How about 'the butterfly effect' and 'chaos theory' ? No matter how prepared you are, you are never 100% sure.
That kind of questions makes me think that most people here are just high schoolers.
For you guys making any kind of investment is a gamble.
Why do I think you are a high schooler? You could have said, "how about risk and uncertainty", but no, you have to jump all the way to terms that are way out of topic, but common to find in youtube.
Haha, did you do your homework on predicting I am a highschooler ? You would have lost some money on that gamble.... I am definitely not, just tried to put a little bit of variety in my wording .
When you say: if you do your homework, it is never a gamble, I read that as you saying there is no risk, while in truth 1) there is always risk and 2)most investment decisions are much like a poker game. The best players/predictors will (probably) gain, those that are worse (or happily hold their fiat and don't realize they are playing) lose value. (If we get a bit more into it, ok not all investing is a zero-sum game as it will have an effect on the economy, but you get the gist of what I am saying).
No, you are still wrong.
Yes, there are risks, that's granted. But when I say investing, I mean actually knowing what the hell you are doing financially.
Popping to the stock market and purchasing some shares is not investing, that's gambling.
Jumping in to the purchase of shares without the bare minimum knowledge of fundamental analysis, is gambling.
Daytrading, is mostly gambling.
Gambling is speculating without any proof.
Investing is speculating based on information, and by making a very educated guess.
Follow the steps of value investing, and you will be on the right track on investing.
Otherwise, better stay away from any kind of markets.
PS: Then definitely college, undergrad