Does anyone know what happened to network hashrate of DASH right after A4 and current X11 miners were released? Based on the change, can we expect how much of dumpage A5 or D3 will take in terms of profitability?
A4 mines Litecoin rather than Dash... which is an incredibly misleading naming scheme.
How so?
Innosilicon has been quite consistent in their naming scheme - except they never got around to actually releasing the A3 at all (I've seen commentary that the A3 wasn't going to be efficient enough to compete by the time it would have been released as WHY Innosilicon never pushed it into production).
They seem to be pointing at the "turbo mode" 38 GH/S as justification for the $10k pricing - though their specs make the A5 very little more efficient than the D3 at that point.
This is similar to how they positioned the A2, and not entirely unreasonable as I suspect most A2 units have spent most or all of their time in "turbo mode" (though the ORIGINAL PS in the A2 did NOT support full turbo on the "110 Mh/s" units, some later units seems to have upgraded the PS to one that could do so).
If I remember the timing right, the original model IBelink showed up around Febuary 2016, the Pinidea models in March 2016, and the original Baikal in May 2016.
I could easily be a month off on those dates though, but all 3 were DEFINITELY available by June 2016 (or had already sold out).
I don't think Innosilicon is including free delivery, but they are including a free power supply for early orders (probably left over stock of the SAME power supply they put in late A2 110Mh/s units, which have proven to be fair reliability).
I doubt the shipping cost is going to be significant to folks buying these though.
I hope everyone who considers the A5 at 38 ghs overclock mode understands overclocking the A5 is listed as reason to void warranty ! Like with the A4 you can overclock ,but it voids warranty and I was told by one of their techs overclocking A4 will always cause damage to chip which is why it voids warranty. So 10 k is for 30.00 ghs overclock should not be a factor unless you really want to gamble and void you warranty. Read below they say excessive overclocking so who judges what is considered excessive ?
The warranty expires in the following cases:
Miner is demolished, privately altered or component replacement by customers;
Lightning, voltage surges, poor quality power supply causing damage;
Circuit boards and components damaged by water, exposed to moisture or corroded;
The circuit board or the chip is completely burned;
Excessive Over-clocking in a overheating environment.
If above case happens, services of your miner maintenance will be charged. For the specific procedures, please refer to the after-sales process.