Updated bminer install directions in SMOS courtesy Greerso from the VoskCoin group.
1. Log into your smOS install via ssh.
ssh miner@
2. Login as root.
miner@simpleminer:~$ sudo -s
3. Change to the smOS miners directory.
root@simpleminer:~# cd /root/miner_org
4. Download bminer.
root@simpleminer:/root/miner_org# wget https://www.bminercontent.com/releases/bminer-v5.3.0-e337b9a-amd64.tar.xz
5. Expand the compressed directory, then delete the downloaded file.
root@simpleminer:/root/miner_org# tar -xvf bminer-v5.3.0-e337b9a-amd64.tar.xz
root@simpleminer:/root/miner_org# rm bminer-v5.3.0-e337b9a-amd64.tar.xz
6. Choose one of the existing miners that you would like to replace with bminer, I chose 'sgminer-gm-5.5.5', then rename that folder so that smOS ignores it.
root@simpleminer:/root/miner_org# mv sgminer-gm-5.5.5 sgminer-gm-5.5.5_backup
7. Create a symlink from the bminer directory to the sgminer directory and enter that directory.
The line below has been updated to reflect a change in the tarball as distributed by bminer. If it does not work, please look at the folder that you downloaded and make a link to that, exactly as it appears for you, these directory names contain version information that will change. If you can not list a directory in linux and find a directory, google it (hint: 'ls'), if you still can't figure it out, you have no business installing another miner in smos. You should see a folder that you expanded from the tar file. Currently it is named bminer-v5.3.0-e337b9a (could be something else by the time you read this, so check what you download and expanded.root@simpleminer:/root/miner_org# ln -s bminer-v5.3.0-e337b9a sgminer-gm-5.5.5
root@simpleminer:/root/miner_org# cd sgminer-gm-5.5.5
8. Create a symlink from the bminer application to masquerade as sgminer.
root@simpleminer:/root/miner_org/sgminer-gm-5.5.5# ln -s bminer sgminer
9. Go to
http://simplemining.net and setup a new rig group for sgminer-gm-5.5.5 with the following miner options. This example is for MPH, but whatever your preferred pool is can go here. Change
to your username duh.
10. Assign the new sgminer (really bminer) to a rig.