If the loan you are taking is entirely repayable from your excess income in about 2 years, then there is no reason not to do it. Except, people tend to be anxious over something they cannot afford. The quality of life may deteriorate if you are among such people.
I heard that in the US people get student loans of up to $100k, and their education does not necessarily give them any edge in the marketplace. That is reckless. I wouldn't do it. Instead I started my business at the age of 20 and have never graduated (32). I also loaned €20k for stock speculation when I was 19 and that was a stupid idea because I did not know what I was doing.
It seems that $6k you're suggesting is quite conservative. Make a business plan for the whole operation in writing, and stick to it. Go for it!
You read my mind.
I really don't expect my loan to cause me undue stress, the original one yes, but not this little one. I just don't care if I lose it. That is my choice to make.
Dude, what is it you need? ............ a log/thread of all the people who thought this was a bad idea, just to rub it in with hot sauce later.
What do
you need? I am learning loads and I have totally revamped my plan. And as for rubbing it in, have you considered that I would also be able to do a victory dance if I win? Go big or go home. You can only stand to win big if you stand to lose big. I could go bet it all on red, but I feel that this is a smarter plan.