when i am grown up, i have kids and wife now, i need to work very hard, to get a lot of money in the job. if i got a paycut, or i got fired, i am very scared to go home, i can't sleep well, my head is sweating, the memory of getting zero mark in a test keep haunting me like the nightmare, i need to go out and make a lot of money!!
tell me anything i need to do to make a lot of money. doesn't matter what, i would do anything to get all the money, even if it mean unlawful and unethical!
Money is only objects and paper that still has an exchange value and there is a time of circulation. The real thing that is stressful is when we are enslaved by money where income is less than expenses. In fact, money will always be lacking as long as we don't have a sense of gratitude, where happiness is not always worth money. how many assets do we have in our bodies, would we exchange one eye for one billion, try to count, so basically money is not a measure of happiness, even though in a materialistic world we always need money, but if we can use the gift of reason, money will come.
If it's hard to make money, don't make money. because when you have a hard time making money it means you have lost the competition with people who are also looking for money but they are given 'better' opportunities than you. Don't look for money but seek sustenance from God, because God's sustenance has no limit. What you need to do now, don't feel pressured by your wife, and don't force yourself because that will frustrate and stress you out. Keep trying and stay confident, I'm sure your wife will understand your situation and she will even support and encourage you to keep trying so you don't give up easily.