
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 22. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Latest Prez Poll in KY

Paul: 19%
Bush: 13%
Trump: 12%
Walker: 11%
Rubio: 10%
Huckabee: 10%
Carson: 7%
Cruz: 4%
Fiorina: 4%
Someone else: 9%

#2nd Choice:
Paul: 13%
Bush: 12%
Carson: 11%
Trump: 10%
Rubio: 10%
Walker: 9%
Cruz: 8%
Huckabee: 7%
Fiorina: 3%
Someone else: 19%

#Against Clinton:
Paul: 50 - 40 (+10)
Huckabee: 49 - 39 (+10)
Bush: 48 - 40 (+8)
Carson: 49 - 40 (+6)
Cruz: 48 - 42 (+6)
Walker: 46 - 41 (+5)
Rubio: 46 - 41 (+5)
Fiorina: 45 - 40 (+5)
Trump: 42 - 45 (-3)

#Rand does well in his home state, but does not dominate. His favorability/job aproval numbers are very good among almost all demographics. He pulls 30% of under 45's, but only 11% of +65's, which is 4th.

So the good news is that he is the most electable candidate in both the polls, confirming this national trend. Both surveys did not allow undecideds, which could be most pople at this point in the race. Difficult to say how that impacts results.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Latest Prez Poll in Michigan


Walker: 15%
Carson: 14%
Trump: 14%
Bush: 14%
Rubio: 9%
Huckabee: 8%
Christie: 5%
Cruz: 5%
Paul: 4% (BAD!)
Fiorina: 3%
Kasich: 3%
Santorum: 2%
Perry: 1%
Graham: 1%
Pataki: 0%
Jindal: 0%
Someone else: 2%

#2nd Choice:
Bush: 12%
Walker: 11%
Rubio: 9%
Paul: 8% (Better!)
Huckabee: 7%
Fiorina: 6%
Carson: 6%
Trump: 6%
Cruz: 5%
Christie: 3%
Jindal: 3%
Kasich: 3%
Santorum: 3%
Perry: 1%
Graham: 1%
Pataki: 0%
Undecided: 17%

Against Clinton:
Paul: 42 - 45 (-3) (Excellent!, within the margin of error in a blue state)
Walker: 42 - 46 (-4)
Huckabee: 42 - 47 (-5)
Rubio: 40 - 46 (-6)
Christie: 38 - 44 (-6)
Carson: 41 - 49 (-8)
Fiorina: 38 - 46 (-8)
Bush: 38 - 47 (-9)
Cruz: 39 - 49 (-10)
Trump: 39 - 49 (-10)

#Takeaways about Rand's numbers:
- Wins the White vote by the largest margin
- Does just average with African-Americans (Rubio does the best)
- Does best among republicans among "Others". (Which in MI means Arab-Americans)
- Does the best among voters under 45 by huge margin in the general
- Is unpopular among seniors in favorability
- Seen favorably by backers of: Cruz, Graham, Santorum, Walker, Trump, Huckabee, Fiorina, Perry, Bush (in order of % who like Rand)
- Disliked the most by backers of: Christie, Rubio, Kasich, Carson
- Rand is the second choice of 31% of Cruz backers, 17% (Huckabee), 13% (Trump), 12% (Graham), 11% (Carson)
- 34% of Rand backers have Bush as their second choice. No one else comes close! This is confirmed by that most of Rand's base in this poll is moderates. Most of his 2nd choice people are conservatives, though.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Matt Kibbe (formerly of FreedomWorks org) on NewsmaxTV talks about Rand Paul and 2016 field

President and CEO of FreedomWorks,, Author of "Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff: A Libertarian Manifesto" joins Steve to discuss the latest GOP Presidential candidates and how FreedomWorks has started a PAC to support Senator Rand Paul.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul to raise money with marijuana industry in Denver

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s trip to Colorado this week includes a first for a presidential candidate: a fundraiser with the marijuana industry.

The Republican is raising money Tuesday at the Cannabis Business Summit in Denver in what an industry trade group is billing as a history making event.

“Never before has a major-party presidential candidate held a reception at a cannabis industry event, and NCIA is proud to host Senator Paul,” the National Cannabis Industry Association said in an email promoting the event, which was firstreported by Yahoo News.

The minimum donation to attend the Tuesday event is $2,700, according to organizers.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] CJ Pearson(young black 12 y.o. sensation on youtube) on Fox & Friends says Rand Paul is best candidate for president
Specifically at 2:45, young dude is very well spoken. Good to see this young dude speaking to a few million Fox viewers that tend to vote republican.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Exclusive Doug Wead describes supporters as the 'give me back my freedom coalition'

Note: Doug Wead recently was named senior adviser to the Rand Paul presidential campaign.

For the first time since Ronald Reagan, we have a political figure running for office who is actually leading a popular movement and not just seeking personal power. I’m talking about Sen. Rand Paul, whose group of supporters can best be described as the “give me back my freedom coalition.”

Not since Reagan has a Republican candidate transcended partisan politics and attracted so many new, young and diverse voters – the kind of coalition it is going to take to wrestle the White House back from the Democrats.

Sen. Paul appeals to all Americans through his mutual opposition to the corruption of our current economic system. Regulations create contrived monopolies for some companies and keep new ones out of the marketplace. Government subsidies favor corporations that have the best lobbyists. The result? The rich have been getting richer, and the poor have been getting poorer. Sen. Paul favors a return to free markets, which will allow the idea of the American Dream to become more achievable for everyone.

Additionally, Sen. Paul understands how Americans, especially young Americans, value their privacy in the digital age. He believes that what is on your phone is your business and has adamantly opposed the unnecessary and illegal data collection of innocent Americans’ records without a warrant. His filibuster, which led to much needed calibrations of the Patriot Act, only proved how committed Sen. Paul is to protecting the Fourth Amendment.

Sen. Paul also speaks to potential, new Republican voters through his calls for criminal justice reform. He understands that cutthroat punishments and excessive taxation don’t cure poverty, but rather increase it. The senator has called for comprehensive reform measures that will reunite broken families and end the cycle of incarceration for non-violent ex-offenders.

With regards to foreign policy, Sen. Paul has made it clear that America will do what has to be done to defend ourselves in the Middle East and elsewhere. In terms of the radical Islamic threat our nation faces, the senator was one of the first public figures to call for a Declaration of War against ISIS. But perhaps even more significantly, he would not have armed ISIS in the first place. Two years ago he tried to block the U.S. Senate from transferring arms and vehicles to Syrian rebels. “It could fall into the wrong hands,” he warned. Two years later, American equipment raced across the Middle East with black ISIS flags waving, slaughtering Christians and Muslims who opposed them.

Sen. Paul is the candidate running for the people, not personal gain. It is no surprise that Sen. Paul does better than any other GOP candidate when pitted against Hillary Clinton. Rand Paul is a new type of politician, attracting support from all different ages and areas, as he fights for fundamental rights, restores the people’s trust in their government and helps get America back to work.

Doug Wead is a presidential historian and New York Times bestselling author.  He has been an adviser to two American presidents and served in the White House as special assistant to the president under George Herbert Walker Bush.

In 1979 he co-founded Mercy Corps, which has distributed more than $ 2 billion of food and medicine around the world.

As a corporate-motivational speaker he has addressed business audiences in coliseums and soccer stadiums in forty countries.  He is the author of 30 books. Recent titles include All the Presidents’ Children and The Raising of a President.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz unloads on Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul in new book

Ted Cruz’s campaign against his Republican colleagues — especially Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — is getting increasingly personal.

The freshman senator from Texas has never shied from attacking the men and women whom he works alongside each day. But Cruz, lodged in the middle of the 2016 GOP presidential pack, is taking his criticism of fellow Republican senators to a new level — rhetorically and in his new book out Tuesday, “A Time for Truth.”

Cruz accuses McConnell and GOP leadership of maneuvering to dry up his fundraising and plant hit pieces in the press aimed at hurting him politically. He says GOP leaders cowered from joining him in big fights over the debt ceiling, Obamacare and gun control, accusing his colleagues of “mendacity” and capitulating to Democrats to avoid bad headlines.

He contends that McConnell misled him in vowing to stay out of primaries when Cruz accepted a senior-level position at the National Republican Senatorial Committee. And he accuses a GOP rival, Rand Paul of Kentucky, of parroting McConnell’s talking points by seeking to “undermine” his efforts to defund Obamacare during the 2013 fight that led to the government shutdown.

“During my time in the Senate, I’ve been amazed how many senators pose one way in public — as fiscal conservatives or staunch tea party supporters — and then in private do little or nothing to advance those principles,” Cruz writes in his 342-page book.

Disparaging Washington, of course, is one of the more timeworn campaign tactics of presidential hopefuls. What’s less typical is the personal, pointed way Cruz is doing it as his campaign ramps up. He’s leaning heavily into his brand of unapologetic and confrontational conservatism, arguing that GOP leadership’s compromises with Democrats are nothing more than “surrender.”

Yet presenting himself as a polarizing figure at war with the party establishment is a risky way to try to become the Republican presidential nominee.

Cruz’s book is in keeping with his stepped-up effort in recent days to portray himself as the one GOP candidate who’s taken on party leadership. On the Senate floor last week, he accused unnamed Republicans of “quietly celebrating” the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Obamacare subsidies. After vocally endorsing trade legislation backed by party leaders, Cruz flipped on the issue, bemoaning in an op-ed “corrupt” Washington deal making on the matter and singling out McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner for misleading conservatives.

And in the opening chapter of his book, Cruz calls out McConnell and his GOP colleagues for “chicanery” by publicly opposing an increase in the borrowing limit while privately trying to let the debt ceiling increase in 2014 without their fingerprints. When he told a California GOP donor in 2014 about the debt ceiling dispute, Cruz recalls the donor saying repeatedly: “The bastards.”

“In the 2016 primary, you’re going to have 15 candidates up there going, ‘I’m conservative. No, no, I’m conservative.’ And what we see is they go to Washington and they don’t do what they said they would do,” Cruz told NPR Monday in an interview about his book. “I think the question Republican primary voters should ask is, ‘When have you stood up against the Washington cartel? When have you stood up against leaders in our own party?’”

Don Stewart, a McConnell spokesman, declined to comment.

Since coming to Washington in 2013, Cruz has co-sponsored only three bills that have become law, none of them controversial. But in his book, Cruz suggests that cutting deals to pass legislation shouldn’t be the gauge of senatorial success.

“Sometimes, people ask me, ‘When you have a room full of Republican senators yelling at you to back down and compromise your principles, why don’t you just give in?’” Cruz wrote. “The answer is simple. I just remember all those men and women who pleaded with me, ‘Don’t become one of them.’”

In his book, Cruz writes that immediately after he won his 2012 Senate race, McConnell made a “concentrated effort to befriend me.” Cruz said he was “wary,” but “glad to reciprocate.” He joined McConnell on an official trip to Afghanistan and Israel and was the GOP leader’s guest at the 2013 Alfalfa Club Dinner. McConnell awarded Cruz with plum committee assignments — even a spot on the Senate Rules Committee, which is typically reserved for more senior members.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Flat And Fair Tax: Even Better Than Reagan Plan

Overnight, Rand Paul changed the dynamics of the Republican presidential race when he released his "Fair and Flat" tax plan a week ago.

As he said when he unveiled the plan on video, this is the boldest rewrite of the income tax system in 100 years. Even Ronald Reagan — who dramatically improved the federal tax system — didn't perform such a sweeping cleanup of the tax code.

For full disclosure, I spent the last several months helping design this plan with Sen. Paul — so I'm biased. But there is no doubt that this plan, which reduces income tax rates from as high as 40% and business taxes from 35% down to a flat 14.5%, can only be described as explosively pro-growth and pro-jobs.

The 14.5% tax would apply to wages, salaries, capital gains, rents and dividend income. It eliminates the estate tax, telephone taxes, Internet taxes, gift taxes and all customs and duties.

This plan would take America from being one of the nations with the highest income tax rates in the world to having one of the lowest. It would suck capital and jobs from the rest of the world almost immediately to these shores.

America would move from a nation offshoring jobs to one that would start in-sourcing millions of them. It gives U.S. workers a fair advantage.

Under the current tax system, the IRS taxes what is produced in America and sold overseas. Under Rand's plan, when goods are produced on these shores and sold abroad, no tax is applied. But when China brings goods into the U.S. for sale, a 14.5% tax at the border is applied.

This will reward production and jobs here — big time. Industrial unions should love this plan because the business tax is a GATT-legal tariff on all imported goods.
Perhaps the strongest case for the Fair and Flat tax is that it eliminates all of the special interest loopholes and carve-outs in the tax code.

Tax lobbyists in Washington would become an endangered species — and it couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. The richest 1% get the preponderance of the tax write-offs, so getting rid of the big deductions would increase their taxable income while lowering the rate.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul announces statewide Iowa tour July 1-2

Rand Paul will return to Iowa for a two-day, eight-stop tour across the state on July 1-2.

Paul, a GOP presidential candidate and senator from Kentucky, will begin his tour in southwest Iowa that Wednesday. The tour ends Thursday evening in Des Moines, where Paul will officially open his campaign’s Iowa office.

The libertarian-leaning Republican last appeared in Iowa on May 28. He’s tied for second place in support among likely GOP caucusgoers at 10 percent, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll.

Here are event details as confirmed by Paul’s Iowa campaign:

July 1

8:30 a.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 2702 Mid America Drive, in Council Bluffs.

11:00 a.m. at Morningside College’s UPS Auditorium, 3627 Peters Ave., in Sioux City.

2:30 p.m. at Sioux Center Public Library, 102 South Main Ave., in Sioux Center.

5:30 p.m. at Barefoot Bar, 24457 178th St., in Okoboji.

July 2

8:30 a.m. at Grand River Center, 500 Bell St., in Dubuque.

12:00 p.m. at Cedar Rapids Downtown Library, 450 5th Ave. SE, in Cedar Rapids.

2:30 p.m. at Farm of Craig Lang, 4213 180th St., in Brooklyn.

5:30 p.m. for the opening of campaign’s Iowa office, 1901 Bell Ave., Suite 21 in Des Moines.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Calls Mass Incarceration The “New Jim Crow” While Slamming Clinton

“But now that I’ve been speaking out and saying that mass incarceration is the new Jim Crow, now all of a sudden the Clintons are saying, ‘oh wait a minute, we are going to be back on the other side of this issue right now.’”

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul said Thursday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are “proud” to have presided “over the incarceration of a whole generation of young black men” in comments singling out mass incarceration as “the new Jim Crow.”

The senator from Kentucky is an advocate for making changes to the criminal justice system and has co-sponsored legislation with Democratic Sen. Cory Booker to help keep nonviolent criminal offenders out of prison.

“Bill Clinton presided over the incarceration of a whole generation of young black men,” Paul said on The Wilkow Majority. “We are putting young black men in jail at a rate never before seen in history and it’s because of this war on drugs.”

Paul said Hillary and Bill Clinton were “proud to do this.”

Hillary Clinton spoke earlier this year of ending “the era of mass incarceration.” Clinton’s remarks rejected the “tough-on-crime” mantra and legislation advocated by her and her husband during his time as president which included signing the 1994 criminal bill.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Takes A Stand

Campaign books are usually forgettable, uniformly boring, and go mostly unread. However, Sen. Rand Paul’s recently published addition to the genre is neither forgettable nor boring: if it goes largely unread then that will be a shame. For it is a sincerely written, even passionate defense of liberty in the tradition of Barry Goldwater’s The Conscience of a Conservative – the book that launched the contemporary conservative movement and eventually landed Ronald Reagan in the White House.

It covers a wide range of subjects, from the economy to our criminal injustice system, many of which are outside the purview of this column. Yet Taking A Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America does such a good job of weaving all these separate strands together into a comprehensive worldview that deciding where to mark the cutoff point is a difficult task. And so I’ll start, somewhat arbitrarily, smack dab in the middle of the book with the chapter entitled “The War on Liberty.”

The scene opens in Ferguson, Missouri, which Sen. Paul visited during the recent unrest – while the rest of his congressional colleagues stayed away. Paul recalls one woman in her seventies got up at a meeting he attended and said: “Where the hell is my Democrat congressman? I haven’t seen him since this whole thing started.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul to Visit Nevada Today

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul is planning to make multiple stops in Nevada next week.

The Kentucky senator will make stops at casino resorts in Reno, Elko, Mesquite and Las Vegas throughout Monday.

Paul's campaign says he will speak at the Atlantis Casino Resort in Reno at 9 a.m. on Monday, then travel to the Elko Star Hotel Restaurant at 1:30 p.m.

The events are part of his "Stand with Rand" tour and are being hosted by local activists and supporters. Paul has visited Nevada several times since announcing his presidential bid, including an April rally in Las Vegas.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Super PAC Concerned American Voters spending $261K on door hangers and voter outreach to support Rand Paul in IA.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul TIME op-ed: Government Should Get Out of the Marriage Business

Perhaps it is time to be more careful what we ask government to do, and where we allow it to become part of our lives

While I disagree with Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, I believe that all Americans have the right to contract.

The constitution is silent on the question of marriage because marriage has always been a local issue. Our founding fathers went to the local courthouse to be married, not to Washington, DC.

I’ve often said I don’t want my guns or my marriage registered in Washington.

Those who disagree with the recent Supreme Court ruling argue that the court should not overturn the will of legislative majorities. Those who favor the Supreme Court ruling argue that the 14th amendment protects rights from legislative majorities.

Do consenting adults have a right to contract with other consenting adults? Supporters of the Supreme Court’s decision argue yes but they argue no when it comes to economic liberties, such as contracts regarding wages.

It seems some rights are more equal than others.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here’s What Happens When Rand Paul Hosts a 24-Hour ‘Hackathon’ for Liberty

While most of his 2016 Republican primary challengers have been making the media rounds to comment on this week’s Supreme Court decisions, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul spent the weekend watching young minds create programs at his San Francisco headquarters.

Paul’s campaign sponsored a 24-hour ‘hackathon’ over the weekend, in which teams of one to four people came together and used their “coding and creative skills to work addressing the real-world challenges facing the liberty movement.”

According to the senator’s website, the winning team earned an exclusive meeting with the presidential candidate to show him what they’ve created, as well as an autographed copy of the U.S. Constitution.

That honor went to Team Checkmate for their secure donations app. Team Checkmate beat out six other teams to meet with Paul.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
NH WMUR/CNN Granite State poll (main pre-election poll out of the first in the nation primary) 6/25

Jeb Bush 16%
Donald Trump 11%
Rand Paul 9%
Scott Walker 8%
Marco Rubio 6%
Carly Fiorina 6%
Ben Carson 5%
Chris Christie 5%
Rick Perry 4%
Ted Cruz 3%
Mike Huckabee 2%
1%: George Pataki, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham

Poll of 402 likely Republican primary voters conducted June 18-24; error margin +/- 4.9ppts

Jeb Bush and Trump?!
Are the polls rigged, or are most Americans "stressed, drugged and lacking in common sense"?
Oh wait, I gotta' take my meds and watch more TV...  Roll Eyes
Sen. Rand Paul to Visit Nevada Next Week

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul is planning to make multiple stops in Nevada next week.

The Kentucky senator will make stops at casino resorts in Reno, Elko, Mesquite and Las Vegas throughout Monday.

Paul's campaign says he will speak at the Atlantis Casino Resort in Reno at 9 a.m. on Monday, then travel to the Elko Star Hotel Restaurant at 1:30 p.m.

The events are part of his "Stand with Rand" tour and are being hosted by local activists and supporters. Paul has visited Nevada several times since announcing his presidential bid, including an April rally in Las Vegas.


Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
NH WMUR/CNN Granite State poll (main pre-election poll out of the first in the nation primary) 6/25

Jeb Bush 16%
Donald Trump 11%
Rand Paul 9%
Scott Walker 8%
Marco Rubio 6%
Carly Fiorina 6%
Ben Carson 5%
Chris Christie 5%
Rick Perry 4%
Ted Cruz 3%
Mike Huckabee 2%
1%: George Pataki, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham

Poll of 402 likely Republican primary voters conducted June 18-24; error margin +/- 4.9ppts

Jeb Bush and Trump?!
Are the polls rigged, or are most Americans "stressed, drugged and lacking in common sense"?
Oh wait, I gotta' take my meds and watch more TV...  Roll Eyes
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New Hampshire Primary Source: Rand Paul rolls out 50 supporters; many backed his Dad

Kentucky U.S. Sen. Rand Paul’s campaign Thursday will release the names of 50 supporters, bringing its total to about 100 endorsements by public officials, business leaders and activists.

The list includes many former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul 2012 presidential campaign town chairs and supporters. The Rand Paul campaign says that especially with such a crowded field, it is important for him to hold his father’s base. The elder Paul drew 56,872 votes in 2012, good enough to finish second in the New Hampshire Primary.

Included on Rand Paul’s list are former state Reps. Robert Malone of Alton and Paul Harrington of Nashua, Craig Haynie of Manchester, Irena Goddard of Concord, Leah Wolczko of Goffstown, Linda Lagana of Nashua, Kevin Verville of Deerfield, Eric Catman of Berlin and Anthony Nino of Amherst.

For the full list, click here.

“By expecting members of Congress to read their bills and insisting that we protect our constitution, combined with bold proposals like his recent Fair and Flat Tax plan, Rand is helping us build the strongest grass roots team in the first-in-the-nation primary,” state campaign chief strategist Mike Biundo said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
6-3, Supreme Court upholds Obamacare
Rand Paul says his piece on the disaster towards Wolf Blitzer on CNN aka "Rand Paul: The Supreme Court 'Missed An Opportunity Here'
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul reacts to Obamacare ruling on Fox News

Rand says his piece about O-care health care option s at this point. Pretty interesting, I must say coming from a Senator's point of view. A few million witness this show for the record.
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