably the leading Republican talking about criminal justice,” Paul said. “I’m also the one Republican that has a plan for our big cities and some of the poverty (issues) in the sense that I think that rather than send our money to Washington, we should leave it in our communities.

“I’m also a believer in your right to privacy and our right to be left alone. I don’t think the government should collect all of our phone records all of the time without a warrant.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
News Media Machine: “Rand Paul Too Short for Presidency.”

And so, it has come down to this – with little to no actual criticism left to hurl in Rand Paul‘s direction, the vacuous multitudes of news media – represented as the dismembered jabbering capitulum we all love to hate – have decided enough is enough, drawn a line in the sand, and begun to analyze the vertical stature of the Republican presidential hopeful as a legitimate means of criticism.

I wish I were joking.

But it’s not a recent phenomenon, judging one’s leadership abilities on how high his head rests above the ground – in fact, in Rand Paul’s case alone, we can find this same argument being used against him as early as two years ago, with Ann Coulter and Michael Savage – fellow conservatives who in theory should want to help support Paul – scathing the man for his height, and even making it into a joke (likely in the hopes that such criticism will be echoed faster in such a humorous form). What solidarity – I can’t possibly imagine why the Republican Party is in such disarray right now with as strong inner support as that going on.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul says his message will separate him from the GOP presidential pack

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says his unique message will separate him from the rest of the pack, as the Republican race for President widens to fifteen.

We caught up with Paul in west Louisville as he continues his effort to win African American support.

Officially, Rand Paul's visit to the Plymouth Community Renewal Center was not a campaign event. But when you're running for President, every event becomes a campaign event.

This was Paul's third visit to the Plymouth Center, but his first since he launched his campaign for President.

“This is a huge opportunity for them. Not a lot of kids are going to get to ever meet and sit down and have a discussion with a presidential candidate,” said Markham French, executive  director of the Plymouth Center.

Paul did lunch with kids taking part in the summer enrichment program and later talked jobs, education and government with a select group of students -- all part of Paul's ongoing effort reach out to African Americans.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul mum on Trump's immigration stance

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. – Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul declined on Monday to venture an opinion on the incendiary comments of fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on immigration.

"I've tried to talk about what my plan is for immigration so I don't get trapped into talking about what 20 other people are saying about immigration," Paul said at a stop in Elizabethtown. "As far as I'm concerned I think most people come to this country in search of the American dream. It doesn't mean you can have a lawless border, though."

After speaking to about 25 constituents at the Lincoln Trail Area Development District in Elizabethtown, Paul repeatedly avoided giving reporters an opinion of Trump's immigration comments, which have drawn criticism from some of his GOP presidential rivals.

When asked if Trump's remarks have hurt the Republican Party, Paul said, "I've got to stick with my message. There's 15 other people, if I spend all my time on other people's message …"


Rand golfed w/ Trump last year and Trump also donated to send him on his ophthalmalogy trip to Guatemala so I can see him not offering any comments about T at this point. Trump is saying what populist America wants to here on immigration but goes too far on some of it. See Rand's plan above.

The courier journal hates Rand and thus this hit piece shan't be linked.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul goes off on Hillary Clinton, and says she's disqualified from bashing Uber

Presidential candidate and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) blasted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Twitter after she questioned the economic model of the so-called "gig" economy in a Monday speech.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner in 2016, said the "'on demand' or so-called 'gig economy'" needs to be examined. She didn't mention the companies by name, but earlier reports suggested she would take aim at firms like Uber and Airbnb.

"Meanwhile, many Americans are making extra money renting out a spare room, designing websites, selling products they design themselves at home, or even driving their own car," Clinton said, according to her campaign transcript.

She added that this new economic model "is creating exciting opportunities and unleashing innovation but it's also raising hard questions about workplace protections and what a good job will look like in the future."

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul proposes legislation that will crack down on 'sanctuary' cities

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has introduced new legislation that would crack down on “sanctuary” cities harboring criminal illegal immigrants.

The 2016 Republican presidential contender announced last week a proposal that would require state and local law enforcement to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after the arrest of an illegal immigrant.

The legislation, known as the Protecting American Citizens Together Act (PACT Act) would also require law enforcement to detain or transfer an illegal immigrant if requested to do so by ICE.

The proposed legislation comes after a 32-year-old San Francisco woman was allegedly shot and killed by an illegal immigrant.

Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez, who has pleaded not guilty, was in the country illegally and had been released from jail months before the shooting, despite a federal immigration order asking local authorities to hold him.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Breitbart (major conservative/republican site) Primary Poll July Voting

They had one in June. Currently Rand is 4th with 7%.

Vote: hxxp:// tm_term=0_72a300fd00-c89f86c1b0-283387813

These were June results & here is a summary of the results:

Ted Cruz 33%
Scott Walker 23%
Rand Paul 10%

Go vote and elevate Rand above the 7%. It's one of those click and drag polls for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. You don't have to place a 2nd and 3rd if ya don't want. Link is broke so we don't appear as an army coming from any one site.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: "No Way" Hillary Clinton Didn't Know Benghazi Weapons Went To ISIS In Syria

Sen. Rand Paul appeared on Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom on Tuesday to explain new proof found in Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's diplomatic emails for his long-standing assertion that following the collapse of the Libyan central government in 2011 the U.S. government oversaw the transfer of weapons from Libya's armories (using the CIA annex in Benghazi in 2012) through Turkey and Saudi Arabia into Syria and Iraq in 2013, where they eventually found their way into the hands of the Islamic State in 2014.

In 2013 Paul questioned Clinton during a Senate committee hearing on Benghazi about her knowledge of the US arming the Syrian rebels. Clinton denied having knowledge about the US involvement with arming the rebels. A new batch of previously undisclosed emails about Benghazi written by and to Hillary Clinton have also emerged, despite Clinton previously stating she had turned everything over to the State Department.

"The emails basically indicate that she was a supporter of arming the folks involved in the Syrian civil war (2012-present). Many of the people who were involved in the Libyan Civil War (2011-present) actually were people who had been in prison before as jihadists, so really it is a bad public policy, and then there is the question of whether or not she was being honest with me in the committee whether she knew.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Presidential candidate Rand Paul speaks one-on-one with FOX17

HOLLAND, Mich. — Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul made his rounds in Michigan this weekend.

Paul stopped a long the lake-shore on Saturday, where he discussed what’s setting him apart from the other candidates in the Republican party.

“I like coming back to Michigan. I’ve been here several times and I actually have some family that lives in the Holland area, so we are always excited to come home,” said Senator Paul.

Stopping in west Michigan on Saturday, Kentucky Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, met with voters in Holland, making note of his triumphs in the state.

“We want to win Michigan and right now we are doing better against Hilary Clinton than any republican. In fact where states won by President Obama, we lead Hilary Clinton in five of those states and I think that’s because we attract independents,” said Paul.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s Libertarian View Of World – Analysis

In the congested Republican Presidential nominee field, Rand Paul stands apart. Most polls show him as being the third favourite Republican nominee behind Jeb Bush and Ben Carson.

The son of Ron Paul, the Presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in 1988, Rand Paul is currently a senator from Kentucky. What makes Rand Paul stand apart from the rest of the Republican field is his Libertarianism. Libertarianism is a political philosophy which holds that any person is free to live his/her life in the way he/she chooses to so long as they respect equally together people’s rights to do so as well. Libertarians believe in maximising individual rights while minimising the role of the state. The Libertarian Party in the US has not been able to make real inroads into American politics because of the nature of the electoral system.

But now thanks partly to Paul’s bid for the Republican nomination, Libertarianism has become popular in American politics again. Tens of millions of Americans today are fiscally conservative, socially tolerant and sceptical of American military intervention abroad. David Boaz attributes the spread of Libertarianism to two factors: the spread of Libertarian ideas and sentiments and the expansion of government during the Bush and Obama administrations, particularly the civil liberties abuses after 9/11 and the bailouts and out-of-control spending after the financial crisis. Paul also is a supporter of the Tea Party, which propagates minimum role for the government.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s Fake Flat Tax

Every four years, Republican candidates for the White House denounce the federal tax system — often advocating replacing it with a supposedly more equitable single tax rate — and this year is no exception. Senator Rand Paul has already come up with a flat-tax reform plan, and it shows clearly, once again, that this is a fundamentally flawed idea.

Mr. Paul has pledged to “blow up the tax code” by replacing all federal taxes with a flat 14.5 percent tax on personal and corporate income — except, that is, when his plan exempts income from taxation altogether by retaining popular write-offs. Mr. Paul proposes to continue deductions for mortgage interest and charitable donations, which would gut the supposed simplicity of a flat tax.

The Paul plan, like the flat-tax plans from previous campaigns, would fail to raise enough revenue to finance a modern government. Estimates by the conservative Tax Foundation found that it would reduce revenue to the Treasury by $1 trillion to $3 trillion over a decade. Citizens for Tax Justice, a more liberal advocacy group, estimates a 10-year loss of $15 trillion. [Good] Arguments about the proper role of government aside, a population and an economy that are growing in size and complexity cannot thrive with a shrinking government.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
EDITORIAL: Rand Paul's pot position bad for kids Roll Eyes

Republicans wanting a strong presidential contender must reduce a growing crowd. They should start by pressuring Sen. Rand Paul to step aside.

The Kentucky senator has shown himself a likely source of routine embarrassment and distraction. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy approached him in late June at a campaign rally. Bundy - of blacks might be "better off as slaves" notoriety - told the media he hoped to shake the candidate's hand. To Bundy's pleasant surprise, Paul took him aside for a private audience that lasted most of an hour.

Dr. Paul showed up in Colorado a few days later to cozy up with drug peddlers. Paul became the first major-party presidential candidate to publicly solicit funds from Big Marijuana. He held a June 30 fundraiser at the Cannabis Business Summit, taking checks from pioneers of Big Tobacco 2.0. Never mind the devastating effects this drug trade poses for future generations; Paul wants its money.

A few hours later, Paul summarized his philosophy about the federal government's role: "Leave me the hell alone."

The desire for a smaller, less-intrusive government is a foundational conservative value. So is law and order, which means grounded conservatives should cringe when a candidate pals with illicit drug vendors and antediluvian crackpots.


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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New Hampshire Taxpayers Picnic Straw Poll: Rand 39% / Carly 15% / Cruz 11% / Trump 8% / Carson 5%
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Presidential candidate Rand Paul speaks to large crowd at Flint Farmers' Market

FLINT, MI -- A large crowd gathered Saturday morning outside the Flint Farmers' Market to hear what presidential hopeful Senator Rand Paul has planned for cities like Flint if elected.

More than 150 people showed up Saturday, July 11, for Paul's "Stand with Rand Meet and Greet."

Kostandi Stephenson, 17 of Midland, made the trek to Flint just to see Paul. Stephenson said she is interested in going into politics and meeting Paul on Saturday meant a lot to her.

"I'm really into politics and I want to go into that." Stephenson said. "So to see someone who has been so successful in it like Rand Paul, it was really an amazing opportunity."

Braden Burgess, 24 of Flushing, said he came to the Farmers' Market to see Paul speak as well. Burgess believes Paul is an interesting candidate who pushes the conversation within his party and nationally, which could draw voters.

"The Republican Party has traditionally struggled with minority votes, and obviously Flint is a majority African American city." Burgess said. "So to see Rand Paul here for the Republican Party is a great thing."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul talks to packed house in DeWitt, MI

DEWITT – TWP. – Presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul told an overflow crowd at the Draft House Saturday that he thinks the Republican party must be a "bigger, better, bolder" party if it intends to win Michigan in 2016.

"We need people in our party with earrings and without, with tattoos and without," he said. "Do we need to dilute what we stand for? ... We need to be more boldly for what we are for."

In Paul's case, that includes a flat income tax of 14.5 percent, a reduction in power for the executive branch and a broader perception of the Republican platform beyond the Second Amendment to include privacy and property rights.

Griff Drew of Lansing arrived early and snagged a table at the crowded restaurant to wait for Paul.

"We don't get presidential candidates in the Lansing area too often, and I think Rand Paul has a good message and I wanted to hear what he had to say," he said.

Paul told the crowd he has made a video that will come out this week featuring the destruction of the current U.S. tax code, which is 70,000 pages long, by wood chipper, chain saw and burning to make his point that the code is too complex, unfair and drives businesses overseas.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) raked in an impressive more than $7 million in the last Federal Election Commission (FEC) fundraising quarter which includes receipts through the joint fundraising committee, his campaign told Breitbart News exclusively.

What’s perhaps more impressive than the dollar amount, however, is just how successful Paul has been with grassroots supporters: the total number of donations is comprised of 108,205 individual donors with an average of $65.

What’s more, a whopping 85 percent of all donations were for either $50 or less, and 96 percent of all donations were for $100 or less. Those numbers prove that Paul has raw grassroots support nationwide, and hardworking people who aren’t part of the permanent political class—the folks who can’t max out in thousands of dollars of donations to various political candidates—are doing whatever they can to help him out.

The numbers Paul’s campaign released to Breitbart News exclusively also show he is outpacing the contributions of almost every 2012 Republican campaign and has the resources to build a national campaign capable of competing through the convention. The last quarter’s $7 million of receipts come from the time frame of between April and June of this year. Paul announced he’s running for president in April.

At this point in the 2012 Republican primary, Paul’s father former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) raised only $4.5 million, and only former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney raised more. Paul is on pace to raise almost double what his father and almost every other candidate garnered during the 2012 primary.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand goes "On the Record" w/ Greta Van Susteran on Fox News to talk about border security and sanctuary cities.
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