
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 23. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
NH WMUR/CNN Granite State poll (main pre-election poll out of the first in the nation primary) 6/25

Jeb Bush 16%
Donald Trump 11%
Rand Paul 9%
Scott Walker 8%
Marco Rubio 6%
Carly Fiorina 6%
Ben Carson 5%
Chris Christie 5%
Rick Perry 4%
Ted Cruz 3%
Mike Huckabee 2%
1%: George Pataki, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham

Poll of 402 likely Republican primary voters conducted June 18-24; error margin +/- 4.9ppts

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
There is very little chance of Rand Paul winning the race. Even if he is ahead, the other "mainstream" Republicans such as Bush and Huckabee would gang-up together to defeat him.
I believe that Jeb Bush has good chance to win this elections, his family is prominent in political background and Rich oil business, Since his grandfather Prescott Bush to till now they are continuously have the upper hand in the mainstream businesses in US. With the support of rich business people, Jeb bush has a high chance to win this election.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

I welcome Senator Cruz to the battle against giving more power to President Obama. My consistent opposition to the Trade Promotion Authority, or TPA, stems from my belief that Congress has already given too much power to the Presidency.

In fact, the single worst thing President Obama has done to our Republic is to further the collapse of the separation of powers. As our Founding Father James Madison wrote, the Constitution was intended to pit ambition against ambition. The ambition of the Congress to retain its power was to be pitted against the ambition of the President to accumulate power. But for more than a hundred years now, Congress has ceded power again and again to the President.

With TPA, Congress gives up the power to amend or filibuster trade legislation. While I think trade is a net positive, I don’t believe Congress should cede more power to this or any other President.

I oppose TPA because I oppose secrecy. There is no sane reason for making the trade treaty classified. I went to the secure room to read the trade treaty, but the 100-plus page document needs to be released to the public, to the media, and to scholars. In fact, several elected officials have yet to even read the TPA in its entirety. This is a major problem.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
YouGov poll: Rand tied for first at 11%

Rubio, Trump, Paul round out the top at 11% each, w/ Walker, Carson and Bush at 10%,; Cruz at 9% and Huckabee at 6%. Check the link at you'll see the full picture.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Flat And Fair Tax: Even Better Than Reagan Plan

Overnight, Rand Paul changed the dynamics of the Republican presidential race when he released his "Fair and Flat" tax plan a week ago.

As he said when he unveiled the plan on video, this is the boldest rewrite of the income tax system in 100 years. Even Ronald Reagan — who dramatically improved the federal tax system — didn't perform such a sweeping cleanup of the tax code.

For full disclosure, I spent the last several months helping design this plan with Sen. Paul — so I'm biased. But there is no doubt that this plan, which reduces income tax rates from as high as 40% and business taxes from 35% down to a flat 14.5%, can only be described as explosively pro-growth and pro-jobs.

The 14.5% tax would apply to wages, salaries, capital gains, rents and dividend income. It eliminates the estate tax, telephone taxes, Internet taxes, gift taxes and all customs and duties.

This plan would take America from being one of the nations with the highest income tax rates in the world to having one of the lowest. It would suck capital and jobs from the rest of the world almost immediately to these shores.

America would move from a nation offshoring jobs to one that would start in-sourcing millions of them. It gives U.S. workers a fair advantage.

Under the current tax system, the IRS taxes what is produced in America and sold overseas. Under Rand's plan, when goods are produced on these shores and sold abroad, no tax is applied. But when China brings goods into the U.S. for sale, a 14.5% tax at the border is applied.

This will reward production and jobs here — big time. Industrial unions should love this plan because the business tax is a GATT-legal tariff on all imported goods.
Perhaps the strongest case for the Fair and Flat tax is that it eliminates all of the special interest loopholes and carve-outs in the tax code.

Tax lobbyists in Washington would become an endangered species — and it couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. The richest 1% get the preponderance of the tax write-offs, so getting rid of the big deductions would increase their taxable income while lowering the rate.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
'Neoconfederates' Who Rand Paul Pals Around With

Today, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) came out against the Confederate flag, calling it “a symbol of human bondage and slavery.” But Paul has a long track record of embracing and defending neo-Confederate, white supremacists.

Here is a list of five:

1. Thomas Woods

In April of this year, Rand Paul listed a book by Thomas Woods on his since-deleted “recommend reading list.” Woods is a founding member of the League of the South, a white supremacist group that advocates for secession of southern states. A police officer in Alabama was fired on Friday because of his affiliation with the group.

In 2012, Paul sat down for an interview with Woods, a regular defender of the junior senator from Kentucky’s political career.

2. Greg Brannon

In 2014, Paul put the weight of his endorsement behind Greg Brannon, running for U.S. Senate out of North Carolina. Brannon has an extensive history of going on the record to lobby for a Confederate revival.

Paul could hardly have been ignorant of Brannon’s racist baggage when he went to bat for the candidate last year. In 2012, Jamelle Bouie at the Daily Beast wrote up a comprehensive history of Brannon’s stated belief in white supremacy.

Wrote Bouie:

“[Brannon] opposes public education, rejects the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction over national law, and has lent his support to a pro-nullification rally held by the League of the South, a self-described ‘Southern nationalist’ organization that is an obvious vehicle for neo-Confederate and white supremacist ideas.”

3. Cliven Bundy

Also in the spring of 2014, Paul was one of the earliest defenders of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher whose protest against federal grazing fees drew in a large number of supporters enthusiastic about taking up arms against the government.

But when Bundy mused on camera that the American “negro” might be better off in the antebellum south “pickin’ cotton,” Paul and other conservatives quickly distanced themselves from the apparent proponent of enslaving black people; the senator clarified to the media that he does not support slavery.

4. Jack Hunter

Hunter resigned from his position on Paul’s staff in 2013 after media identified him as the “Southern Avenger,” a pro-secessionist radio host.

In character, Hunter wore a superhero costume in the pattern of the Confederate flag. Hunter is on record praising John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated then president Abraham Lincoln, apparently for formally ending the legal practice of black enslavement in the United States.

“The Founding Fathers most likely would have snatched Lincoln up by his beard and hung him from the nearest tree,” Hunter said.

Questioned about Hunter by the press, Paul defended his former employee. Hunter’s remarks were “stupid,” Paul admitted. As for whether Hunter’s embrace of Confederate philosophy was racist? “I see no evidence of that,” Paul told the Huffington Post. “Are we at a point where nobody can have had a youth or said anything untoward?”

5. Chris Hightower

In 2009, Paul spokesperson Chris Hightower resigned after the media revealed the staffer had — for two years — kept the words “Happy N***** Day!” (an apparent reference to the national holiday honoring assassinated civil rights icon Martin Luther Kind) on his MySpace Page, accompanied by a photo of a lynching.

In an interview with the Lexington Herald-Leader, Paul denied Hightower had even done anything wrong. “I have never heard a single utterance of racism from this staffer,” Paul said, “nor do I believe him to have any racist tendencies.”

No linky because of the hit piece nature of the article. I won't reward funding towards the chumps that want to diminish Rand which is why I'll quote their entire piece so yall can read in full w/o giving them linkage.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Breaking: Rand Paul to sue IRS, U.S Treasury

Whoa, that's the first I've heard of this new lawsuit of Paul's. He's the best politician in America for stirring up discussion about his priorities. This is an interesting way to raise awareness of his cause especially with TPP coming on strong in Congress. Hopefully, this results in more talk about what free trade is and what it looks like.
No doubt, bro. Rand has to do things that other GOP candidates don't to run the media in his direction. The entire establishment of both parties and the whole media knows that he is the only one that would unravel the status quo which is why they will attempt to ignore his candidacy. He saw what his dad went through and realized that he had to take a different approach to reach a similar goal of smaller government. This is something to not only follow and enjoy, but to also support in whatever way you can.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Breaking: Rand Paul to sue IRS, U.S Treasury

Rand Paul is poised to become the first major presidential candidate in memory to sue the government he seeks to lead as president.

The Kentucky senator will take legal action against the U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service for what he says is the denial of his constitutional right to vote on more than 100 tax-information treaties that the Obama administration unilaterally negotiated with foreign governments, The Washington Times has learned.

In what the suit says is a violation of Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, President Obama has not consulted the U.S. Senate about the treaties nor given the Senate an opportunity to approve or disapprove of the treaties. The administration calls them “intergovernmental agreements.” They require foreign banks to gather and share private financial information about millions of Americans living and working outside the U.S. — information they would not have to disclose to the U.S. government if they lived and worked in the U.S.

Read more:

Whoa, that's the first I've heard of this new lawsuit of Paul's. He's the best politician in America for stirring up discussion about his priorities. This is an interesting way to raise awareness of his cause especially with TPP coming on strong in Congress. Hopefully, this results in more talk about what free trade is and what it looks like.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Anyone else seen this? Great video of Ron and Rand Paul about foreign policy, currency wars and related issues. Good watch.

Plus the 2008 Ron Paul theme song from Angels and Airwaves: Ron Paul Revolution *Secret Crowds" which you all have to view just once - -> Rand Paul 2016 Wink - Best political music video of all time - All of you have to see this.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Breaking: Rand Paul to sue IRS, U.S Treasury

Rand Paul is poised to become the first major presidential candidate in memory to sue the government he seeks to lead as president.

The Kentucky senator will take legal action against the U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service for what he says is the denial of his constitutional right to vote on more than 100 tax-information treaties that the Obama administration unilaterally negotiated with foreign governments, The Washington Times has learned.

In what the suit says is a violation of Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, President Obama has not consulted the U.S. Senate about the treaties nor given the Senate an opportunity to approve or disapprove of the treaties. The administration calls them “intergovernmental agreements.” They require foreign banks to gather and share private financial information about millions of Americans living and working outside the U.S. — information they would not have to disclose to the U.S. government if they lived and worked in the U.S.

Read more:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New Fox News poll: Rand tied for 4th at 9%

Bush - 15%
Trump - 11%
Carson - 10%
Rand - 9%
Walker - 9%
Rubio - 8%
Huckabee - 6%
Cruz - 4%
Fiorina - 3%
Santorum - 3%
Jindal - 2%

Bush pump w/ phony Trump in 2nd doesn't make sense.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
AEI: The VAT is back (but don’t use the V word)

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) unveiled his plan to “blow up the tax code and start over.” His plan makes him the most recent public figure to propose a value added tax (VAT).

Senator Paul’s plan would repeal the Social Security and Medicare payroll and self-employment taxes, the corporate income tax, the estate and gift tax, tariffs, and some excise taxes. And, it would dramatically reduce individual income taxes, slashing rates to a flat 14.5% and offering a $50,000 exemption for a family of four while maintaining the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit.

Of course, repealing and reducing those taxes would cause a large revenue loss. The plan would make up a little of the revenue loss by eliminating income tax deductions, other than for charitable contributions and mortgage interest. It would look to unspecified spending cuts to make up part of the revenue loss. But, the plan’s biggest revenue offset is a new 14.5% VAT.

If enough spending cuts come through to reach budget neutrality, the plan would significantly accelerate economic growth by dramatically reducing the tax code’s worst distortion, its penalty on saving and investment. But, this advantage would disappear if, as is likely, the unspecified spending cuts failed to materialize. In that case, the resulting deficits would crowd out investment, undoing the gains from the improved tax incentives.

If the plan includes enough spending cuts to make it budget-neutral, it would shift the fiscal burden downward. Those at the top of the income distribution would receive large tax cuts. Households lower in the distribution would make up the difference, bearing fiscal burdens from the spending cuts and the VAT that would outweigh their payroll tax relief.

By proposing a VAT, Senator Paul is following in the footsteps of Herman Cain, who proposed a 9% VAT (accompanied by a 9% retail sales tax) in the 2012 presidential campaign. Unfortunately, he’s following Mr. Cain’s footsteps in another respect, by steering clear of the V word and calling his VAT a “business activity tax.” Four years ago, I commented, “The biggest issue is one of truth in labeling. Mr. Cain should level with the voters by explaining that he’s proposing a VAT and allow them to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.” Today, I offer that same advice to Senator Paul.


Hit piece so no linky.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul vs. Ted Cruz 2016 – Who Does The Grassroots Prefer? [PODCAST]

Senator Rand Paul’s bold flat tax proposal made waves when it was released this week, but Ted Cruz has supported a flat tax for some time. Why does Paul get all the credit, while Cruz is seen as the also-ran?

Today’s Freedom Report podcast dives into the upcoming summer budget battles which will pit grassroots conservatives against establishment Republicans. Cruz and Paul aren’t likely to succeed in achieving significant cuts to the budget, but both have a chance to win the hearts of the grassroots by bucking the establishment of their party.

Cruz and Paul agree on quite a few issues, but disagree on those where substantive policy reforms put set Rand Paul apart as distinct from Cruz. Paul’s filibusters on drones and the NSA have made him a darling of the liberty movement, while Cruz has set himself as more traditional conservative. Will the grassroots be forced to pick sides against one another? And if so, would that mean eventual defeat for both coalitions if a challenger such as Jeb Bush continues to lead in the polls?

Also, Cruz’s recent flip-flop on the TPA trade deal has some conservatives and libertarians wondering if he’s changing positions out of principle, or political expediency. The Texas senator was widely criticized by his base for initially supporting the TPA, but now calls it a “corrupt” deal. Will Cruz say or do anything to win the presidency?

Audio here...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Taking A Stand Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America

Rand Paul joined the show this morning to discuss his new book, Taking a Stand. It’s been described as his “political vision in a book” and our conversation with Senator Paul focused mostly on his views on the “issues of the day.” One of  the twelve major Republican Candidates for President discussed extensively the issues he sees facing the Republican Party, including how the party relates to minority voters. He also discussed term limits for Congress, and why he believes he is the right man to “shake up the system.”

Listen to the audio from this Chicago radio station interview he did...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Refuses To Return Contributions From These White Separatists

Republican politicians scrambled this week to divest themselves of campaign contributions received from a donor tied to the designated white nationalist hate group that allegedly influenced Dylann Roof to shoot and kill nine African Americans at the historic Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina last week.

While Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) quickly moved to donate the contributions he received from Earl Holt III to a fund established to help the victims’ families, this stands in stark contrast to his past handling of white separatist donors.

Though on most of Holt’s campaign contributions he identified himself as a “landlord” or as a “slumlord,” he has also served as president of the Council of Conservative Citizens — a group that calls itself “the only serious nationwide activist group that sticks up for white rights.” The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes the Council as “the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.”

Holt made multiple contributions to Paul’s leadership political action committee, RandPAC. A Paul spokesman said Monday that “RandPAC is donating the funds to the Mother Emanuel Hope Fund to assist the victims’ families.”

Complete hit piece even though they acknowledge that the campaign gave the money to the church's fund. This is how the rabid left operates considering Rand's mission has been dipping into their pool of voters for quite some time so this is their attempt to neutralize it.
Now, contrast the above article w/ another one on the same focus and you'll see the extreme psychotic bent in the above.

Why Rand Paul Is Giving a White Nationalist's Money to Charleston Victims' Families

Late Sunday night, the Guardian's Jon Swaine reported that Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was among Republicans who'd received campaign donations from Earl Holt III, the president of the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens. On Monday morning, a spokesman for the presidential candidate said the money would go instead to the people whose lives were shattered by the Charleston church massacre.

“RandPAC is donating the funds to the Mother Emanuel Hope Fund to assist the victims' families,” said Doug Stafford, a Paul spokesman and strategist.

According to FEC records, Holt's donations preceded the start of Paul's official presidential campaign this year. He gave a total of $1,750 to RandPAC from July 2012 to April 2014. It's telling of the CCC's current low influence that those donations—as well as ones to Texas Senator Ted Cruz (whose team said he is returning the money), Iowa Representative Steve King, and even black Republicans Allen West, a former Florida representative, and Mia Love, a Utah representative—went unnoticed until shooting suspect Dylann Roof was said to cite the CCC in an online manifesto, and Swaine looked at the FEC records. According to the Guardian, Holt's most nakedly racist statements were heretofore lost in the toxic soup of online article comments.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
How Rand Paul Believes He Could "Fix" Baltimore And Eliminate Poverty

Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul says, if he were elected President, he would propose a few things that could "fix" Baltimore.

Paul tells Maryland's News Now with Bryan Nehman he doesn't think the Democrats have managed to fight poverty. He says the first thing to do is to see if anything that has been done to eliminate poverty over the past 50 years has worked.

"We've had a war on poverty for 50 years now and we've had cities run by Democrats," he states. "I don't think the war on poverty or Democrat rule has done much good at eliminating any poverty."

He states unemployment in Baltimore among young black men is 37%, which he says is worse than the Great Depression. That to him shows "utter failure." He believes we should change our strategy when it comes to fighting poverty.

Paul says he would change the tradition of sending tax dollars to Washington only to have Washington send it back for some politician to figure out how to use it and who gets it. He would propose "economic freedom zones" which essentially would not send any money to Washington, keeping it in the community and remaining with those who are earning it.

Audio and more...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP presidential contender Rand Paul to visit Denver

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is bringing his presidential campaign to Colorado next week to meet with local supporters.

The Republican will visit Choppers Sports Grill on South Madison Street in Denver at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. It’s Paul’s first campaign trip to Colorado since he announced his candidacy in April. The campaign said the candidate will meet with “constitutional conservatives, local business leaders and activists.”

The visit comes two days after the much-hyped Western Conservative Summit ends. Paul will not attend the summit, but seven of his rivals are planning to speak at the event and woo local activists.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Refuses To Return Contributions From These White Separatists

Republican politicians scrambled this week to divest themselves of campaign contributions received from a donor tied to the designated white nationalist hate group that allegedly influenced Dylann Roof to shoot and kill nine African Americans at the historic Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina last week.

While Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) quickly moved to donate the contributions he received from Earl Holt III to a fund established to help the victims’ families, this stands in stark contrast to his past handling of white separatist donors.

Though on most of Holt’s campaign contributions he identified himself as a “landlord” or as a “slumlord,” he has also served as president of the Council of Conservative Citizens — a group that calls itself “the only serious nationwide activist group that sticks up for white rights.” The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes the Council as “the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.”

Holt made multiple contributions to Paul’s leadership political action committee, RandPAC. A Paul spokesman said Monday that “RandPAC is donating the funds to the Mother Emanuel Hope Fund to assist the victims’ families.”

Complete hit piece even though they acknowledge that the campaign gave the money to the church's fund. This is how the rabid left operates considering Rand's mission has been dipping into their pool of voters for quite some time so this is their attempt to neutralize it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

This is really easy for the media to twist: He is simply asking for the public to see what was said during a Congressional Inquiry into the most important event of the century.
Considering this is Ben Swann's site I can live with it. I never saw Rand going into this territory but he has w/ great confidence, which tells me he's very thoughtful on this. I haven't thought about this whole thing in recent times like I did many years ago but he obviously has some bait that he's looking to catch later on this. I'm surprised to not see any hit pieces at this point about him going this route.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Rand Paul Reminds Us Why Questioning 9/11 Still Matters

"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Rand Paul stood with family members of victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks as he announced new bipartisan legislation that would force President Obama to declassify 28 pages of the Senate investigation into the attacks.

Senator Paul was joined at the press conference by Terry Strada, National Chair of the 9/11 Families and Survivors United For Justice Against Terrorism, who lost her daughter Kaitlyn Strada, and Abraham Scott, husband of a victim. Also present were U.S. Representatives Walter Jones (R-NC), Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA), and Thomas Massie (R-KY) and former U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D-FL).

The Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Victims and Survivors Act of 2015 was co-sponsored by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). The bill marks the latest attempt at revealing what the Bush and Obama Administrations have been hiding within the 28 pages of the report, officially known as the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001.

“I stand with my colleagues today to call for the release of the final 28 pages of the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry,” Paul said. “I firmly believe the family members of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have the right to know the details surrounding the tragedies that occurred on that sad day.” Paul will reportedly push for a vote on the bill as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2016.

Senator Paul has already become unpopular in the Republican Party for his challenging of the Patriot Act. Bringing the 9/11 attacks to the forefront will not likely win him any more Republican friends."


This is really easy for the media to twist: He is simply asking for the public to see what was said during a Congressional Inquiry into the most important event of the century.
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