You`re right, but this is the way to get new gamblers faster and to get feedback. New casino without promotion can`t get trust - no one know about it, no one gamble their
No platform is perfect at a birthday or in early stage. So feedback is important and the approach to adjust platform from comprehensive and constructive feedback is important for a platform reputation and growth.
For me it is basic, if they comply with the basic functions such as being very clear about the Deposit processes and especially the Withdrawal of Funds, it is enough to start, when the casinos give the bonuses with their respective wager, it is necessary that they comply with them so that it does not generate any kind of inconvenience for users, I think that when a user tries to withdraw their earnings after having won something due to a bonus and fulfills all the conditions and it is not possible, it is already an indication of a lot of inconvenience, I think that these things are very delicate, the main thing is that a casino when it starts fulfills what it promises.
Terms of Service must be clear but the mechanism for dispute, scam accusation resolving is more important. It is a very good indirect way for a casino to protect their reputation. If they build up good reputation, they will increase their customer population. Consequently, more income for the casino in long run.
It is more harmful to scam one gambler rather than operate your casino for years.