It's in signature campaign managers' interest to find high quality posters. Logically, if they are promoting casinos, they want people who frequently post in gambling boards and that's the reason why they set 10 post min in gambling section limit. But the problem is that there are so many gambling-related signature campaigns that they physically can't find quality posters who are also interested in gambling but they still leave the rule in force and close an eye on low quality poster if they follow rules. But, instead, they should make more individual rules. If I usually post in Economics but post 3-4 high quality posts a week in gambling section, then I will be a better candidate than the one who doesn't give a shit and posts in that section just to get payment. It's quality over quantity. I think everyone would prefer one $10 banknote over ten times 0.20 cents.
So, the only deal in this situation, that will benefit forum and promoter company is to become more individual and don't set standards that your participants won't be able to meet. Become more narrow into choosing posters. Choose the one who posts for example 30 quality posts in economy section and is active there, choose the second one who is best in trading section, choose the third one who is best in gambling. I genuinely believe this will be better.
It's all about targeting your audience, those who are likely to use your site, then the board appropriate for your project, and finally the frequent poster on that board, not those who are just posting to farm activity, but recently number of merit in the last 120 days has been used to rate quality posters by most managers, and that's how most spammers found their way to sig campaign and started spamming everywhere.
Unless you are running a shitcoin project, you have no business with frequent posters in the trading section if you run a casino site.
All 1xbit participants are on my ignore list, its a waste of time, i don't read from them