The code isn't supported (I've had to fix bugs in it) and it DOESN'T handle AB blocks properly.
You don't have to believe me, read what he said here:
... and my follow up about some bugs in the code you are using:
He's never put an AB block test through the passthru code, otherwise he'd see it doesn't work.
That's how I found the bug, back when I was testing it properly, BEFORE I implemented AB on KanoPool.
You posted a lot in that thread also. Any special reason why you ignored my post and are getting people to mine through that buggy code you are running?
Thank you for dipping my nose on it.
I was not aware of that, 2018 I was not looking after the passthrough function of ckpool.
I use the latest version from cks repository and we talked about using it on irc, I had no trouble with it
so far, and I did not get a negative response from eigther ck or the user.
To not putting someone on risk, I will now remove the passthrough and test with my S9 and a local testnet.
As soon as I know what the results are, I let you know.
So again thanks for your warning.
My test run a couple of hours now, and it found the first block using the latest source of ckpool from bitbucket.
The miner (S9 with AB) is connected over a second instance of ckpool in passthrough mode.
I will let that run for a few days, and if that runs flowlessly I would consider that safe to go back online.
I keep you informed.