your wife will be suffering and will probably get another husband and your son will be taken care of by another man and because of your bad behavior of stealing money your son will also be stealing money and will be arrested or murdered, so this is what you want for the future? in this world it is better to earn little money but earn it honestly than to earn millions dishonestly, the money that comes dishonestly it always harms, so stay on the right path, do not steal, do not lie and value your family and not to money. don't keep doing things wrong
The things we do today are likely going to be repeated by those we give birth to or we foster. It is not proper to allow the children to learn negative vices because children learn fast and seeing or observing what the adult life is, they can start living such life ignorantly thinking is right. Focus on the jobs you do and gradually you will get there and not to start stealing or involve in illegal business because if you are caught, you will be punished and the extent of the punishment is what you don't know now