
Topic: Health and Religion - page 5. (Read 210823 times)

Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 04:08:17 PM
At what stage do you consider the human being to be a human? Do you have factual info that such age is really the right age? After all, the whole human genome of the human in question is present in that fertilized egg in the petri dish, the moment it is fertilized.

Are you saying that you would rather err on the side of killing a human rather than letting him/her live? Don't you realize that you are fomenting war against your own nation by being in favor of abortion freedom?

In the Bible, when they offered their children as sacrifices to their false gods, they at least had a reason. But now they murder their kids just for convenience, or so that they can increase their pleasure. I hadn't realize how warped you really are.


Some human beings will never be human. LOL.

The whole human genome is present in your saliva and every cell in your body.  Yet, you don't consider all your cells human beings.  Why not?

Why are you making an exception for a bunch of cells on a petri dish?  Because a fertilized egg has the potential of becoming a human being?

I don't care what the Bible says.  This is the vilest book I have ever read. You can safely dismiss EVERYTHING the Bible says.

A fertilized egg is not a human being.  If you think it is, show me?  Does it have a brain and liver?  How about the lungs?
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 151
They're tactical
December 05, 2019, 03:28:09 PM

Letting a fertilized egg die is not murder.

As for abortion, fetuses do not have rights, women do have rights.

I think abortions should be free and allowed to around 8-10 weeks.  There is nothing wrong with removing a little wart growing on the uterus wall.

When that wart becomes a viable child, I do have a problem with killing that child.  If it is between a woman's life and the baby, I would say a woman should be saved, not the baby.

What you guys are proposing is that fertilized human eggs should have a legal 'person' status.  That is just ridiculous.

A fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells on a petri dish.  Murder?  You guys are irrational.

Fertilizing an egg and making a human being by this fertilization is what we are talking about. Doing the fertilizing without preparing for life for the human so created is negligent homicide in common language, not legal language.

The woman gave up some of her rights when she placed herself in the position of being trustee for another human.

Removing a human life is different that removing a wart.

Determining when the embryo/fetus becomes a human life is judgmental. Nobody can make such a determination accurately. To do so means that the judgment could be at age 10, or at age 20, or at any other age. This is part of the reason we have wars. One group of humans says that another group of humans should be exterminated.

No! Humans should NOT have legal "person" status. See

A fertilized human egg is simply a stage in human life. Legal murder at this stage sets the stage to make it legal at any stage.

If you are so against human life, why are you not suiciding yourself? Just a question. Don't do it. Your troubles will only be beginning if you do. You will have to face God in the judgment for your own murder.


EDIT: Banning stem cell research is the only safe way we can keep from murdering people... at this stage of our knowledge. Why? Because we don't know much about the epigenetic markers that control stem cells for making a human being. Once we know about and can control the epigenetic markers, so that we don't accidentally make a human (that we kill later), then (maybe) we can go ahead with such research in a right way.

Do you even realize that you have more reasons to commit suicide than me? I have none.  I am an Atheist, remember?  I have more reasons to live than you.

Show some empathy to people who suffer, don't focus all your energy on fertilized eggs on a petri dish.  This research can enhance the lives of millions of people, forever!!!

What are you afraid of?  That one day we will be able to create human eggs, and sperm in the lab, and make humans at will.  And your religion will join the rest of mythologies we have learned in the history class, is this what you are afraid of?

What is your beef in this?  Why do you care if fertilized eggs die on their own and don't care when kids die in Ethiopia or Syria?

Whew! I was afraid, there, for a moment, that you might commit suicide, and we'd all be out of your humorous posts that we laugh at.

Killing people to enhance the lives of others is what war is all about. But you are too chicken to go fight in a real war, so you fight the embryos and fetuses. Big brave af-newbie.

What are you so afraid of? enhance your life in the millions of ways available that don't have to do with murdering human beings... especially humans in their most vulnerable period in life. (Big brave af-newbie.)

What's the matter? Attempting to pry into my inner thoughts and emotions just to blab? If you even made any sense, it would be amazing.


Do you think fertilized eggs on a petri dish are people?  Oh, boy, you guys are special, aren't you?

PS. I would not go to any war, even if I was younger.  I am a pacifist. Let the other idiots fight wars.  Wars accomplish nothing, destroy our resources, kill bunch of people to redraw the borders on the map.  Nothing changes.

At what stage do you consider the human being to be a human? Do you have factual info that such age is really the right age? After all, the whole human genome of the human in question is present in that fertilized egg in the petri dish, the moment it is fertilized.

Are you saying that you would rather err on the side of killing a human rather than letting him/her live? Don't you realize that you are fomenting war against your own nation by being in favor of abortion freedom?

In the Bible, when they offered their children as sacrifices to their false gods, they at least had a reason. But now they murder their kids just for convenience, or so that they can increase their pleasure. I hadn't realize how warped you really are.


I dont think we have a lot of information on this, its the problem Imo, we are far to really know that much about what make life Alive and when it should be ok to use it as a tool in some process.

When scientist can create a cell from scratch and create complex life form that can thrive survive reproduce and be happy then we talk, but we are still far from this.

For the moment we are far to understand all the possible consequence and stake of this.

I guess it often how science progress, first they make plenty of mistake with zero ethics and after a while some Real science can émerge from it.

But in the case they should better think twice and study everything enough to have better bases to fund a strong ethic uppon, for the moment they are still playing with fire, but i guess its how you get progress faster, and there is going to be a whole juicy business around this before we start to get a Real clue about that.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
December 05, 2019, 03:17:34 PM

Letting a fertilized egg die is not murder.

As for abortion, fetuses do not have rights, women do have rights.

I think abortions should be free and allowed to around 8-10 weeks.  There is nothing wrong with removing a little wart growing on the uterus wall.

When that wart becomes a viable child, I do have a problem with killing that child.  If it is between a woman's life and the baby, I would say a woman should be saved, not the baby.

What you guys are proposing is that fertilized human eggs should have a legal 'person' status.  That is just ridiculous.

A fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells on a petri dish.  Murder?  You guys are irrational.

Fertilizing an egg and making a human being by this fertilization is what we are talking about. Doing the fertilizing without preparing for life for the human so created is negligent homicide in common language, not legal language.

The woman gave up some of her rights when she placed herself in the position of being trustee for another human.

Removing a human life is different that removing a wart.

Determining when the embryo/fetus becomes a human life is judgmental. Nobody can make such a determination accurately. To do so means that the judgment could be at age 10, or at age 20, or at any other age. This is part of the reason we have wars. One group of humans says that another group of humans should be exterminated.

No! Humans should NOT have legal "person" status. See

A fertilized human egg is simply a stage in human life. Legal murder at this stage sets the stage to make it legal at any stage.

If you are so against human life, why are you not suiciding yourself? Just a question. Don't do it. Your troubles will only be beginning if you do. You will have to face God in the judgment for your own murder.


EDIT: Banning stem cell research is the only safe way we can keep from murdering people... at this stage of our knowledge. Why? Because we don't know much about the epigenetic markers that control stem cells for making a human being. Once we know about and can control the epigenetic markers, so that we don't accidentally make a human (that we kill later), then (maybe) we can go ahead with such research in a right way.

Do you even realize that you have more reasons to commit suicide than me? I have none.  I am an Atheist, remember?  I have more reasons to live than you.

Show some empathy to people who suffer, don't focus all your energy on fertilized eggs on a petri dish.  This research can enhance the lives of millions of people, forever!!!

What are you afraid of?  That one day we will be able to create human eggs, and sperm in the lab, and make humans at will.  And your religion will join the rest of mythologies we have learned in the history class, is this what you are afraid of?

What is your beef in this?  Why do you care if fertilized eggs die on their own and don't care when kids die in Ethiopia or Syria?

Whew! I was afraid, there, for a moment, that you might commit suicide, and we'd all be out of your humorous posts that we laugh at.

Killing people to enhance the lives of others is what war is all about. But you are too chicken to go fight in a real war, so you fight the embryos and fetuses. Big brave af-newbie.

What are you so afraid of? enhance your life in the millions of ways available that don't have to do with murdering human beings... especially humans in their most vulnerable period in life. (Big brave af-newbie.)

What's the matter? Attempting to pry into my inner thoughts and emotions just to blab? If you even made any sense, it would be amazing.


Do you think fertilized eggs on a petri dish are people?  Oh, boy, you guys are special, aren't you?

PS. I would not go to any war, even if I was younger.  I am a pacifist. Let the other idiots fight wars.  Wars accomplish nothing, destroy our resources, kill bunch of people to redraw the borders on the map.  Nothing changes.

At what stage do you consider the human being to be a human? Do you have factual info that such age is really the right age? After all, the whole human genome of the human in question is present in that fertilized egg in the petri dish, the moment it is fertilized.

Are you saying that you would rather err on the side of killing a human rather than letting him/her live? Don't you realize that you are fomenting war against your own nation by being in favor of abortion freedom?

In the Bible, when they offered their children as sacrifices to their false gods, they at least had a reason. But now they murder their kids just for convenience, or so that they can increase their pleasure. I hadn't realize how warped you really are.

Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 02:55:36 PM

Letting a fertilized egg die is not murder.

As for abortion, fetuses do not have rights, women do have rights.

I think abortions should be free and allowed to around 8-10 weeks.  There is nothing wrong with removing a little wart growing on the uterus wall.

When that wart becomes a viable child, I do have a problem with killing that child.  If it is between a woman's life and the baby, I would say a woman should be saved, not the baby.

What you guys are proposing is that fertilized human eggs should have a legal 'person' status.  That is just ridiculous.

A fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells on a petri dish.  Murder?  You guys are irrational.

Fertilizing an egg and making a human being by this fertilization is what we are talking about. Doing the fertilizing without preparing for life for the human so created is negligent homicide in common language, not legal language.

The woman gave up some of her rights when she placed herself in the position of being trustee for another human.

Removing a human life is different that removing a wart.

Determining when the embryo/fetus becomes a human life is judgmental. Nobody can make such a determination accurately. To do so means that the judgment could be at age 10, or at age 20, or at any other age. This is part of the reason we have wars. One group of humans says that another group of humans should be exterminated.

No! Humans should NOT have legal "person" status. See

A fertilized human egg is simply a stage in human life. Legal murder at this stage sets the stage to make it legal at any stage.

If you are so against human life, why are you not suiciding yourself? Just a question. Don't do it. Your troubles will only be beginning if you do. You will have to face God in the judgment for your own murder.


EDIT: Banning stem cell research is the only safe way we can keep from murdering people... at this stage of our knowledge. Why? Because we don't know much about the epigenetic markers that control stem cells for making a human being. Once we know about and can control the epigenetic markers, so that we don't accidentally make a human (that we kill later), then (maybe) we can go ahead with such research in a right way.

Do you even realize that you have more reasons to commit suicide than me? I have none.  I am an Atheist, remember?  I have more reasons to live than you.

Show some empathy to people who suffer, don't focus all your energy on fertilized eggs on a petri dish.  This research can enhance the lives of millions of people, forever!!!

What are you afraid of?  That one day we will be able to create human eggs, and sperm in the lab, and make humans at will.  And your religion will join the rest of mythologies we have learned in the history class, is this what you are afraid of?

What is your beef in this?  Why do you care if fertilized eggs die on their own and don't care when kids die in Ethiopia or Syria?

Whew! I was afraid, there, for a moment, that you might commit suicide, and we'd all be out of your humorous posts that we laugh at.

Killing people to enhance the lives of others is what war is all about. But you are too chicken to go fight in a real war, so you fight the embryos and fetuses. Big brave af-newbie.

What are you so afraid of? enhance your life in the millions of ways available that don't have to do with murdering human beings... especially humans in their most vulnerable period in life. (Big brave af-newbie.)

What's the matter? Attempting to pry into my inner thoughts and emotions just to blab? If you even made any sense, it would be amazing.


Do you think fertilized eggs on a petri dish are people?  Oh, boy, you guys are special, aren't you?

PS. I would not go to any war, even if I was younger.  I am a pacifist. Let the other idiots fight wars.  Wars accomplish nothing, destroy our resources, kill bunch of people to redraw the borders on the map.  Nothing changes.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
December 05, 2019, 02:43:19 PM

Letting a fertilized egg die is not murder.

As for abortion, fetuses do not have rights, women do have rights.

I think abortions should be free and allowed to around 8-10 weeks.  There is nothing wrong with removing a little wart growing on the uterus wall.

When that wart becomes a viable child, I do have a problem with killing that child.  If it is between a woman's life and the baby, I would say a woman should be saved, not the baby.

What you guys are proposing is that fertilized human eggs should have a legal 'person' status.  That is just ridiculous.

A fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells on a petri dish.  Murder?  You guys are irrational.

Fertilizing an egg and making a human being by this fertilization is what we are talking about. Doing the fertilizing without preparing for life for the human so created is negligent homicide in common language, not legal language.

The woman gave up some of her rights when she placed herself in the position of being trustee for another human.

Removing a human life is different that removing a wart.

Determining when the embryo/fetus becomes a human life is judgmental. Nobody can make such a determination accurately. To do so means that the judgment could be at age 10, or at age 20, or at any other age. This is part of the reason we have wars. One group of humans says that another group of humans should be exterminated.

No! Humans should NOT have legal "person" status. See

A fertilized human egg is simply a stage in human life. Legal murder at this stage sets the stage to make it legal at any stage.

If you are so against human life, why are you not suiciding yourself? Just a question. Don't do it. Your troubles will only be beginning if you do. You will have to face God in the judgment for your own murder.


EDIT: Banning stem cell research is the only safe way we can keep from murdering people... at this stage of our knowledge. Why? Because we don't know much about the epigenetic markers that control stem cells for making a human being. Once we know about and can control the epigenetic markers, so that we don't accidentally make a human (that we kill later), then (maybe) we can go ahead with such research in a right way.

Do you even realize that you have more reasons to commit suicide than me? I have none.  I am an Atheist, remember?  I have more reasons to live than you.

Show some empathy to people who suffer, don't focus all your energy on fertilized eggs on a petri dish.  This research can enhance the lives of millions of people, forever!!!

What are you afraid of?  That one day we will be able to create human eggs, and sperm in the lab, and make humans at will.  And your religion will join the rest of mythologies we have learned in the history class, is this what you are afraid of?

What is your beef in this?  Why do you care if fertilized eggs die on their own and don't care when kids die in Ethiopia or Syria?

Whew! I was afraid, there, for a moment, that you might commit suicide, and we'd all be out of your humorous posts that we laugh at.

Killing people to enhance the lives of others is what war is all about. But you are too chicken to go fight in a real war, so you fight the embryos and fetuses. Big brave af-newbie.

What are you so afraid of? enhance your life in the millions of ways available that don't have to do with murdering human beings... especially humans in their most vulnerable period in life. (Big brave af-newbie.)

What's the matter? Attempting to pry into my inner thoughts and emotions just to blab? If you even made any sense, it would be amazing.

Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 02:31:17 PM

Letting a fertilized egg die is not murder.

As for abortion, fetuses do not have rights, women do have rights.

I think abortions should be free and allowed to around 8-10 weeks.  There is nothing wrong with removing a little wart growing on the uterus wall.

When that wart becomes a viable child, I do have a problem with killing that child.  If it is between a woman's life and the baby, I would say a woman should be saved, not the baby.

What you guys are proposing is that fertilized human eggs should have a legal 'person' status.  That is just ridiculous.

A fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells on a petri dish.  Murder?  You guys are irrational.

Fertilizing an egg and making a human being by this fertilization is what we are talking about. Doing the fertilizing without preparing for life for the human so created is negligent homicide in common language, not legal language.

The woman gave up some of her rights when she placed herself in the position of being trustee for another human.

Removing a human life is different that removing a wart.

Determining when the embryo/fetus becomes a human life is judgmental. Nobody can make such a determination accurately. To do so means that the judgment could be at age 10, or at age 20, or at any other age. This is part of the reason we have wars. One group of humans says that another group of humans should be exterminated.

No! Humans should NOT have legal "person" status. See

A fertilized human egg is simply a stage in human life. Legal murder at this stage sets the stage to make it legal at any stage.

If you are so against human life, why are you not suiciding yourself? Just a question. Don't do it. Your troubles will only be beginning if you do. You will have to face God in the judgment for your own murder.


EDIT: Banning stem cell research is the only safe way we can keep from murdering people... at this stage of our knowledge. Why? Because we don't know much about the epigenetic markers that control stem cells for making a human being. Once we know about and can control the epigenetic markers, so that we don't accidentally make a human (that we kill later), then (maybe) we can go ahead with such research in a right way.

Do you even realize that you have more reasons to commit suicide than me? I have none.  I am an Atheist, remember?  I have more reasons to live than you.

Show some empathy to people who suffer, don't focus all your energy on fertilized eggs on a petri dish.  This research can enhance the lives of millions of people, forever!!!

What are you afraid of?  That one day we will be able to create human eggs, and sperm in the lab, and make humans at will.  And your religion will join the rest of mythologies we have learned in the history class, is this what you are afraid of?

What is your beef in this?  Why do you care if fertilized eggs die on their own and don't care when kids die in Ethiopia or Syria?
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
December 05, 2019, 02:08:36 PM

Letting a fertilized egg die is not murder.

As for abortion, fetuses do not have rights, women do have rights.

I think abortions should be free and allowed to around 8-10 weeks.  There is nothing wrong with removing a little wart growing on the uterus wall.

When that wart becomes a viable child, I do have a problem with killing that child.  If it is between a woman's life and the baby, I would say a woman should be saved, not the baby.

What you guys are proposing is that fertilized human eggs should have a legal 'person' status.  That is just ridiculous.

A fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells on a petri dish.  Murder?  You guys are irrational.

Fertilizing an egg and making a human being by this fertilization is what we are talking about. Doing the fertilizing without preparing for life for the human so created is negligent homicide in common language, not legal language.

The woman gave up some of her rights when she placed herself in the position of being trustee for another human.

Removing a human life is different that removing a wart.

Determining when the embryo/fetus becomes a human life is judgmental. Nobody can make such a determination accurately. To do so means that the judgment could be at age 10, or at age 20, or at any other age. This is part of the reason we have wars. One group of humans says that another group of humans should be exterminated.

No! Humans should NOT have legal "person" status. See

A fertilized human egg is simply a stage in human life. Legal murder at this stage sets the stage to make it legal at any stage.

If you are so against human life, why are you not suiciding yourself? Just a question. Don't do it. Your troubles will only be beginning if you do. You will have to face God in the judgment for your own murder.


EDIT: Banning stem cell research is the only safe way we can keep from murdering people... at this stage of our knowledge. Why? Because we don't know much about the epigenetic markers that control stem cells for making a human being. Once we know about and can control the epigenetic markers, so that we don't accidentally make a human (that we kill later), then (maybe) we can go ahead with such research in a right way.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 01:55:50 PM

I thought we were talking about human beings?  

Human beings are not magically made at conception/fertilization.

It is a long process to get from a fertilized egg to a human being.

A fertilized egg is not a human being.  It can become one, but it is not at conception/fertilization.

Again you attempt to create an arbitrary disctinction without foundation.
Even your language is misleading. A egg after union of ovum and sperm is no longer an egg at all. It is inappropriate to call it one. The new life is a single celled embryo or if you want to be extremely technical a zygote.

We are talking about human beings. Early undeveloped human beings but human nevertheless. Humans go through many changes over the course of our lives. The embryo is different than the infant, the child, the adult, and the elderly and infirm. All stages are different but all are human and deserving of human rights and dignity.


As for fetuses being somehow independent human life, well, they are part of a woman, so technically it is a woman life we are talking about.

At some point, the viability stage, you have to separate the two and say you have two human beings.

But at fertilization, on a petri dish?  You are just irrational.

A fetus is certainly not independent it is a life that needs its mother for a time to survive a need that extends long after birth.

That is the primary reason why sexual activity outside of marriage is ethically problematic. It often brings new human life into the world. New human life that emerges into an environment that often does not welcome or support its existence. It is immoral to engage in activities that lead to such an outcome.

Listen, you really have to think about what life is.  A fertilized egg on a petri dish is not human life unless we somehow find a way to artificially sustain it until it becomes a viable human being on its own.

The same fertilized egg implanted into a woman's uterus lives as part of the mother and eventually develops to be a human being.

When CNS and internal organs completely form you have a human being, IMHO.  

As for abortion, well, it all depends on when you think you have another human being growing inside the mother, and how you weigh in the mother's rights.  

On what grounds do you think an embryo or a fetus has the right to violate a woman's body?  If the mother does not want to have her body violated, does the growing embryo have any right to violate her without her consent?  Because you say so?

You can argue about the time limits of when the abortions should be allowed in the pregnancy, is it 2, 4, 8, 10+ weeks, etc.  But dismissing women's rights and banning it altogether is just plain evil, IMHO.  So is killing a viable baby, btw.

Banning stem cell research is just plain crazy.  There should be no discussion on this.  There is not much to discuss.

Your stance on stem cell research is dogmatic, illogical and irrational.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
December 05, 2019, 11:48:51 AM

I thought we were talking about human beings?  

Human beings are not magically made at conception/fertilization.

It is a long process to get from a fertilized egg to a human being.

A fertilized egg is not a human being.  It can become one, but it is not at conception/fertilization.

Again you attempt to create an arbitrary disctinction without foundation.
Even your language is misleading. A egg after union of ovum and sperm is no longer an egg at all. It is inappropriate to call it one. The new life is a single celled embryo or if you want to be extremely technical a zygote.

We are talking about human beings. Early undeveloped human beings but human nevertheless. Humans go through many changes over the course of our lives. The embryo is different than the infant, the child, the adult, and the elderly and infirm. All stages are different but all are human and deserving of human rights and dignity.


As for fetuses being somehow independent human life, well, they are part of a woman, so technically it is a woman life we are talking about.

At some point, the viability stage, you have to separate the two and say you have two human beings.

But at fertilization, on a petri dish?  You are just irrational.

A fetus is certainly not independent it is a life that needs its mother for a time to survive a need that extends long after birth.

That is the primary reason why sexual activity outside of marriage is ethically problematic. It often brings new human life into the world. New human life that emerges into an environment that often does not welcome or support its existence. It is immoral to engage in activities that lead to such an outcome.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 11:35:08 AM

Your assumption that a fertilized egg is a human being is ridiculous. Who told you that a fertilized egg is a human being?  Whoever did that, knew squat about human biology.  And you think you are a medical doctor?

As for your poetic reference to the Faustian bargain, well, I don't know what soul is, so I don't know what mythological mumbo-jumbo you are talking about.  As for morals, my morals are superior to most of the Bible book club members.

There is no assumption just fact. Human life begins at sperm-egg fusion this is an uncontested scientific and objective conclusion. Furthermore it it’s a conclusion reached independently of any ethical or religious view of human life.

Development and growth is a continuous process but your attempt to argue that early human life has no value is logically flawed. Your “personhood” criteria a stage where you feel young human beings are suddenly deserving of being extended basic human rights is utterly arbitrary. You have deliberately avoided defining it because you know it’s arbitrary and that there is no solid scientific grounds for making such a distinction. Life begins at conception.

In regards to your claim of moral superiority... Well let’s just say we I think you are doing a good job showing us all what your morals really are.

I thought we were talking about human beings?  

Human beings are not magically made at conception/fertilization.

It is a long process to get from a fertilized egg to a human being.

A fertilized egg is not a human being.  It can become one, but it is not at conception/fertilization.

I am not sure a fertilized egg on a petri dish qualifies as human life.

As for fetuses being somehow independent human life, well, they are part of a woman, so technically it is a woman life we are talking about.

At some point, the viability stage, you have to separate the two and say you have two human beings.

But at fertilization, on a petri dish?  You are just irrational.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
December 05, 2019, 11:09:53 AM

Your assumption that a fertilized egg is a human being is ridiculous. Who told you that a fertilized egg is a human being?  Whoever did that, knew squat about human biology.  And you think you are a medical doctor?

As for your poetic reference to the Faustian bargain, well, I don't know what soul is, so I don't know what mythological mumbo-jumbo you are talking about.  As for morals, my morals are superior to most of the Bible book club members.

There is no assumption just fact. Human life begins at sperm-egg fusion this is an uncontested scientific and objective conclusion. Furthermore it it’s a conclusion reached independently of any ethical or religious view of human life.

Development and growth is a continuous process but your attempt to argue that early human life has no value is logically flawed. Your “personhood” criteria a stage where you feel young human beings are suddenly deserving of being extended basic human rights is utterly arbitrary. You have deliberately avoided defining it because you know it’s arbitrary and that there is no solid scientific grounds for making such a distinction. Life begins at conception.

In regards to your claim of moral superiority... Well let’s just say we I think you are doing a good job showing us all what your morals really are.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 10:55:24 AM

What evil is there in stem cell research?  I fail to see any.

You are equivocating fertilizing eggs and then disposing of them with murder.  Murdering a human being and not implanting a fertilized egg is not the same thing, IMHO.

You got carried away with your moral superiority complex.

Stem cell research is far from evil.  It solves many medical conditions.  If you believe in God as I am sure you do, you have to admit that this technology solves many issues that God created.  Inborn blindness and deafness come to mind.

How can you say that finding new cures is evil is beyond me?  Forbidding this technology is evil, IMHO.

We are not talking about rounding up children and killing them.  That is what you are implying.

A fertilized egg is simply the first stage of a new human life. Killing it, allowing it to die, or not preparing for it to live before fertilization, is murder.

Stem cell research from stem cells extracted from bone marrow is totally acceptable. Killing an embryo from day one on out to adulthood is murder, even to get the stem cells and the good they might do.

Stem cell research isn't evil. Killing people is evil, even if it's less than a second from when they were conceived that they are murdered.


Not really. You just arbitrarily decided it is so.  If I showed you both pig and human fertilized eggs, you would not know the difference.

Here is an article about what is coming down the pipe.  It is not as simple as you (and CoinCube) think.

Just hold out your hand and show me "pig and human fertilized eggs" therein. Ah, hold it in the light a little more. Ah, move your hand to the right... no, to the left. You almost had me there. There isn't really anything in your hand, is there?

If science is too ignorant or weak to see the epigenetic markers that make the distinctions between the various eggs of the creatures, AND the way the epigenetic markers get there, what do we do? Kill the human because we can't tell that it is human? Or raise the pig for bacon?

And you talk about God weeding out wicked people. You show that you are one of the wicked people. Repent while you have time.


Just wait until someone in your family gets a genetic disorder causing them to lose eyesight or hearing. You will sing to a different tune.

Wicked ones?  You are a joke.  Are babies born with open spines the wicked ones?  How about kids who are blind at birth?

Some weeding out.  Sentencing these people to lifelong suffering is evil.  Blocking research that can help them is evil.

No, the wicked ones are the murderers, who would use any excuse to do their murdering, even the excuse that murdering several over here will save several over there.

You don't seem to realize that the murderers are doing their murdering so that they can make money. Your unwillingness to recognize this simple fact leads me to believe that you just might be an abortion doctor. But even if you are not, since you agree with them - the abortion doctors - you are a murder by implication... self-implication.


Letting a fertilized egg die is not murder.

As for abortion, fetuses do not have rights, women do have rights.

I think abortions should be free and allowed to around 8-10 weeks.  There is nothing wrong with removing a little wart growing on the uterus wall.

When that wart becomes a viable child, I do have a problem with killing that child.  If it is between a woman's life and the baby, I would say a woman should be saved, not the baby.

What you guys are proposing is that fertilized human eggs should have a legal 'person' status.  That is just ridiculous.

A fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells on a petri dish.  Murder?  You guys are irrational.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 08:52:31 AM

PS. Working with fertilized eggs and extracting stem cells in the process is not causing harm, it is helping people.

I see so if I kill you before you have developed enough to know you are being killed it’s all good as long as I use your parts to help others?

You have fully embraced the modern narrative of death.

It is sad that you cannot understand that knowledge gained at such a price is a Faustian bargain.

If you kill a fertilized egg that could eventually become me, assuming you could find a suitable uterus and successfully transfer the egg, you will be killing an egg not me.

Personhood comes much, much later.  Even at birth, you are not you.  You become you as your brain develops.  It is not an on/off but a continuous process.

If you take your brain and somehow duplicate it in another body, after 20 years, the two of 'you' would not be 'you'.  You will be you but the other 'you' will become some other guy.

Your assumption that a fertilized egg is a human being is ridiculous. Who told you that a fertilized egg is a human being?  Whoever did that, knew squat about human biology.  And you think you are a medical doctor?

As for your poetic reference to the Faustian bargain, well, I don't know what soul is, so I don't know what mythological mumbo-jumbo you are talking about.  As for morals, my morals are superior to most of the Bible book club members.

So which website will CoinCube find next to convince himself that he is right?
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 151
They're tactical
December 05, 2019, 06:12:14 AM
The nazi model infiltrated our society more than we can think, lot of nazi have been recruted in scientific position after ww2.

The only parallel I see between Nazi Germany and Western democracies is patriotism, fervent nationalism, "Make XXX Great Again", etc.
This does not bode well for humanity.

Most scientists are not nationalists, most support internationalism.

Name one scientist who is a nationalist.

Read "Mein Kampf" before you open your mouth on the "nazi model".  Whatever that means.

Hitler was a German nationalist, first and foremost.

Its much deeper than that, the nationalism is just a media to reel people in, mein kempf is propaganda , the Real ideology is Henry Ford, productivism and profits over human values. No sacrifice is too high to get an industrial one up over other nation etc

After ww2, the nazi went CIA, swarmed to south america, middle east, Afganistan etc to concoct civil wars and coup to promote "industrial développement" by exploiting ressources and people to build their Ford topia global.

Now its to the point most people think being scientist is building the next cellphone Who will make the next top company, originally science is studying things and building axiomatic reasoning.

A person who thinks scientists are building cell phones does not understand what scientists do.

And that is the crux of the problem.  Lack of education.

You are reading too much into Huxley's "Brave New World".  Although, I admit it is a good book.  It does make you think about the society we live in.

Its not from brave new world, even if this story is also about that. Mein kempf is propaganda, the persons who write propaganda know its a lie , a forgery and a fraud. If you read the propaganda and think its what the people who write it think, you dont understand how propaganda works. Even the nationalist leagues were funded by the big industrials, To reel the working class in, but its not the essence of the ideology.

Propaganda?  Did you read the book?  Read the book not what others say about this book.

Hitler would be a socialist, maybe even a communist. He hated what his father did for a living.  He was not a very bright anarchist, a very religious man, and foremost a nationalist; from the get-go.  Failed at anything he tried academically.  His parents died early on in his life, he was uprooted from his bourgeois social standing. It is an autobiography, written between 1923-1925, in the same genre as Trotsky's My Life.

BTW, if Hitler would only listen to his father, study in school and get a government job like the rest of his bourgeois friends, we would not have WWII and atrocities that came with it.

Read both books.

Nationalism, religious or social class supremacy is evil.  The worse form of tribalism there is.  Most wars start because of one of them.

I have read mein kempf, what i remind of it is mostly the style of writing, very sentimental, its there you see Hitler was very sentimental and an artist he was also a painter before, and mein kempf show him being sad with the state of the country and essentially playing violin, which is what is called a charismatic leader. From the tantric way its obvious he practice black tantra, instilling despair and focusing on the pain and bad feelings, with the result that we know. But its mostly emotional manipulation, in order To inspire a certain behavior and suggest certains solutions. But when manipulators write a pièce To manipulate people, you can say there is nothing genuine in it. Its manipulation, propaganda.

But mein kempf didnt influence high rank nazi all that much, compared To Henry Ford who was more the model for the new world, with the international jew, or evola, even theosophy in some part.

The superiority feeling i also rooted in wasp culture, that some people mostly White are genetically superior and the other are inferior races and it has very little To do with nationalism at core. Taking a swatika from the other side of the world as a flag show it has more in common with evola, aryanism, and certain theory about lost tradition with the hyper borean, than with meinkempf or nationalism.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
December 05, 2019, 05:30:12 AM

What evil is there in stem cell research?  I fail to see any.

You are equivocating fertilizing eggs and then disposing of them with murder.  Murdering a human being and not implanting a fertilized egg is not the same thing, IMHO.

You got carried away with your moral superiority complex.

Stem cell research is far from evil.  It solves many medical conditions.  If you believe in God as I am sure you do, you have to admit that this technology solves many issues that God created.  Inborn blindness and deafness come to mind.

How can you say that finding new cures is evil is beyond me?  Forbidding this technology is evil, IMHO.

We are not talking about rounding up children and killing them.  That is what you are implying.

A fertilized egg is simply the first stage of a new human life. Killing it, allowing it to die, or not preparing for it to live before fertilization, is murder.

Stem cell research from stem cells extracted from bone marrow is totally acceptable. Killing an embryo from day one on out to adulthood is murder, even to get the stem cells and the good they might do.

Stem cell research isn't evil. Killing people is evil, even if it's less than a second from when they were conceived that they are murdered.


Not really. You just arbitrarily decided it is so.  If I showed you both pig and human fertilized eggs, you would not know the difference.

Here is an article about what is coming down the pipe.  It is not as simple as you (and CoinCube) think.

Just hold out your hand and show me "pig and human fertilized eggs" therein. Ah, hold it in the light a little more. Ah, move your hand to the right... no, to the left. You almost had me there. There isn't really anything in your hand, is there?

If science is too ignorant or weak to see the epigenetic markers that make the distinctions between the various eggs of the creatures, AND the way the epigenetic markers get there, what do we do? Kill the human because we can't tell that it is human? Or raise the pig for bacon?

And you talk about God weeding out wicked people. You show that you are one of the wicked people. Repent while you have time.


Just wait until someone in your family gets a genetic disorder causing them to lose eyesight or hearing. You will sing to a different tune.

Wicked ones?  You are a joke.  Are babies born with open spines the wicked ones?  How about kids who are blind at birth?

Some weeding out.  Sentencing these people to lifelong suffering is evil.  Blocking research that can help them is evil.

No, the wicked ones are the murderers, who would use any excuse to do their murdering, even the excuse that murdering several over here will save several over there.

You don't seem to realize that the murderers are doing their murdering so that they can make money. Your unwillingness to recognize this simple fact leads me to believe that you just might be an abortion doctor. But even if you are not, since you agree with them - the abortion doctors - you are a murder by implication... self-implication.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
December 05, 2019, 01:52:41 AM

PS. Working with fertilized eggs and extracting stem cells in the process is not causing harm, it is helping people.

I see so if I kill you before you have developed enough to know you are being killed it’s all good as long as I use your parts to help others?

You have fully embraced the modern narrative of death.

It is sad that you cannot understand that knowledge gained at such a price is a Faustian bargain.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 05, 2019, 12:19:55 AM

What evil is there in stem cell research?  I fail to see any.

You are equivocating fertilizing eggs and then disposing of them with murder.  Murdering a human being and not implanting a fertilized egg is not the same thing, IMHO.

You got carried away with your moral superiority complex.

Stem cell research is far from evil.  It solves many medical conditions.  If you believe in God as I am sure you do, you have to admit that this technology solves many issues that God created.  Inborn blindness and deafness come to mind.

How can you say that finding new cures is evil is beyond me?  Forbidding this technology is evil, IMHO.

We are not talking about rounding up children and killing them.  That is what you are implying.

A fertilized egg is simply the first stage of a new human life. Killing it, allowing it to die, or not preparing for it to live before fertilization, is murder.

Stem cell research from stem cells extracted from bone marrow is totally acceptable. Killing an embryo from day one on out to adulthood is murder, even to get the stem cells and the good they might do.

Stem cell research isn't evil. Killing people is evil, even if it's less than a second from when they were conceived that they are murdered.


Not really. You just arbitrarily decided it is so.  If I showed you both pig and human fertilized eggs, you would not know the difference.

Here is an article about what is coming down the pipe.  It is not as simple as you (and CoinCube) think.

Just hold out your hand and show me "pig and human fertilized eggs" therein. Ah, hold it in the light a little more. Ah, move your hand to the right... no, to the left. You almost had me there. There isn't really anything in your hand, is there?

If science is too ignorant or weak to see the epigenetic markers that make the distinctions between the various eggs of the creatures, AND the way the epigenetic markers get there, what do we do? Kill the human because we can't tell that it is human? Or raise the pig for bacon?

And you talk about God weeding out wicked people. You show that you are one of the wicked people. Repent while you have time.


Just wait until someone in your family gets a genetic disorder causing them to lose eyesight or hearing. You will sing to a different tune.

Wicked ones?  You are a joke.  Are babies born with open spines the wicked ones?  How about kids who are blind at birth?

Some weeding out.  Sentencing these people to lifelong suffering is evil.  Blocking research that can help them is evil.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
December 04, 2019, 11:54:22 PM

Not really. You just arbitrarily decided it is so.  If I showed you both pig and human fertilized eggs, you would not know the difference.

That does not change anything. Yes you cannot visually distinguish a human embryo from an animal one but so what one is a human at the beginning of its life the other is an animal. Why do you seek to dehumanize a substantial portion of your fellow human beings?

Earlier you stated this was your moral code?

- if the action causes harm, it is immoral

I am curious how you decided that killing someone does not count as harming them? Or is your stated moral code only for show something that rolls easily off of the tongue but is designed to be casually set aside when it becomes inconvenient?

Easy. A fertilized egg is not "someone".  Once you get the CNS working, then you can talk about a human being.  Until then is just a bunch of cells. Just like a poured foundation is not a house.  Seed in the ground is not a plant.

The fertilized egg does not feel, the nervous system is not there.

I am not trying to dehumanize human beings.  A fertilized egg is not a human being.

Maybe you should start with the definition of a human being before you accuse me of harming human beings.

If you think a fertilized egg is a human being, you are simply mistaken because a human being is way more complicated.

PS. Working with fertilized eggs and extracting stem cells in the process is not causing harm, it is helping people.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
December 04, 2019, 10:16:06 PM

What evil is there in stem cell research?  I fail to see any.

You are equivocating fertilizing eggs and then disposing of them with murder.  Murdering a human being and not implanting a fertilized egg is not the same thing, IMHO.

You got carried away with your moral superiority complex.

Stem cell research is far from evil.  It solves many medical conditions.  If you believe in God as I am sure you do, you have to admit that this technology solves many issues that God created.  Inborn blindness and deafness come to mind.

How can you say that finding new cures is evil is beyond me?  Forbidding this technology is evil, IMHO.

We are not talking about rounding up children and killing them.  That is what you are implying.

A fertilized egg is simply the first stage of a new human life. Killing it, allowing it to die, or not preparing for it to live before fertilization, is murder.

Stem cell research from stem cells extracted from bone marrow is totally acceptable. Killing an embryo from day one on out to adulthood is murder, even to get the stem cells and the good they might do.

Stem cell research isn't evil. Killing people is evil, even if it's less than a second from when they were conceived that they are murdered.


Not really. You just arbitrarily decided it is so.  If I showed you both pig and human fertilized eggs, you would not know the difference.

Here is an article about what is coming down the pipe.  It is not as simple as you (and CoinCube) think.

Just hold out your hand and show me "pig and human fertilized eggs" therein. Ah, hold it in the light a little more. Ah, move your hand to the right... no, to the left. You almost had me there. There isn't really anything in your hand, is there?

If science is too ignorant or weak to see the epigenetic markers that make the distinctions between the various eggs of the creatures, AND the way the epigenetic markers get there, what do we do? Kill the human because we can't tell that it is human? Or raise the pig for bacon?

And you talk about God weeding out wicked people. You show that you are one of the wicked people. Repent while you have time.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
December 04, 2019, 09:32:56 PM

Not really. You just arbitrarily decided it is so.  If I showed you both pig and human fertilized eggs, you would not know the difference.

That does not change anything. Yes you cannot visually distinguish a human embryo from an animal one but so what one is a human at the beginning of its life the other is an animal. Why do you seek to dehumanize a substantial portion of your fellow human beings?

Earlier you stated this was your moral code?

- if the action causes harm, it is immoral

I am curious how you decided that killing someone does not count as harming them? Or is your stated moral code only for show something that rolls easily off of the tongue but is designed to be casually set aside when it becomes inconvenient?
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