Not so fake.
Kano hates Avalon and for person reasons and was bought by BFL for the low price of 1 free Jalapeno.
He won't shill the BFL Monarch until they give him one. Rules are rules after all
Read that thread - though you clearly can't read.
I've been offered an Avalon I think 3 times back around March and each time rejected it.
I don't want one.
I do support the Avalon driver (it's full of code I wrote) but I don't want an Avalon.
As for what BFL gave me, so far 1 Jalapeno and 2 Singles ... though I paid for 1 Single.
Why? Coz that's the reason you can mine on a Jalapeno and a Single with cgminer.
I've also been given an Icarus, a ModMInerQuad, a BlackArrow Lancelot, an AsicMiner USB, an RPi, a BitBurner XX and a Cairnsmore1
So what. They are necessary to support the hardware in cgminer.
The reason I am given them is coz of what I contribute to the companies/people who make them.
I write drivers for them that anyone in the Bitcoin community can use for free if they want.
I also support them for ... years ... to come.
Most people don't donate anything to me. Some do and I am always grateful when they do, but most don't.
Oh well - that's how it is. The hardware resolves that for me.
What do you supply to the bticoin community except a whiny little voice bitching about BFL in threads all over the forum.
Only 4 of your last 60 posts didn't involve whining about BFL.
Only one was possibly worth not deleting.
And yes I have on a few occasions made comment about BFLs chips being the best.
Until recently there was no comparison at all.
Now there are chips on the horizon, but none in available devices yet.
The Avalon chips are crap in comparison, it takes 240 of them to make an Avalon - each chip is slower than an FPGA.
Their advantage is purely that they use less power and nothing more.
Even the Avalon design is the worst of all the devices we support with cgminer.
Of course people do the usual of ignoring what proves them wrong.
My post after I visited BFL before they gave me anything included:
"Most of the above is simply BFL’s inexperience showing through yet again. "
Yeah right I shill for BFL as much as you are useful to this community. Zero.
You know, you fit the BFL personality profile pretty well. You should see if they've got any openings.