Please refrain from sending me information via private messages. Doing so avails you full deniability, puts me in an awkward position where i am unable to share this information with other potential investors, and is no way of conducting legitimate business.
A legitimate firm does not disburse essential corporate information through forum PMs. Be kind enough to include it in your prospectus and post it in this thread.
Edit: Thus far, the info you have offered in your PM does not check out.
Dear Crumbs,
Thank you for your input. We tried to reach out to you but have yet to receive any contact from you other then posting on this forum. If any potential individual would like to come visit us personally or call us directly. Here is our contact numbers:
Telephone Toll free Canada/USA: 1-866-305-1531
Telephone International/Panama: +507-832-2461
A quick search for your US number results in "Secure Holding Investments Scam."