When I put the numbers into the calculator here:
the calculator says it should make $15.4k a month. Which makes the investment return in less than a month. It indeed sounds too good to be true. What am I missing? I'm seriously considering buying this stuff but I'm not an experienced miner yet.
The current calculations only take into account the current hashrate. These new miners coming out in Aug-Oct are magnitudes more effective than current state-of-the-art miners. Therefore, the hash will jump 10-20 times by October, and you should divide that $15k by 15 to get the accurate return by October. So instead of $15k per month you would get $1k. Or more. Or less depending on actual numbers.
It also depends on how many miners there are and how much of the overall hashrate is comprised of high power ASICs. If only 10% of the total hashrate (currently 15TH I think) comes from these ASICs, the differential in difficulty will not be a direct correlation to their individual hashing power, but as a percentage increase of total power on the network. 1.5TH would be about 500 A5 Dashmasters, if the batch is that size, so that's 10% of the network. Add another 750gh from an approximately comparable size Antminer D3 batch size since it's 1/2 as powerful. So that's 2.25TH of the total new network hash power total of 17.25TH on the network after the first batches of these new models goes online (unless the batches are MUCH larger, which seems unlikely). So what we're really looking at difficulty wise is a 14% increase in network hashrate give or take a couple percent, so I would expect a differential increase comparable to the increase in total net hash, rather than one directly correlated in a 1:1 ratio based on how much more powerful these particular devices are.
There are also other factors to consider, such as miners leaving the network because the difficulty goes up too high for their profit margins to hold (vis a vis Ethereum), and that will reduce the overall network capacity, slowing the rate of difficulty increase for a while at least.
Brilliant analysis.