Science is not a religion. In classical belief systems, you accept without question. But science is based on experimentation and observation. Scientists are questioning. Scientific theories develop over time. But belief systems are not changed.
Science != Religion
I agree with you on part of science. Science is facts and hard evidance, so in sciend there is eithar truth or false answer. But religion is not blind belief, for some people that is. There are those who choose to be blind. But there is also questioning in religion, there is diferent understanding of same sentence. Religion is not something that you need to believe blindly, well that is what I think.
Sounds like belief in science theory. Science theory is something that is not known to be factual. Yet there is usually some fact behind it or within it somewhere. When someone believes that the theory is fact, in the face of not knowing it to be fact, and especially if he is adamant in expressing his "faith," he has a religion going for himself.
Ok I think I understand where you get the idea that science is religion.
Most scientists reject religions. That is the only characteristic that is similar to a religion. As most religions do not accept other religions.
There is no belief in the theories as you say. The position is that based on the physical evidence, scientists theorize how the world might work. Those theories can be right or wrong. There are many theories that were wrong in the past and I am sure some of the present theories will be proven wrong.
If you want to call science a religion, I have no problem with that just make sure to call it religion of reason or rational religion. And call all other religions religions of delusion or delusional religions.
A big difference.
Either way I am not sure why would someone want to call science a religion. The scientific world view is not based on fiction. Religious one is.
Many scientists might SAY that they reject religion, but all you need to do is go through this NASA website to see that they don't - The simple thing that you can look for is all the links where they talk about big bang like it is fact. Since they don't know it is fact, they are making/have made a religion of believing in it.
Look at how long people have talked about the theory of relativity as though it were fact.
We still don't know that it is fact, but people have talked for decades as though it is. This includes multitudes of scientists.
Science is a religion in the sense that many people are treating it that way.
Pure science is made up of facts. The FACT about science theories is that they are not known to be factual. But when we treat them as though they are factual, and when we live like they are factual, we have made a big religion out of science.
Because of all this, the scientific world view is based on fiction. It is a religious world view.
You simply lack a basic understanding of the scientific theories you refer to. The scientific theories are validated by DIRECT observations or have mathematical proofs. Sometimes technology to validate theories
is behind the theoretical derivations.
The scientific theories are not based on fiction. I think YOU think they are fiction. The rest of the world thinks otherwise.
Who is delusional?
I'm telling you, you have been brainwashed. One day you'll understand.
Remember this post. Remember I told you so.
The scientific theories are not based on fiction..
Theory once proved so becomes fact..Then no longer a theory it's fact..
A theory probable truth but not so..Proved to be so no longer a theory but fact
God was once a Theory many scientist have tried to prove the fact of god..
Then you got to ask the bible god?..Or a god i am making up?..
So after 5000 years or more we come to a conclusion that the theory of god is there is no god..
Now if you are saying something must of made all this WHO OR WHAT IS YOUR GODS NOW
Another theory..FUZZY BALL OF LIGHT..Pray to it mad bitches..
YES YOU ARE need someone to bow to
Many science theories are based on supposition. When a theory is proven to be a fact, it is a theory no longer.
Wait until you win the lottery before you go out and spend the money. Don't just theorize that you will win.
God was never a scientific theory. Rather, scientists didn't want God to exist, so they downplayed the fact of His existence, and tried to prove that He doesn't exist with science theories. They keep on doing this, but fail to acknowledge the science laws that show that God DOES exist:
Actually, I am surprised that you don't fall down and worship yourself. After all, you are trying to set yourself up higher than God... God Who science proves exists.
God was never a scientific theory..
As headlines go, it's certainly an eye-catching one. "Scientists Prove Existence of God," German daily Die Welt wrote last week.
But unsurprisingly, there is a rather significant caveat to that claim. In fact, what the researchers in question say they have actually proven is a theorem put forward by renowned Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel -- and the real news isn't about a Supreme Being, but rather what can now be achieved in scientific fields using superior technology.
When Gödel died in 1978, he left behind a tantalizing theory based on principles of modal logic -- that a higher being must exist. The details of the mathematics involved in Gödel's ontological proof are complicated, but in essence the Austrian was arguing that, by definition, God is that for which no greater can be conceived. And while God exists in the understanding of the concept, we could conceive of him as greater if he existed in reality. Therefore, he must exist.
Renowned scientist, Michio Kaku, has released a video in which he claims to offer scientific proof for the existence of God.
Michio Kaku: Is God a Mathematician? - YouTube
Video for Michio Kaku video of god▶ 5:34 Jan 2013 - Uploaded by Big Think
Michio Kaku says that God could be a mathematician: "The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the .