Salary-expensive=SAVE or SAVING
What about this formula
Salary-SAVING= expensive
If you use this fomula you can save money.
They want that winter jacket because it is getting cold outside, I won't put it into savings, I will buy that jacket because it is on sale. Do they need it? No. They could just as well us their old one from 5 years running.
But they want new and see it as "saving" on the price if it on sale. So they weight in the pros and cons and usually remove what they were going to put in saving to buy this new jacket. Also people are victims of vanity.
Actually, I don't think it is human nature. Human nature is instinct right? We had the instinct to prepare for the future, store food for the winter, somewhere along the way a lot of us lost that. Perhaps it's our material world? Or maybe it's access to have what we can't afford (i.e., credit)?
Whatever it is, saving is easy...decide how much to save and do that when you get your paycheck. The rest is yours to spend. That's easy. Learn to live without for a while and before you know it'll be the way. You'll feel bad not doing it, seriously.