I know this is a science forum and not a forum for conspiracy theorists but I have always been intrigued by the idea of a world where everyone has access to 'free' energy. What impact would it have on the world? Would it solve 99 per cent of all problems?
There will never be "free" energy. You'll always pay a fee to the power company to maintain the plants and transmissions lines, regardless of what the power itself costs to create.
I think the term you might be looking for is "unlimited" energy?
Now and again I can agree with Vod.
Consider that if you were wealthy enough that all your needs in life were taken care of, and all you had to do is digest your food, you would still have to expend energy to do that. It wouldn't quite be free energy, although it might be very close.
It is similar with ALL energy. Electrical energy that we have harnessed for use in everyday electrical and electronic equipment is freely available. It may not be entirely free to generate, because you still have to expend muscle energy to build the generators, etc., but it is available in such quantities that, once the equipment to harness it was built, it might seem free.
The thing that we are attempting to do is to harness a tad of the tremendous quantities of energy in the universe in ways that are not controlled by the big power corporations, or the governments. In other words, it isn't free energy that we are looking for, as much as freedom for the people.