Where do you people get such ideas?
Science is about finding the truth via evidence & experimentation, and correctly predicting future results (like cosmic background radiation)
Religion is about telling stories which are bullshit, have zero scientific merit, and are not capable of predicting anything
You're not looking at it from a fundamental perspective.
Both religion and science are systems of belief/faith. You believe in science, you believe in God.
Getting on a plane and while not fully understanding how it all works, requires what would qualify as 'faith'. Taking a pill when ill, requires faith in science because you have no idea how the chemicals work.
Both science and religion are systems of reason. Religion is not random, it follows a logic.
Both science and religion rely on assumptions.
No experiment/test in science can ever be truly conclusive. You can perform a test a million times and get the exact same result every time but there is absolutely no guarantee that on the million and one attempt, you'll get the expected result. Since there is no way to test something infinitely, science assumes a particular result to be true after a finite number of tests. That is why nothing in science is set in stone, theories that were once thought to be complete can still be improved upon as more tests are performed and new findings are uncovered.
Religion is a system that demands that you as a reasonble person give up/surrender your reasoning ability. This logic that religion follows is full blown shit.
That's why believing science theory to be fact, when one knows that it is not known to be fact, is giving up your reasoning ability for faith. There is religion in believing science theories to be factual without knowing it.
Scientific theories are questioned, validated in the lab. When there is no experiment to disprove them, them become a scientific fact. Evolution is a very good example.
Evolution is a good example of what? Being disproved - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1454732.0? Evolution in the lab being proven, is only an example of how the definition of "evolution" has been changed over the years, because it was found that the old definition was easily proven false. So, even the definition of evolution is evolving. Wullah! Proof for evolution.
Your explanation of how science theories work is only partially correct, just like the theories themselves. Beginning to think that you are just a theory.
i think evolution is changing from time to time, it could be for the better one or for the bad one. science theories is just a theory meaning not yet proven and in the progress of research. where theories are just an intellectual guess, they are just basing on what they are seeing.