I hate to agree, but it would be cool to have my bitcoins back so i can do stuff with them.
I was doing some research and other group buys who have failed have returned the bitcoins fairly quickly.
EDIT: removed time waiting
It kinda sucks to be the person on the thread that people hate to agree with. I know I've been very vocal, and that has clearly annoyed folks.
I pressed for more information regarding firmware updates and hosting even after I had already requested a full refund. I also spoke out vocally in regards to the firmware in an attempt to save group buy members from waiting on boot loader code that would never be finished.
I did so because I misguidedly thought it would help others in the group buy. It was stupid to make posts asking for information I didn't personally need. What the fuck to I care anyway if people waited a couple weeks for miners they could have gotten sooner? Why should I give a shit about hosted miners when I don't have any?
I realize now nobody cared about that crap and I helped nobody. I basically just wasted my time and made a pest out of myself. I should have just kept my mouth shut, and ask ONLY about MY funds.
I'm not owed very much money for assembly but I still want my fucking money.
Hey Steamboat - Can you just please refund me so I can get the fuck outta here?! I sick of this crap.