
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 4. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Talks Black Business, School Choice, Criminal Justice Reform, BlackLivesMatter

Pretty good interview w/ Rand and the main news interviewer from the black community. Wide range of topics but Rand does quite well and is well worth the watch. Video at link.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand talking about Syria & Prison Reform on CNN

They talk about foreign policy, domestics and what Rand has to offer via a new tax plan.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Media STUNNED: Kentucky Dems On The Ropes As Rand Paul Foe Falls In Shocking Upsey

Persistent media reports of 2016 GOP Presidential hopeful Rand Paul facing trouble back home in Kentucky have turned out to be completely off base as election returns in Kentucky have Dems wondering, what went wrong?

Tea Party fave Matt Bevin captured the Governor’s mansion from Dem control, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes-known for her Senate race against Mitch McConnell-nearly lost, and that wasn’t all.

Democrat State Auditor Adam Edelen is out of a job despite outspending his Republican opponent Mike Harmon nearly $1 million to $40,000.

Harmon, a State Representative, won with about 51% of the vote with almost all precincts in.

Edelen was considering running against Senator Rand Paul for his Senate seat in 2016, but reports say that is now unlikely.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
VIDEO: Rand Paul on Fox Business w/ Maria Bartiromo 11/4 - the next debate channel

Great interview that centered on the Prez race including Rand v. Clinton on a host of issues.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's revenge... Conway goes down in flames again!

Persistent media reports of 2016 GOP Presidential hopeful Rand Paul facing trouble back home in Kentucky have turned out to be completely off base as election returns in Kentucky have Dems wondering, what went wrong?

Tea Party fave Matt Bevin captured the Governor’s mansion from Dem control, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes-known for her Senate race against Mitch McConnell-nearly lost, and that wasn’t all.

Democrat State Auditor Adam Edelen is out of a job despite outspending his Republican opponent Mike Harmon nearly $1 million to $40,000.

Harmon, a State Representative, won with about 51% of the vote with almost all precincts in.

Edelen was considering running against Senator Rand Paul for his Senate seat in 2016, but reports say that is now unlikely.

Paul put out robocalls and emails targeting Edelen to help Harmon’s campaign.

The victory at home comes as Paul’s campaign is picking up momentum nationwide after his speech railing against the Obama/Boehner debt ceiling deal went “viral.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand at 4% in Fox News Poll

Donald Trump - 26%
Ben Carson - 23%
Ted Cruz - 11%
Marco Rubio - 11%
Jeb Bush - 4%
John Kasich - 4%
Rand Paul - 4%
Mike Huckabee - 4%
Carly Fiorina - 3%
Chris Christie - 2%
All others - 0%
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul says young people should treat offers of free college like heroin.

The Republican presidential candidate and Kentucky senator made the comments on Friday to Iowa radio host Jeff Angelos, arguing that America’s youth should think about “what is free and what is a drug, an addicting drug like heroin.”

“The main thing I would say is that nothing’s free,” Paul said. “If someone offers you something for free, treat it as if they’re offering you heroin and think about the repercussions of what is free and what is a drug, an addicting drug like heroin and the ramifications of that. There’s nothing free. It just means somebody else is gonna pay for it, you don’t see them. So the plumber, the welder, the carpenter, the people who don’t go to college are being asked to pay for your education.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Unleash Rand Paul!

Rand Paul has been running a strange, and underwhelming, campaign.

From the start, it had an explicit goal in mind: to take his father Ron's strong base of support in the GOP, but break the ceiling built by his father's orneriness and unwillingness to deviate even one iota from his libertarian orthodoxy, to not only win the nomination but reshape the Republican Party and, indeed, American politics and policy.

The problem is, his strategy has been to triangulate. Rather than emphasize the issues on which he's out of step with the Republican base, he's emphasized the issues where he's in step with them, such as a rabid distaste for taxes and government spending.

At first, I thought this strategy was smart. After all, Rand can take libertarians for granted — his last name and background is enough to tell them he's a true believer, and it's not like they were going to vote for Chris Christie anyway. Meanwhile, Rand needed to tell the Republican base that he's one of them, that he's not a crank like his father.

And Rand's decision to shape his critique of hawkishness as both anti-Barack and anti-Hillary, as well as as a form of realism, was smart both politically and on the merits.

Ron's base nearly put him over the top in Iowa and New Hampshire. With just a few more votes, Rand could win those states, and thus, be well positioned to win the nomination. Parts of the Republican establishment could live with him as a fervent tax cutter and small government ideologue; parts of the Republican base could live with him thanks to his pro-life credentials. And while national security conservatives have a very strong presence in the GOP elite, they aren't very numerous at the polls.

All that said, it's time to note that the strategy isn't working.

There are 57 other candidates running, or so it seems. Rand's job is to stand out, and saying that you hate taxes and want to cut them is not exactly the grandest way to announce yourself in a Republican primary — heck, even Kasich is saying it.

What's more, this primary is scrambling all of the rules of politics. Trump may be the frontrunner (with Carson nipping at his heels) but his "coalition" is not at all a "base" coalition — nor, needless to say, is he the establishment candidate. Typically, at this stage, the anti-establishment frontrunner is powered by evangelical votes, but Trump supporters are more secular than the typical Republican voter, not less.

The Republican Party's soul is up for grabs. No one knows in which direction the GOP is headed, and we have countless proposals. It's strange that the libertarian wing of the party, which was so strong in 2008 and 2012, thanks to Ron, is not making itself felt in the polls now.

I'm no libertarian, but I am deeply concerned about the erosion of civil liberties in the U.S., runaway executive power, and the sometimes reckless adventurism of foreign policy elites, both left and right. On top of being smart politics, these are debates the country needs, and these are fights Rand needs to pick.

Let Rand be Rand.

After all, at this point, what's he got to lose?
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul Appears on Happening Now (Fox) with Jenna Lee

They discuss federal spending, poll numbers and Rand's economic plan.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul tells Larry Wilmore whether or not he’d consider being Trump’s running mate

Last night, Sen. Rand Paul became the third presidential candidate (and the first Republican) to join Larry Wilmore, host of Comedy Central’s Nightly Show, for a “Soul-Food Sit-Down” interview.

And that’s exactly what it sounds like: Paul and Wilmore ate soul food, tried not to talk with their mouths full, and discussed everything from the value of “yo mama” jokes as debate comebacks why Paul cares about criminal justice reform.

But perhaps the most interesting points in the interview—well, the most interesting after the part Wilmore offers a few thoughtful suggestions for Paul’s hair style—is when Paul discusses Donald Trump. Early in the clip, Paul highlights Trump’s obvious lust for personal power, and toward the end Wilmore asks whether Paul would consider being Trump’s running mate.

“It would be an utter and absolute disaster, and I would want no part of it,” Paul says. Wilmore enthusiastically agrees, proclaiming that Paul is a man who will keep it 100.

Video @
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s viral video surprise

Last week's "filibuster" of the deal to raise the debt limit was widely seen as a bust for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). With great fanfare, one day before the CNBC presidential debate, Paul said that he would take the floor and make life difficult for the deal's backers "until we talk about proposals." In the end, he talked for less than two hours -- and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) arrived to talk even more.

Then, to the Paul campaign's surprise, one video of his speech transformed into a hit. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), a member of Paul's 2010 Tea Party class, shared the longest stretch of the Paul speech on Facebook. "I was proud to vote with Senator Paul on his point of order that would have protected Social Security, and I ask you to help me shine a light on what Washington has tried to hide from you in the darkness of night," Lee wrote. "If everyone who sees this message shares it, it will reach millions of Americans."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Went to a Halloween Party Dressed as the National Debt

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Rand Paul went to a Des Moines Halloween costume contest in what many are calling "the scariest costume of all" -- the $18 trillion national debt.

The Kentucky senator's darkly comical, attention-raising turtleneck caused some conversation on Twitter.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
What made America great?

I’ll give you a hint–it wasn’t free stuff. It wasn’t free education. It wasn’t free healthcare. It was the freedom to thrive–the freedom to be left alone.

America is the land people set sail for–to get away from big government, to find freedom, to make their fortune. We have to first understand what made America great before we can even think about influencing the rest of the world.

Some candidates for President like Hillary Clinton and Sen. Marco Rubio think we should spread American style-freedom and democracy around the world.

But is hasn’t worked out so well. In Hillary’s war in Libya the so-called freedom fighters won, but now chaos and jihadists rule. Our ambassador was assassinated and now ISIS is a serious threat.

In Iraq, over 12 years after the toppling of Hussein, chaos still rules.

Clinton, Bush, and Rubio also want to topple Assad in Syria. My fear is that if that happens, ISIS will take over all of Syria.

The world had great hope when the Arab Spring began, but the Arab Spring quickly became an Arab Winter as chaos and war and radical Islam followed.

Why did revolution lead to freedom in America but not in the Middle East?

How did America remain stable with continuous government while throwing off the yoke of the king? A big part of the answer is that we threw off the king but kept our local government and our religious and legal traditions.

So why didn’t the Arab Spring end in a constitutional republic like ours?

For starters, the Middle East had no Magna Carta moment. Eight centuries ago, our forefathers came together at Runnymede to begin limiting the power of the monarch. Ever since we have jealously guarded against tyranny and limited centralization of power. The Middle East has no such tradition. In fact, the Middle East, for the most part, knows only despotism.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Don't send U.S. ground troops to Syria

NEWTON, Ia. — U.S. Sen. Rand Paul said Saturday he is not ready to "send our sons and daughters back to a war in Iraq" but is "not completely for doing nothing" to fight the Islamic State.

The Kentucky senator spoke to members of the Jasper County Farm Bureau in Newton before taking a tour of a pipeline farm in Reasnor. Paul touched on a variety of rural issues in front of the small group but was firm on his stance on Syria following the news that the Obama administration will send 50 special operations soldiers to consult with rebel groups fighting ISIS.

"The fighting on the ground needs to be done by the people who live there," he said. "The Sunnis will have to rise up and say 'enough is enough.'"

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Roll Call: Sen. Rand Paul Goes Viral, Thanks to Sen. Mike Lee

Rand Paul’s late-night budget deal filibuster bid picked up an unexpected boost from fellow Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah.

Lee posted to his Facebook page a clip of the Kentucky presidential hopeful expressing on the Senate floor his opposition to the budget deal, which also suspended the debt limit beyond the 2016 elections.

“The mainstream media did not want to tell the truth about what was in this budget deal. But in the era of social media, you can no longer hide votes for bad policy in the middle of the night,” Lee said in a statement. “The American people will find out.”


The segment of Paul raising a point of order that the agreement, which was signed into law Monday, broke the budget rules, was viewed more than 18 million times by Monday afternoon.


By comparison, Facebook spokesman Andy Stone said White House videos released through Facebook about the State of the Union reached some 13.5 million viewers.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Latest Rand Paul Speech before the GoP in Iowa

Best speech towards the Iowas GOP that you'll ever seen and Rand does it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
11/5 Thunderclap Won't Send Out Unless we Get More Supporters (101 Left - Social Reach = 178k) for Rand

We are in the final week before the Nov 5th money bomb. I just wanted to stress that our Thunderclap campaign will not send out unless we succeed in reaching more supporters. This is very important in making sure as many people know about the money bomb as possible. We need to do a better job in promoting this. From now until Nov 5th, try to get as many Rand supporters as possible to join the thunderclap campaign here...

Nov 5th Thunderclap Campaign:

Post about it on Facebook, tweet it, tell your friends in person. Just do whatever you can to help spread the word and promote this. As we get toward the final days, our social media reach will skyrocket, but only if you all help out.

For anyone unfamiliar with Thunderclap... you sign up with your Facebook or Twitter account and on November 5th they will post one message advertising the money bomb from everyone at the same moment.

The message includes a link to Rand's site to donate and the hashtag #StandWithRand, and the idea is that when a large number of people all post the same message at the same time it's able to break through the noise of a social media feed and be seen. You can customize the message that will be sent... just make sure to leave the link and hashtag.

We need at least 250 people to sign up before the 5th in order for the message to be sent.

It's free, it's simple, and takes less than a minute to join. And it will promote the money bomb to the feeds of hundreds of thousands of people.


All you Americans (that like to talk) have to answer for this and move it further. - just like I have.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand at 4.4% in first post debate poll

Trump: 32.7%
Ben Carson: 22.6%
Marco Rubio: 14.5%
Ted Cruz: 7.6%
Carly Fiorina: 6.1%
Rand Paul: 4.4%
Jeb Bush: 4.3%
Chris Christie: 2.8%
John Kasich: 2.4%
Mike Huckabee: 1.1%
Lindsey Graham: .6%
Bobby Jindal: .4%
Rick Santorum: .2%
George Pataki: .1%
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Where did I read that there are 1.8 times as many people in government as there are in the work force? What stupidity! Just to keep people under their thumb, rather than being free.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video: Rand Paul followup with Hannity about debate recap

They talk about the media's debate panel and how biased they were. Also, they talk about his upcoming filibuster today.
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