They all have the recommended updated config.
Hijacking of SMOS rigs is happening again.
Here's what happened to me yesterday at night: SMOS suddenly started to mine XMR. The web monitoring page showed an error, but the rig was forking full speed. I could see it was mining XMR by opening console window or by checking the monitor which is attached to the rig.
There was no change under Rig Groups configuration: the rig mined monero although my SMOS config for mining ethereum was active. Therefore I suspect the attacker didn't use frontend (like by compromising my credentials) to gain access.
The same problem occured to me last week or so when we all got the notification from the dev that we should asap add
I checked my router and am not forwarding any ports to outside world.
Any idea what else I could do to protect the rig from being hijacked?
Thank you and all the best to all of you honest miners!
I have same problem in one rig help me!
use negative port number