90-Year-Old Florida Man Faces Jail Time, $500 Fine For Feeding Homelesshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/04/man-90-arrested-feeding-homeless_n_6100738.htmlA Florida city was quick to show how serious it is about its new homeless feeding ban by making an example out of a 90-year-old advocate who’s been helping the hungry for two decades.
On Sunday police cited two Christian ministers and volunteer Arnold Abbott, 90, who runs the advocacy group, Love The Neighbor, Local 10 News reported.
The three served less than a handful of the 300 meals they prepared before the police run in, according to the Sentinel.
They each now face 60 days in jail and $500 fines.
“These are the poorest of the poor, they have nothing, they don’t have a roof over their heads,” Abbott, who plans on suing the city, told Local 10 News. “How do you turn them away?”
Dozen Arrested For Feeding Homeless In Orlandohttp://www.govtslaves.info/dozen-arrested-for-feeding-homeless-in-orlando/Members of the organization Food Not Bombs were in good spirits as they passed out corn on the cob, rice, beans and other vegetarian dishes to the homeless and hungry in an Orlando park. This cheer was interrupted when police officers on bicycles arrived and arrested five of the volunteers.
This is not the first time this scene has played out for members of Food Not Bombs.
Since June 1, a dozen members of the group have been arrested for violating a new Orlando city ordinance that prohibits sharing food with large groups in downtown parks more than twice a year.
The mayor of Orlando even branded them “food terrorists.”
Economics of Religionhttp://www.ncregister.com/site/article/economics-of-religionIt would be difficult to convince the staff of a Catholic soup kitchen feeding the homeless that they are actually helping the U.S. economy, but that is exactly what an academic journal reports in its study on the economic impact of America’s churches. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion found that religious communities contribute $1.2 trillion each year to the American economy.
These contributions range from the traditional economic drivers of any business to charitable giving, caring for the sick and poor, education and other kinds of services. That is more than the annual revenues of the top 10 tech companies, including Apple, Amazon and Google, combined. And if the $1.2 trillion is viewed in terms of the Gross Domestic Product, religion in the U.S. would be ranked as the 15th-largest national economy in the world.
The study looked at the 344,894 congregations in the country, from 236 religious denominations (217 are Christian, and the rest include everything from Shinto to Zoroastrianism). What it discovered was that believers are not only contributing massively to the economy, but they are incredibly generous, too. Despite declining religious affiliation in the U.S. population, religious communities have actually tripled the amount of money spent on social programs in the last 15 years, donating $9 billion to the cause.
At a time when the relevance of faith is being questioned by media elites and the government, and when believers — Christians, above all — are being ridiculed and pushed out of the public square, there is now tangible evidence of the practical value that the mere presence of faith offers to America. Believers are a vital and vibrant part of the economic and social life of the United States, as vital and vibrant as at any time in American history.
If people in America understood that common law trumps civil law in America, they would take the police to court as people rather than as police. Man to man their "law" isn't any greater than yours. And if they have injured you, even by wasting your time in an arrest, as long as you have injured nobody, there is no case against you. But you have a claim against them for wasting your time or whatever other injury they have done to you.
This is what Karl Lentz is showing us:
http://www.myprivateaudio.com/Karl-Lentz.html = Angela Stark's Talkshoe.
http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5duR4OvEHHxOSdEZhANETw = TrustInAllLaw snippets of Karl's audios.
http://www.broadmind.org/ = Karl's main page.
http://www.unkommonlaw.co.uk/ = Karl's United Kingdom page.
http://www.youtube.com/user/765736/videos?view=0&live_view=500&flow=grid&sort=da = Craig Lynch's snippets page.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOkAHRzuiOA&list=PLHrkQxgz0mg6kUBciD-HIvTXByqjcIZ-D = Ten great Youtube videos, might be the best introduction to Karl.
http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=127469&cmd=tc = Karl's Talkshoe site.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iua56K4Mysk = Karl Lentz - The Brian Bonar Incident - YouTube.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdHLHWS4gPE = Lentz-Sense - don't be a More~On - YouTube.
Other Info
http://voidjudgments.com/ = The Secret is most judgments are Void on their face and not merely voidable.
http://educationcenter2000.com/Trinsey-v-Paglario.htm = Trinsey v. Pagliaro - Attorneys cannot "speak" in common law trials if the one who is bringing the suit orders it. Holding from Trinsey v. Pagliaro: "An attorney for the plaintiff cannot admit evidence into the court. He is either an attorney or a witness."