If anybody sees any errors or omissions they can provide info about, please let me know and I will update this post.
Currently Recognized on Wall of Fame
TrollbyFire - Dev - in absentia and incommunicado
LitecoinDark - Dev and Chairman - RESIGNING Chairman (this is confirmed pending finalized handover to successor (vicvelcro appointed successor))
Xircom - Dev -
TonyHill - Forum - disposition and status currently unknown
Ghost55 - Reddit - current
voodoo1967 - Reddit - current
aleckloss - Reddit - current
Mothermole1 - nothing specified
FireRabbit - nothing specified
Not on Wall of Fame
vicvelcro - Appointed Dev Chairman (currently in process of being finalized), Reddit, ChangeOver co-ordinator - current
Litecoindark has and currently will retain ultimate control of git, blockchain, website but will make them available to the team for the continuance of LTCD
Current Nominations
(in this order)
(nominee - position(s) - nominated by who)
aleckloss - PR Manager / Web Dev - Bitcoin Operated Boy
aleckloss - Website and Forum Admin - Ghost55
aleckloss - Wallet Signer - vicvelcro
vicvelcro - Wallet Holder - Ghost55 and Bitcoin Operated Boy
vicvelcro - Wallet Signer - aleckloss
Ghost55 - Thread Moderator - Bitcoin Operated Boy
Bitcoin Operated Boy - Wallet Signer - vicvelcro
Nominations to be NULL and VOID
Bitcoin Operated Boy - PR / Committee - because he respectully declines due to personal time constraints