I honestly believed the b.s. at the time...
So you didn't actually learn any real science then? That's as I thought. When you're ready, real science within the fields of ecology and biology are available to you. Truly a shame. I hope when you converted to a non-greenie, it wasn't due to the brownlash put forth by the libertarian think tanks, which don't actually do science.
No, I was a Democrat for another 15 years or so. It takes time to really overcome a lifetime of programming by what passes for education in this country. Thank God & Tim Berners-Lee for the modern Internet & what it has become. While there is as much misinformation available as truth, given enough time the truth filters through. So yes, the older I get the more libertarian I become. Like the old soviet saying went, 'if you're not a communist at 20, then you have no heart. If you are still a communist at 40, then you have no sense.'
I hope you're aware of their true nature. Are you? Do you know of Frederick Seitz? How about the Oregon Petition? Are you familiar with the libertarian think tank known as the Heartland Institute, and their sham of a publication entitled "Environment and Climate News"? Do you know that its editor is not qualified for the title, since he is in fact a lawyer for property rights? Is these types of organizations and their publications where you "furthered" your education? I'm fully prepared to address how you came about your "seeing the light", so to speak, if you're willing. There truly is no limit to the depths we can go, all with verifiable sources.
First, no I not aware of any of these references. Second, they were not likely an influence on my journey. Feel free to make your case as to why I should care about the qualifications or lack thereof of any of these institutions or persons, but it would have zero bearing on my own reasons for becoming libertarian. Ironicly, I surpassed my own father on the conservative scale some time ago, as he is as anti-gun as anyone I've met here. Looking back, it's a bit surprising how completely different a mature adult can be to his younger, ignorant self.
I'm sincerely sorry for the thread derail, but if you wish to volunteer comments within your debate about your graduation from being green, then be prepared to address what that really means.
Perhaps you should start another thread for that, and I'll follow.