My rate of receiving merits has fallen straight off a cliff, lol..
I have not been generally following your activity, so this is more or less idle speculation; but knowing your personality, I guess that perhaps, it could be something like this, maybe?
I have had the opportunity to elaborate more about my opinions on controversial subjects. (I did touch on such topics before, but perhaps nobody noticed.) I would be far from the only one to have remarked that this can induce some people to be biased against meriting posts that they would otherwise deem meritorious. As an advocate of free speech and freethinking, I have refused to stay strictly within the narrow confines of what can nowadays be called “popular”, or even “socially acceptable”. The merit system does not affect my decision-making process as such; but it provides insight into the behaviour of others, both for better and for worse.
N.b. that I do not necessarily refer to what are usually deemed “politically incorrect” opinions. For example, in the Wall Observer, some
users were recently infuriated after I essentially restated (
4) the
condemnation of drug abuse that I made when I was at Newbie rank. (
Sharply and
N.b. that
nutildah’s rehash of Timothy Leary’s (and/or MKULTRA’s) nonsense received 12 merits, including 4 from
a known merit source who rarely ever merits anything in WO; whereas my only drug-related post
that received even a single merit was more of a fact check and a matter of basic decency, less about the drug issue in itself.
—Oh, does it sound like me, eddie?
—combined with the exclusion of known drug users from all health insurance, welfare, and assistance with food and housing. Drug abuse would quickly prove itself to be a strictly self-limiting problem.
Druggies, don’t whine. I am supporting your freedom to kill yourselves!
Don’t get me wrong. Self-harm and suicide are absolute rights, abrogated only by the worst of slave states. The solution to drug abuse is to give users more drugs; it is cleansing, and even eugenic.
Allow me to vizualize this:
Got one for me?
Their hasn’t been a lot of very interesting things to post about lately, but dang..
You seem to receive Merit in bursts once in a while, probably related to your posting indeed.
How’s this for a mini-burst? I do think that it is meritorious to say honestly the things that many others may fear to whisper—and especially to express rational viewpoints that are altogether unpopular.
(Although I seem to be more to the extreme than eddie; perhaps I have been exercising a bit too much free speech lately...) Decency toward someone who occasionally merit-bombed anti-liberal posts is also meritorious. ;-)
- October 27, 2020, 09:58:52 PM: 1 to eddie13 for Re: [BET] Trump or not Trump 2020, eddie13 vs suchmoon
- October 26, 2020, 05:23:55 AM: 1 to eddie13 for Re: [BET] Trump or not Trump 2020, eddie13 vs suchmoon
- October 21, 2020, 10:08:44 PM: 1 to eddie13 for Re: Self-pitying whiner says “waaaaaaaaah!” as a cheap excuse for SCAMS
- October 19, 2020, 02:42:47 PM: 1 to eddie13 for Re: Goodbye, world!