Made to feel kind of responsible by people here on the forum constantly asking for more info, and Sam wanting me to handle communication, due to the fact Sam, Andreas and Marcus are overloaded with work and a geoups of IC whizzkids with Aspergers should never be put in the public spotlight. Refusing to do so on my part on an employed basis until they have a proven working product.
Firstly, they have proved a working product, so either you work for them or not, based on what you keep reiterating.
1. Tell them you will NOT handle communication
2. Handle communications.
It's that simple.
Stop all this in-between bullshit. All this "It's not my responsibility, but here is the latest speculation" and the woeful "Poor me, poor me, everyone is treating me so harsh. Poor me, poor me..." posts.
It's far too easy for you to spout bs and then KNC can say "Oh but he's not our employee, nothing he said is official KNC statement".
It's all your own fault you are feeling pressure. Do either 1 or 2 to resolve it.
If 1, another thing you need to tell KNC is they need a person on this forum to handle communications and updates.
Frankly, as KNC are paying for your hotel and expenses, I think you owe it to them to take full responsibily for communications.
That way, if you decide not to work for them, at least you have provided a service and shouldn't feel bad about they money they are throwing at you in expenses. Otherwise you wil feel indebted to them. Not good.
See? Look at all this help I'm offering.
But the simple solution is - if it's too hot for you in here, get out of the kitchen.
Go back to the UK, move back in with your parents, go back to flipping burgers or whatever it is you do. I mean, it can't be serious, if you can take 2 weeks off on a whim can it?
Shit or get off the pot. Take the heat or retire. And stop whinging about how hard it is on you. That how jobs are.