I know many many people are claiming degrees are useless: statistically they are not. Nearly in all countries when you have higher educational degree its more likely you land a better job. Yeah obviously all jobs pay very bad nowadays but its more of issue within economy where laborers are getting much less share of gross domestic product... I think if you have time and resources to get a degree - well, do it. It can also help you meet with people with better connection in campus you know.
I agree with you that if we have the capital or facilities to continue our education to a higher level then entering and continuing our education is also a pretty good thing. As long as we have enough finances to support the costs of academic education. As you said, sometimes we can build connections with many great people on campus. Like Mark Zuckerberg, who actually has acquaintances or friends he knew from where he studied who supported him in funding the development of Facebook (Sorry if I'm wrong but I think I've read his story about that). That is the importance of relationships or connections in building a business. And it can be built while we study at university.
I see some people making gest of education but they don't understand the difference between been educated and going to school. It's obvious everyone pass through school where education is taught but not everyone lives with education, even if you don't have job after passing through school doesn't mean that school is a total waste, there are moral lessons that you learn school that can never be taken away from you, there are valuable lesson as basic education you get in school that you never get from home, you learn some through your teacher, through your friends and through group discussion, that is what you don't get when you stay at home.
Elon Musk is worship for been successful, Zuckerberg is been respected for their contributions on revolutionizing the internet but check very well, half of what they are showing us are actually done by the educated guys who came out best in their class, it's their problem effort we see that these things that are shown to us are successful but the credit goes to the main character who pay them because they have what the good guys need which obviously is the money. Elon Musk didn't build Tesla alone, 90% of the work is a collective effort, Zuckerberg didn't bring Facebook to this frame, developers contribute that idea and that is because of good education. We need to get that straight and make society understand that education is still the best way for income.