This is a SCAM exchange, doesen't matter the money i lost it was a small test amount to see how iit goes, but this guys fake everything, from withdrawals to order book, please EXMO explain to me how the only trades that are done look like this ?
22.02 22:18 sell 3650.330927 0.01 36.5033092
22.02 22:18 sell 3650.32892696 0.01 36.5032892
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.3259269 0.01 36.5032592
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.32292685 0.01 36.5032292
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.3209268 0.01 36.5032092
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.31692673 0.01 36.5031692
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.31492668 0.01 36.5031492
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.31192663 0.01 36.5031192
22.02 22:16 sell 3650.30992658 0.01 36.5030992
And that list went on and on.This exchange is populated only by bots and people new to the industry that don't know how to dig deeper .Not to mention when i reached them to the telegram group and stated my problems and opinion, guess what, i got banned.I honestly think that moderators should consider banning their bitcointalk account and do something about these people.
Hi There, you could be banned on telegram chat only by those reasons:
🔺 It is allowed to start any topics about the EXMO exchange.
🔺 If you have any questions concerning operation of EXMO, please, , contact or create a ticket on the website. Customer care is available in 24/7 mode, your question will be solved in order of priority.
🔺User can be banned in case of posting advertisements, spam or flood.
🔺 Please, do not offend each other and try not get personal.🔺 All the off-topic messages will be deleted. Chat is moderated by the EXMO representatives to give you feedback and explanations, but not for customer care.
22.02 22:18 sell 3650.330927 0.01 36.5033092
22.02 22:18 sell 3650.32892696 0.01 36.5032892
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.3259269 0.01 36.5032592
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.32292685 0.01 36.5032292
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.3209268 0.01 36.5032092
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.31692673 0.01 36.5031692
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.31492668 0.01 36.5031492
22.02 22:17 sell 3650.31192663 0.01 36.5031192
22.02 22:16 sell 3650.30992658 0.01 36.5030992
What is fake here? What have you lost? Have you contacted customer support?
Thank you.