The difference here is that I have quotes of you saying you will use violence against me.
You claim the right to use violence if I speak my mind. So I have to choose between my freedom of speech and your freedom to use violence to silence dissent.
Not to silence dissent. To remove from my presence someone who has threatened me. With violence by proxy, to be sure, but you've since revealed that without someone having a monopoly on the use of force to enforce people's rights, you would consider murder "legal," so my response with violence to remove you from my presence has only become more justified. You are a dangerous sociopath, and merely associating with you in a stateless society would put me at danger of violent death at your hands.
You want to remove the state's monopoly on violence so that you can personally use violence. And the reason you want to use violence against me is that I believe in democracy and you regard all democrats as sociopaths.
You make threats saying that my support for democracy entitles you to use violence against me. You are against democracy because you personally want to be in a position to use violence.
It's might makes right, plain and simple.