thousands of smart phones on the ground and even people watching from the skies.
Oh yes, now the world know the truth! But no one intervenes ..... .
Nobody cares about 200,000 (compare that to 700 in Gaza) Dead in Syria,what makes you think they will care about Gaza? i guess people get pissed only when Jews kill Muslims and not when Muslims kill Muslims.
I find this intellectually dishonest and doesn't put things into perspective, in 2011 when the conflict started in Syria, they were demonstrations everyday and everywhere in the arab world and in elsewhere supporting the Free Syrian people, there wasn't a day that passed without the media covering the destruction and the death casualties, and there was international support for the syrian cause. The reason why you don't hear much about syria is simply because the western media to free fighters in Syria has proven to be a mistake as extremism has ruled there, and that Bashar Al Assad is winning and that Russia/China support to Assad. afraid to recon the mistake of arming and training extremism (ie ISIS and co) most media went totally silence and talking about is more or less a taboo.