Claymore 11.8, pool: In the global option of you smos dashboard you can activate for all rigs the OhGod a pill option. Here is my line for smos: -epool -ewal your_ethaddres.$rigName -epsw x -esm 1 -tstop -80
What kind of settings are recommanded for 1080 and 1080ti core Mhz and memory Mhz ?
Depends of your model of graphic card.... I have Gigabyte Aorus and I use +110 Mhz clock and +950/1000 Mhz Memory, Power Limit 180 W
I get around 52 Mh/s with these settings.
Thanks, my 1080ti - 52.4 Mh/s, but the 1080 Gigabyte just 24 Mh/s and 1070 31 Mh/s. What can I do with 1080 ? or it is a normal hashrate for it ?
I don't have 1080, only 1080ti so I can't advise you about the 1080...